Comments on: PG&E: “Customers Must Pay for Benefit” (Their Health) Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Wed, 21 Nov 2012 01:48:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ronny Rat Wed, 21 Nov 2012 01:48:50 +0000 In reply to Paul H.

Ha,ha! Gee, thanks Paul. Yeah, just ‘rat’ at heart ha,ha.
Thanks for the ‘re-do’, however, & hope you have a righteous Thanksgiving.

By: Cynthia Wed, 21 Nov 2012 01:03:35 +0000 @Paul H—it’s interesting that this document disappeared.

I have recently found I’m unable to comment on several websites addressing public health issues like Fukushima and Smart Meters/emf. This is one of them–so this post is actually sort of a test.

Maybe someone could write to Magda Havas and let her know her document has been taken offline.

By: Paul H Tue, 20 Nov 2012 05:47:47 +0000 In reply to Ronny Rat.

I don’t know who “they” is but I do know the link became unavailable after I posted it on another page. When trying to view the PDF link an error message pops up. Maybe I am doing something wrong? Anyway, here is the link. Try getting the PDF.

It is full of titles with authors and scientist.
Titles like “Bird Feathers as Dielectric Receptors of RF Fields”
“Bird Feathers as Sensory Detectors of Microwave Fields”
“The Properties of Bird Feathers as Piezoelectric transducers and Microwave Receptors”
Maybe the reason why birds are falling to their death?

Thought you would like this one.
“Behavioral Studies of Rats in the Near Field of 918-MHZ Radiation”

By: California: PG&E “Customers Must Pay for Benefit” (Their Health) | Maryland Smart Meter Awareness Tue, 20 Nov 2012 05:03:07 +0000 […] Read the article here >> […]

By: Michael Justice Sat, 17 Nov 2012 22:55:11 +0000 Here is our anthem:


“There is no safe level of exposure and there is no dose of radiation so low that the risk of a malignancy is zero”

–Dr. Karl Z. Morgan, dubbed the father of Health Physics.1

THank you Josh and Sandi, and everyone working with such intelligence, heart, and courage in protecting the lives of millions of innocent babies, children, and their families.
Thousands of children will be dying in hospital wards from cancer if EVERY WIRELESS SMARTMETER AND THE SMARTMETER GRID ARE NOT BANNED AND REMOVED IMMEDIATELY.

By: Ronny Rat Sat, 17 Nov 2012 21:59:18 +0000 In reply to Josh.

Who’s ‘they’?

By: Paul H. Sat, 17 Nov 2012 21:06:22 +0000 In reply to Josh.

Someone needs to Photoshop this guy standing in front of a Nazi death camp holding a smart meter.

APS in Arizona has changed the name to ” Automated Meter” so that when you call in to complain about the smart meter they tell you that there are no smart meters in your neighborhood. Then they send a flier about facts and myths about the new meters. They mention that the World Health Organization has found no health affects from the past 30 years of research. You should have seen the look on the customer service lady when I handed her the document from the World Health Organization’s website stating that radiofrequency radiation fields are a class 2b carcinogen along with the list showing that they are in the same class as lead.

Josh, I was able to download the PDF from showing the titles to 3276 documents regarding the biological affects of microwave radiation before it was shut down. I can send it via flash drive by mail or download by email, just let me know.

By: Josh Sat, 17 Nov 2012 03:20:46 +0000 Perhaps PG&E should consider establishing a low-RF environment for their public relations employees. It would help them think more clearly about how to justify creating a high-RF environment for everyone else, and they could clearly use some help.
