Comments on: Damn the Torpedos- Full Speed Ahead! Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sun, 11 Nov 2012 20:15:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Josh Sun, 11 Nov 2012 20:15:06 +0000 In reply to Joel Moskowitz.

Thanks for drawing attention to the public transit issue. I do my best to avoid riding the bus during peak hours for this very reason.

At off-peak hours, by contrast, I can usually find a seat far enough away from anyone with a wireless gadget that riding the bus is a viable option.

Of course, the elephant in the room here is proximity of wireless infrastructure (primarily commercial cell and wi-max antennas) to places where people spend large amounts of time such as residential areas, businesses, and schools. For someone who lives in an apartment building across the street from a low-mounted cluster of cell antennas, the involuntary microwave dose experienced while riding public transit will most likely represent a tiny fraction of their total involuntary exposure.

By: Redi Kilowatt Thu, 08 Nov 2012 19:12:23 +0000 I have been laughing at all these claims made by the utility about SmartMeters preventing power outages, saving customers money, reducing overall energy being used, saving them money for remote disconnects and rotating outages (load shedding) for years. I know that what they say is all marketing hype.
The only time I ever remember rotating outages being implemented here in PG&E territory is when Enron created an artificial shortage to make millions off of consumers.
The day when rotating outages returns we are in very serious trouble, and guess what ?, it will not be the SmartMeters that will be doing the cutting of the power, that will be done in the substations .
When big storms are expected, the utilities often cut the power in advance to prevent damage to their transformers and switchgear, especially in underground vaults.
The utilities will often say that the power is out, but sometimes it is out because they turned it off on purpose, but don’t bother to tell their customers that.
I find it hard to believe that any utility will be installing SmartMeters during the aftermath of Sandy, they need to focus on getting the power back first.

By: Joel Moskowitz Tue, 06 Nov 2012 04:23:28 +0000 Wireless smart meters are the “tip of the iceberg.” Another involuntary source of microwave radiation exposure is other people’s cell phones especially during public transit. Check out my most recent press release …

Secondhand Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation: An Emerging Public Health Problem?

Exposure to other people’s cell phone radiation on buses and trains can be considerable according to a newly published study.
