Comments on: When ‘Smart’ Meters Kill: The Story of Larry Nikkel — Details Emerge of Vacaville, CA Smart Meter Fire Death Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Tue, 26 Sep 2023 15:16:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: ‘Smart’ Meter Update: Late Lessons from Early Warnings, Still | John C. Carleton Tue, 26 Sep 2023 15:16:04 +0000 […] When ‘Smart’ Meters Kill: The Story of Larry Nikkel — Details Emerge of Vacaville,… […]

By: Richard Leschen Thu, 05 Feb 2015 22:27:41 +0000 I like your Web-Site.

By: Richard Leschen Thu, 05 Feb 2015 22:26:29 +0000 Now in 2015 here in Victoria Australia although the official government roll-out of these so-called but far from Smart Electric Microwave broadcasting and receiving machines has stopped, the five Electric Power companies here are still badgering people to accept these dopy and Incendiary Machines. This is in my view CRIMINAL. As we live in what is supposed to be a Democracy it is Unlawful to push and harass people to accept these now proving to be increasing numbers of INCENDIARY machines on the citizens of Victoria Australia or in any other State of Australia.
These dopy so-called Smart Meters do not save people any money at all they cost more money to run and that is a fact because they need extra electricity to run the Microwave radio equipment which broadcasts these machines readings to their Electricity Base Station.

By: Bill Fee Wed, 14 Jan 2015 21:21:09 +0000 It has taken time to develop the device and imm almost done!
The smart meter KILLER!!! Take 4 junk microwaves ,open them up . Remove the
magnetron (it has a donut round magnet with a coil rod . Place all four on the end of a stick 8+ft so as to project the wave directly on the sides of Mtr . This will kill the Mtr by overpowering the chips . A magnetron is 120v and can be run by a DC to 120v inverter . Oh yes ask the guy at the end of the block ,make a community project.
Go to IQ thinker but don’t take the pill . Stay smart. Get Em Dum Mtrs .

By: Alison H Thu, 18 Sep 2014 14:59:30 +0000 In reply to elena.

Smart meters are a great concern for many reasons: safety, health, privacy, and escalating costs. I warmly invite you to the world’s first FREE summit on EMF radiation:

By: Judy Kosovich Wed, 17 Sep 2014 13:22:42 +0000 I have declined a smart meter because my meter is indoors, in the basement in a cabinet, and some of my wiring is pretty old. Whatever the risk of fire and health consequences, my risks are above average. I am going solar with battery back up and going off the grid. My utility, Pepco, has declined accepting my excess power, even though I will have almost twice as much capacity as I need for average conditions. They would rather disconnect my power. I am in DC, which recently commissioned a study to assess the safety of smart meters. The study was a detailed comparison of smart meter emissions to cell phone standards — non sequiturs including voluntary exposure, not 24/7, and not a fire hazard. Further, these standards have been repeatedly questioned as to whether they are reasonable standards to establish safety. (US standards are among the most lax in the world.) The DC study did not examine fire safety, vulnerability to hacking, Americans with Disabilities Act, nor Constitutional issues. The “experts” that did the study were from a company in litigation in Naperville, IL for installing smart meters there. Clearly, there is no risk of bias. DC government has accepted this study as the whole truth and is moving forward as if the study was not contradicted by significant evidence of problems. I understand that Florida recently made it illegal to be off the grid. The same could easily happen in DC, where Muriel Bowser, the candidate for Mayor most likely to win was the party responsible for bringing smart meters to DC.

By: onthelevelblog Mon, 15 Sep 2014 16:12:41 +0000 In reply to Janet Curtis.

It’s possible because utility companies (and many govts) are run by a bunch of psychopaths who don’t care about you, your lives, or your health. Only $$$$. Resisting this agenda together is really our only hope.

By: Janet Curtis Sun, 14 Sep 2014 23:47:52 +0000 Also I denied the instalment of smart meters on water and electric..but i came home and they had installed them already! how can they do this? my neighbor is dead. someone paid dearly for this smart mistake and we dont want it happening to us…but it will!! then who pays? our association wont..we cant aford we cant sell bcuz there is a burnt townhome on this circle. who would ever buy now. this is alot of damage and financial harm..I live alone and my bill has gone up to more than ppl with family and kids. how is that possible?

By: Janet Curtis Sun, 14 Sep 2014 23:43:29 +0000 alot of questions. no answers.In reno, nv, my neighbor died a month ago from fire that firefighters said was the smart when questioned by us neighbors..they say arson or inconclusive. all of us have refridgerator breakdowns (mine is fairly new) freezer side works but not fridge. no explaination. This tramatic and tragic event has us all afraid. lights going lights working..inside elec probs we all seem to have them. One x firefighter neighbor said you can ask for the old ones bk but YOU have to pay for them. who is going to pay for the death of my neighbor and 20yr friend and her pets? the husband is overwhelmed as he also is in the middle of chemo treatments in sf and now lives in carson with his daughter. he lost everything! comments do nothing I know but I cant find any answers this whole article is one question after the next without solutions. I dont want to die this way! How do I get the energy company to investigate my whole house electric and wiring etc? I cannot pay fo that! they killed my neighbor now I /we want ansers and ation b4 someone else dies. really exacerbated my ptsd!

By: Paul H Sun, 06 Jul 2014 07:03:37 +0000 In reply to Chantell a.

Would love to see a YouTube video of this.
