Comments on: Stop Smart Meters! Sacramento Challenges SMUG SMUD Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Tue, 29 Sep 2015 07:13:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark Tue, 29 Sep 2015 07:13:59 +0000 In reply to Richard Leschen.


We are still on them. We could use some allies though. Want to join us and speak to the Board of Directors at an upcoming meeting? You will get 3 minutes. The meeting schedule is

For a video of a recent meeting and our victory for our right to speak to the Directors about an agenda item see the first 20 minutes of this video:

There are other ways to get involved and we are also looking for ideas. Best wishes,

By: Richard Leschen Sun, 27 Sep 2015 02:05:46 +0000 Dear Readers,
I refused a dopy so-called Electric Microwave Smart Meter with a registered Letter I sent to the Electric Power Company here in Victoria Australia stating to the C.E.O and his lawyer/s that for Health and Safety Reasons I refuse them permission to put such a poisonous Microwave Device on my privately owned home. I also sent them an Anti Trespass Notice and posted a copy of same on my front gate and next to my Electric Meter Box which I have now had padlocked for over four years. They the Electric Power Company only had 14 days in which to answer my letter in writing other wise they had to abide by the Canberra Anti Harassment Notice and accept all of the terms on this Lawful Notice and never to bother me for a Poisonous Microwave and far from Smart Meter which is wrecking more and more peoples’ health all the time.

Please see this powerful Notice below. You in America should see your Head of Government to get a similar Lawful Notice constructed to safe-guard your Health and Medical Welfare as well.



(Insert name and
Address of Power Distributor)

This notice is provided to _______________________________________________ and any persons, entities,
(Insert Power distributor name and ACN no off letter you received)
Employees, associates, corporations, sub-contractors and agents of the fore mentioned (herein referred to as Your Company).
Notice to agent is notice to principal.

Note: This notice is provided in addition and following a NOTICE OF PROHIBITION FOR
SMART METER INSTALLATION (date of your first letter) and NOTICE Your Company’s
INSTALLATION NOTICE (date of your letter received from Power Distributor after) served on Your Company.
Your Company is prohibited and forbidden from communication in any manner, with the intent to solicit for the installation of a “smart meter” or meter containing wireless communication function(s) at the following (service) address: (Insert your address). Such an act is herein referred to as a PROHIBITED ACT.
I have lawful and legal standing and claim of right to make such a demand.

Any PROHIBITED ACT will be considered an act of undue harassment or coercion with the supply or possible supply of goods or services as defined by the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CTH) Vol. 3, Ch. 4, PT> 4-1, Div. 5 Sec. 168; such an offence carries a penalty of $10,000,000 Ten Million Dollars. If Your Company is in any way directed by the Government (State of Victoria) and State of Victoria Corporation to perform such an offence, the Government and individual members are liable under tort may in addition be held vicariously liable.
Any PROHIBITED ACT remains prohibited unless I provide a NOTICE OF CESSATION OF PROHIBITION explicitly annulling this notice, or following a sale of property and change of property title holder for the property in question.
A copy of this notice will also be provided for their records to (via regular mail):
1. Customer Relations The Department of State Development Business and Innovation
2. Minister for Energy and Resources Mr Michael O’Brien Victorian Government in the State of Victoria.

If a response to this notice containing any dispute of facts or CLAIM OF RIGHT based on lawful claim of right is not received within fourteen days from Your Company, it shall be fact that you accept as fact this notice and facts contained within, and will honour this notice; such requiring no further action on your behalf.


_______________ __________________ _____________
(Your SIGNATURE) (Witness to your Signature) Print Witnesses name)

By: Richard Leschen Sun, 27 Sep 2015 01:45:47 +0000 In reply to czehfus.

Keep fighting these EVIL ones folks.

By: Chris Tue, 23 Jun 2015 13:26:21 +0000 Smud’s power meters probably gave my mother a very rare form of aggressive cancer that doctors couldn’t figure out. She just died, painfully, but she spent about 60% of the last decade or so about 7 ft away from that ‘smart’ meter.

It wouldn’t surprise me that Smud doesn’t have their customer’s health in mind. I needed a little help, and their attitude was ‘LOL too bad. Here’s the bill. Even though it was our fault that our power line was too low and got ripped out by a semi truck, and caught your house on fire and the elementary school next to it.’ Which has happened 3 times now, they fixed it no problem the last 2 times. The 3rd time, they’ve been idiots.

I’m probably going to take this case to ‘Call Curtis’ on TV and the BBB, and if they don’t fix it still… I’m going to sue Smud. I’ve been without power for 3 weeks after being a loyal regular paying customer for 25 years.

They’re trash.

By: Charlsey Cartwright Wed, 11 Dec 2013 23:19:47 +0000 Hello. After watching an interview with Josh Del Sol yesterday, I decided to have the electrical smart meters on my duplex where I live swapped out for analogue ones. It took 2 hours and multiple calls to line up the paperwork and authorization from my tenant to ensure that this could happen…for a big cost, of course. Then, I received a subsequent call from one of the managers I had talked to saying I was INELIGIBLE to take advantage of the opt-out program because the opt-out program is not available to multiple family dwellings. Period. According to the manager, the only avenue open to me is to go to a SMUD Board Meeting! Now I’m starting the process of gathering information to protect myself and either get rid of these smart meters or at least mitigate their effects on my health. Please advise me if you would.

By: Bulletin #33 : « Je prédis à Hydro-Québec une mobilisation citoyenne grandissante » « Comité de Citoyens Responsables de Bécancour Sun, 24 Nov 2013 16:59:14 +0000 […] … Allez dire ça à cette pauvre vieille dame exposée, tel qu’expliqué ICI, à des douzaines de compteurs dont les radiations combinées lui donnaient chaque nuit […]

By: Paul H Sun, 16 Jun 2013 06:55:31 +0000 In reply to Matthew Rhodes.

Ding ding ding ding ding…you are right! Good answer!

By: Matthew Rhodes Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:27:16 +0000 I’m feeling sick today. Must be SMUDs fault.

By: Eric Windheim Wed, 10 Apr 2013 00:21:16 +0000 In reply to pedro.

Pedro, that is a good first step but you still have the DE, Dirty Electricity from the SMPS, switch mode power supply in the Smart & Digital Meters to contend with that travels onto all of your wiring. Additionally these meters are illegal “Wiretap and Survaillence” devices that record when you are home and what you are doing in the home. The Smart Meters also have RFID chip readers in them that can read any RFID chips in range such as credit cards, passports and other private items you posses.

By: Eric Windheim Wed, 10 Apr 2013 00:15:57 +0000 In reply to czehfus.

Great question czehfus. I discovered that the PUC ordered PG&E to reveal the truth about the number of RF transmissions daily and since SMUD used the same Smart Meters and the Same system administrator. I persisted in asking them to tell the people of Sacramento the truth and change the false & deceptive information that SMUD published. After 3.5months SMUD changed their verbiage from “only once very four hours” to 13,361 per day on the average. SMUD did not, however, go back and disabuse each customer individually.

SMUD had Silver Spring Networks (smart meter system administrator) send them a report with the numbers.
