Comments on: Willits Man Refuses Fees to Keep His Analog Meter– Pacific Gas and Electric Co. Threatens to Cut Power Today Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Thu, 17 Jan 2013 17:16:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: PG&E Buries Opt Out Fees in Bills; Adds Questionable Tax | Stop Smart Meters! Thu, 17 Jan 2013 17:16:02 +0000 […] law, PG&E cannot disconnect for partial payment of a bill- that’s why people like Tom DeMarchi still have their electricity on despite threats by […]

By: onthelevelblog Sun, 04 Nov 2012 22:01:24 +0000 In reply to Ed Varney.

Ed- Keep in mind that while most electricity is generated by coal, oil, and gas that does increase the total greenhouse gas content of our atmosphere, the wood that you burn in your stove or fireplace has absorbed carbon out of the atmosphere during the life of the tree. Not so great for urban air quality, and we certainly don’t want to clearcut forests for “renewable power” but wood and trees are a part of the carbon cycle, while digging up coal and burning it is introducing carbon into the air that has not been part of the cycle for millions of years. We’ve seen the kind of future our utilities are leaving us watching Hurricane Sandy.

By: How to Resist the Fees (and Keep the Power On) | Stop Smart Meters! Sun, 28 Oct 2012 15:35:53 +0000 […] notices” from PG&E.  Some people have caved and coughed up the fee, while others- like Tom DeMarchi of Willits- have dug their heels in, risking power cuts or whatever comes their […]

By: Ed Varney Sat, 27 Oct 2012 17:56:24 +0000 I think that tiered rates for electricity discriminate again those who heat with electricity. There is no way that such a home can consume within the first tier. The result is that I see a lot more people burning wood and adding all that carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Remember – The Law of Unintended Results.

By: Willits Man Refuses Fees to Keep His Analog Meter– Pacific Gas and Electric Co. Threatens to Cut Power Today | Barking Window™ Thu, 25 Oct 2012 11:25:42 +0000 […] Read More […]

By: Mark Mon, 22 Oct 2012 15:36:54 +0000 At Southern California Edison, we don’t have TVP, however they are calculating your bill daily, which will throw you into higher tiered rates on a day to day basis. See my full explanation at

By: Redi Kilowatt Thu, 18 Oct 2012 01:35:43 +0000 In reply to Ron.

Good point Ron,
But that may be the PUC code now, but maybe the code will will change in November of this year when the utility (PG&E) is allowed to do a mandatory experiment on customers who have allowed SmartMeters for a two year test of time-variant pricing. Right now, the program is voluntary.
This is just hearsay, but a PG&E employee (who has since been fired) told me that he attended a meeting with PG&E officials where they explained (boasted) how the new time- variant pricing will enable the utility to jack up their electric rates up to $1.00 per kilowatt/hour (or even more) on customers that get suckered into TVP.
There are two prime directives with the SmartMeter-radio SmartGrid project, the first one is to eliminate most of the meter readers ( and those that are left will have to work mandatory overtime) to read all the customers (like myself) that never opted into the SmartMeter program at all.
The second most importand directive is to further enhance profits by a time-variant pricing scheme.
I agree, the $75 one time fee is extortion, and hopefully that will be rescinded eventually, but if a customer does not want to see their rates jacked up during day, I recommend that paying the fee will instantly save most people money starting next month, and hopefully the good activists will prevail in the end and we will get our $75 opt out fee back.
Unfortunately, this a game, a corporate game, and I don’t play games, I am NOT a team player. RESIST !

By: Ron Wed, 17 Oct 2012 15:50:46 +0000 Another key question not being evaluated by the PUC is whether the fees violate Section 745 (d) (1) of the Public Utility Code, which reads:

“Residential customers have the option to not receive service pursuant to time-variant pricing and incur no additional charges as a result of the exercise of that option. Prohibited charges include, but are not limited to, administrative fees for switching away from time-variant pricing, . . .”
