Comments on: Utility Monster Out of Control: In Rampage, PG&E Vandalizes San Anselmo Landlord’s Analog Meter Defenses Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Wed, 07 Nov 2012 16:11:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Keels Wed, 07 Nov 2012 16:11:04 +0000 You should check out through the wall surveillance with wireless routers at The police are using these meters to violate your privacy. They call it “intelligent surveillance”. They can also use your electrical outlets to tase you. Check out the diablo flashlight or other wirelss tasers. Its what the CIA called in book Hard Measures and “enhanced interrogation technique”. I call it torture.

By: Vallejojoe Thu, 25 Oct 2012 21:58:05 +0000 I bet the persons that called the police had a cell phone stuck to the side of there head. and did not have a care in the world about the EMFs they were recieving from the cell phone, and then went and warmed up breakfast in there microwave

By: Burt K. Tue, 23 Oct 2012 18:39:14 +0000 I recommend building any structure as removable, lockable and with its own supports from the ground. Then it is your own free-standing thingamajig and not simply stuff hanging on their apparatus which they may well have a right to remove.

By: Redi Kilowatt Tue, 23 Oct 2012 16:19:00 +0000 Take a look at the top photo in this article, the 2 gas meters on the end already have SmartMeter modules fitted onto them, and in the other photo, it looks like most of the gas meters have the SmartMeter modules also. What a joke.
I wonder what this landlord did about the electric SmartMeters ?
I have a friend who lives in an apartment building, I told her to opt out of the SmartMeters. She did, and now she is the only one that did so far.
By the way, the gas SmartMeters are completely different than the electric meters, and transmit at a lower UHF frequency. A PG&E told me that the modules for the gas meters have a battery that is supposed to last at least 10 years, but the battery cannot be replaced, the module must be replaced instead. I imagine that the module is expected to fail before the battery.

By: Redi Kilowatt Tue, 23 Oct 2012 01:41:40 +0000 This thread was originally about how an uninformed landlord thought that by putting metal stock on gas meters would somehow stop the installation on SmartMeter modules on his building’s gas meters.
It was a waste of time , money, and resources and accomplished nothing.
That is the problem when people are uninformed , they waste things.
As for mobile phones and SmartMeters, of course they can cause cancers , just like so many other things that the corporate government allows, the list is long.
Anyone who holds a UHF transmitter to their head (like a mobile phone) is stupid and asking for trouble.
But, there are also many other corporate approved things that cause cancer like:
Breast and Colon cancer screening machines
Pharmaceutical drugs
GMO food
The use of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides
Many occupations, like painters, paving, concrete work, working on submarines and ships, oil refineries, power plants, electrical work, working in manufacturing plants making SmartMeters and other wireless junk , being a doctor or nurse, and just about every occupation.
Then there are the food additives like artificial colorants and flavors, preservatives, flavor enhancers artificial sweeteners and pink slime type meat food products.
There are cosmetics, cleaning products, deodorizers and perfumes.
All of these things can cause cancer, and it would be hard for anyone to deny it, some try, but it means nothing.
Lets face it, the cancer industry is a huge money maker, there is no way that we can easily change “the way it is”.
If we really eliminate all the industries that support the cancer industry, the economies and the world financial systems as we know it would collapse, we would have to re-think and re-do the world.
Hopefully, that will happen, but in the mean time, there are many things that people can do to avoid cancers, like only eating organic foods, moving to more rural areas, drive vehicles less (or as little as possible), opt out of having a SmartMeter (no matter the cost), not holding mobile phones to their head, don’t get any radiation medical cancer scans and reduce stress (that is the kicker).

By: Richard Mon, 22 Oct 2012 23:05:36 +0000 In reply to Paul H.

>> “… lead paint is in the same category as what the smart meter emits.”

And it’s in there for the same reason: lack of evidence.

Saying it’s in the same category as lead pain just scares people, because most people think: lead paint=neurotoxin and developmental disorders, a link which is well understood.

But any link to cancer is, as yet, unsubstantiated…Hence the Group 2B classification for lead and (just as well, and just as unsubstantiated) radio frequency radiation.

Keep us posted on any new studies 🙂

By: Ron Mon, 22 Oct 2012 21:11:27 +0000 In reply to Redi Kilowatt.

PG$E spokeswoman Brittany McKannay said “It is a safety concern . . .”

That was the same claim and excuse made by a PG$E representative speaking before the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors last December when being grilled to defend cutting the power from several women’s houses in the area after the women had replaced Smart Meters with their own analog meters. The women, some with children, were left in the dark and cold, but not to worry, the downgrade was safe.

Same hypocrisy this time. Instead of communication and cooperation, PG$E used “grinders and sawzalls to complete the job.” Grinders notoriously generate a lot of sparks–while working on a whole bank of gas meters?!!! Because there were no leaky gas lines or explosions this time, we can rest assured the operation was safe.

In San Bruno they are intimately familiar with PG$E safety. Just ask Jacqueline Greig who lived there and worked for the CPUC’s Division of Ratepayer Advocates as the head of the natural gas section of analysts. In a morbid twist of irony, the statutory mission of the DRA is to minimize costs to ratepayers consistent with good safety and consumer protection. Grieg spent her last summer analyzing PG$E’s request for a $4.2 billion rate increase.
In a very effective analysis, the DRA under Greig’s direction pointed to so many unsubstantiated cost allegations, including inexplicable doubling of estimates after previously adjusting for wage inflation, that the DRA countered with a $1 billion over three years counter-proposal. The budgeting difference gave PG$E approximately 3.2 billion reasons not to like Jacqueline Greig.
Jacqueline Greig and her 13-year-old daughter Janessa both died in the notorious San Bruno gas explosion.

“She lived right at the spot where it blew,” commission President Michael Peevey told the Los Angeles Times. “She and a younger daughter were in the house. Her husband and the older daughter were at the daughter’s school.”

“The irony is that she worked in the gas section” (of the DRA) Peevey said.

Indeed, what an irony.

By: Paul H Mon, 22 Oct 2012 20:16:37 +0000 In reply to Paul H.


By: Paul H Mon, 22 Oct 2012 19:21:06 +0000 In reply to Mr. Bubbles.

To simplify things even more, lead paint is in the same category as what the smart meter emits. To say their are no studies showing harm may not be an accurate statement. Here are 2,308 studies from the Naval Medical Research Institute backing my statement.

By: Mr. Bubbles Mon, 22 Oct 2012 19:05:13 +0000 In reply to Paul H..

“Class 2b” does not identify carcinogens. It identifies materials or environments for which a cancer risk is unknown. Not known to be safe, nor known to be dangerous. Why you people keep calling EMF a carcinogen, when no study has ever shown a general link, let alone specific links (different frequencies and power levels have different properties) above statistical background let alone known dangers such as sunshine or air travel is evidence of your desire to embrace rhetoric that unsubstantially supports your desire to see a risk.
