Comments on: It’s Our Right to Know- Let’s Make It So! Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Tue, 17 Mar 2015 13:03:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: fred l. rumsey Tue, 17 Mar 2015 13:03:11 +0000 What are the RF values from a smart phone vs. the smart meter? Can meter be shielded from the RF radiation?Who is ABB in regard to smart meters?I live in Maine and cleaning the snow off of the meters,the piping has to be cleaned off so ice won`t develop.Won`t be much exposure to RF rads in the winter months!!

By: cz Wed, 02 Jan 2013 22:39:25 +0000 Just a little note, any time someone uses a cell phone or smart phone they are impacting everyone else with the radiation. This includes nearby people, neighbors and people living or working hear the towers their phones send signals to.
EHS people get sicker and everyone’s body is impacted, not just the cellphone user.
Look up the online book by Motorola researcher Robert C. Kane called Cellular Telephone: Russian Roulette. Second-hand EMR is real.

By: Paul H. Sat, 20 Oct 2012 19:33:46 +0000 In reply to Redi Kilowatt.

Lol, I’m a sick twisted troll. I expose a derogatory comment made by Redi and a guy that doesn’t believe there is harm in RF energy emitting from the smart grid, agitates the situation.

By: Redi Kilowatt Thu, 18 Oct 2012 01:09:53 +0000 I read that Dennis Kucnich also is proposing a national GMO labeling bill, Dennis is one of the best politicians that I have ever heard of.
I already voted yes on prop. 37, and already have been boycotting any suspected food products that might contain GMO’s.
Even Monsanto that has spent over $25 million to defeat Prop. 37, admits that prop. 37 doesn’t go far enough.
An example is their ad featuring an old doctor saying that the prop. 37 is arbitrary and illogical because it does not include meat and dairy products, factory farmed fish and does not include restaurants in the labeling requirements.
I totally agree, but prop. 37 is a stepping stone in the right direction, a direction that has already taken hold in at least 50 other countries.
I have read some scary things on Wikileaks about how certain officials of the EU made statements that , any countries opposing GMO should be caused some serious pain (financially).
These are very turbulent times as far as the globe goes. People are starting to wake up , stand up for our rights. Now , more than ever before, and I say “Bring it on”.
For the time being, I recommend boycotting of all foods that contain GMO’s, the only way to do that is to only buy organic foods.
As for RF radiation, if you have computers, disable the wireless function, if you have routers, also disable the wireless function (WiFi UHF). If you use mobile phones, which many of you activists actually do (myself included), learn how to protect yourself by holding the phone (UHF transceiver) at least 18 inches away from your body when using, and only use the speakerphone , NEVER EVER HOLD A UHF TRANSMITTER TO YOUR HEAD !. And don’t carry it in your front pocket either when turned on.
