Comments on: Trojan Horse Analog Meters Investigated Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Tue, 14 Feb 2023 10:30:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: nick Hansen Tue, 14 Feb 2023 10:30:51 +0000 PIECES of shit satanist doing this… put my Vietnam VET roommate in the hospital from 2 strokes after install on our home in Provo, Utah.

By: nick Hansen-Toth Tue, 14 Feb 2023 09:47:01 +0000 In reply to Richard Leschen.

The deep state illuminati installed a trojan horse analog meter on my Vietnam Vet roommates home in Provo, Utah. He got 2 strokes from the intense EMF radiation. We both are targeted individuals Christians whistleblowers, confirmed we are by this diabolical install.

By: Tonya Tue, 07 Apr 2015 04:58:11 +0000 Last August they showed up to switch out my analog to a smart meter, they claimed they did not get my check and paperwork by the deadline. I refused them entry and called, offered to bring them the money or pay by credit card again over phone…they said it had to be done a certain way and refused me, but said after they replaced it I could fill out a request and have it removed. They climbed my fence the next morning and installed a smart meter. Sent the request certified mail this time with a money order, within a week they came back and put a new analog meter. The curious thing is my gate is locked and I am almost always home, my german shepards are out in the yard most the day and even if not they bark if anyone comes near my house. In September a meter reader rang the doorbell asked me to put dogs up and unlock the gate so he could read it…so how are they reading it the last months?? I suspect my meter has a hidden RFID…if i get an rf detector how how does that work? Seems to me since I had to pay for the meter and i am paying extra money monthly I could sue them for fraud?? I just need to figure out for sure whats going on..if anyone has any advice I would appreciate. I even called the electric company they say it was read in person and gave me the date of the next read which was 3/27…i watched saw no one come to read it. Thanks in advance for any advice.

By: onthelevelblog Tue, 03 Mar 2015 02:03:42 +0000 In reply to Barbara Carpenter.

That’s send us your pics!

By: Barbara Carpenter Mon, 02 Mar 2015 18:09:05 +0000 Kcpl tells us that our 20 year old meter is a smart meter. It is made by westinghouse and looks like an analog. I have some pictures that I can send to someone who knows. Can you give me an email address?

By: onthelevelblog Fri, 20 Feb 2015 22:22:10 +0000 In reply to gramagracie.

Not exactly- they are also bad. The way PLC systems communicate is actually through dirty electricity which can cause cancer and other serious health problems- see and and

By: gramagracie Fri, 20 Feb 2015 21:13:56 +0000 I called my utility co. and they said the smart meters they have communicate over the power line not with radio frequencies. So, that would be much better, right?

By: WHY WE ARE DOING WHAT WE ARE DOING | Freedom Wed, 16 Jul 2014 08:42:55 +0000 […] […]

By: Lorene Benoit Health Tue, 20 May 2014 15:34:10 +0000 In reply to Richard Leschen.

We are doing a similar process in British Columbia, Canada based on We have not added in the penalty part, but perhaps it is time, as they have just opened a new bag of tricks to try and force coercion.

By: Richard Leschen Tue, 25 Feb 2014 11:05:07 +0000 In reply to WindyD.

Windy D.
Many thanks for your reply to my letter. I should have said that I live in Victoria in Australia and that we like you in America and Canada and many other countries world-wide are suffering terribly. I have my Safe and Passive Analog Meter firmly padlocked and have sent a $1.1 Million Dollar A.C.C.C Anti Harassment and Anti Coercion Notice to PowerCor’s C.E.O and the same to the boss of the Department of Primary Industry in Victoria as well and to the Victorian Minister for Energy and Resources. Each of them had only fourteen days in which to respond to me from the date they received each of these Lawful Notices from me and originally from Canberra our Head of Government. These Laws for my personal and medical protection are unalienable human rights. Not one of these people to whom I sent these A.C.C.C Notices has replied to me in writing in over a year. In the lower part of the same notice it says that if I do not get a written reply from these people to whom I sent these A.C.C.C Notices, then they must take it as FACT and Law that they cannot ever again try to force me to accept an Electric Smart Meter against my Will and Better Judgement. Below is a copy of this same notice, you many have the equivalent of this in America and or Canada, if not please free to take it to your Lawyers to use as a guide only to getting such or a similar Lawful Notice drawn up and passed as a Lawful means of stopping these poisonous to human and animals and all LIFE health Wrecking and far from “Smart Meters,” from wrecking your lives as well.



(Insert name and
Address of Power Distributor)

This notice is provided to _______________________________________________ and any persons, entities,
(Insert Power distributor name and ACN no off letter you received)
Employees, associates, corporations, sub-contractors and agents of the fore mentioned (herein referred to as Your Company).
Notice to agent is notice to principal.

Note: This notice is provided in addition and following a NOTICE OF PROHIBITION FOR
SMART METER INSTALLATION (date of your first letter) and NOTICE Your Company’s
INSTALLATION NOTICE (date of your letter received from Power Distributor after) served on Your Company.
Your Company is prohibited and forbidden from communication in any manner, with the intent to solicit for the installation of a “smart meter” or meter containing wireless communication function(s) at the following (service) address: (Insert your address). Such an act is herein referred to as a PROHIBITED ACT.
I have lawful and legal standing and claim of right to make such a demand.

Any PROHIBITED ACT will be considered an act of undue harassment or coercion with the supply or possible supply of goods or services as defined by the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CTH) Vol. 3, Ch. 4, PT> 4-1, Div. 5 Sec. 168; such an offence carries a penalty of $1.1,000,000:00 One point one Million Dollars. If Your Company is in any way directed by the Government (State of Victoria) and State of Victoria Corporation to perform such an offence, the Government and individual members are liable under tort may in addition be held vicariously liable.
Any PROHIBITED ACT remains prohibited unless I provide a NOTICE OF CESSATION OF PROHIBITION explicitly annulling this notice, or following a sale of property and change of property title holder for the property in question.
A copy of this notice will also be provided for their records to (via regular mail):
1. Customer Relations, DPI,
2. Minister Nicholas Kotsiras, Government in the State of Victoria.

If a response to this notice containing any dispute of facts or CLAIM OF RIGHT based on lawful claim of right is not received within fourteen days from Your Company, it shall be fact that you accept as fact this notice and facts contained within, and will honour this notice; such requiring no further action on your behalf.


___________ __________________
Your Signature. Witness to your Signature

Print Witness Name.
