Comments on: Dirty Electricity from ‘Smart’ Meters: Answers from the Experts Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Wed, 01 Nov 2023 14:25:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: S Norris Wed, 01 Nov 2023 14:25:56 +0000 In reply to Mia Nony.

Thank you Mia! This is so helpful. To spite the thousands of dollars I spent to mitigate the meter, Wi-Fi, and cell tower issues nothing works very well. Perhaps this will finally make a difference. Thank you

By: S Norris Wed, 01 Nov 2023 14:21:58 +0000 In reply to Pete.

The Georgia Stones are gone. Although the agenda is not.

By: S Norris Wed, 01 Nov 2023 14:18:10 +0000 In reply to Paul Vonharnish.

Sounds good, but how do we get the corporates to bow out or transfer to DC? Are you leading the cause or movement to do so? I’d follow.

By: EJ Thu, 18 Feb 2016 21:12:44 +0000 In reply to Mia Nony.

Hi Mia,
What is the exact model number for the sine tamer that you got? Are there different kinds and is there a link? I just bought several Stetzer filters and they seem to work, but I needed 6 of them on one circuit (my bedroom) to get under 30 GS Units. Thanks!

By: Mia Nony Mon, 07 Dec 2015 09:17:32 +0000 In reply to Toni.

Hey the first electrician we used crossed the ground and neutral, inverted them, when transferring that which we deemed to be a pared down version of essential wiring over to the the generator sub panel for a future off grid option, as step one.
Did we know he did this? Of course not.
Did my ears tell me something was very wrong? Absolutely.
This meant electrical detective work, but it took us awhile to realize we have been taken by a dangerously incompetent electrician who later lost his ticket.
We later had an electrical inspector friend examine the panel, and sure enough, he instantly spotted this grave error, and told us it would have blown the place sky high, so if we have “tried the new set up out first”, if we had plugged our generator sub panel into the generator and then started the generator up we would be dead.
We learned that our water pipes need to be bonded, not grounded, totally different, and as it happens they were, and yes, some homes are incorrectly grounded to water pipes (an old practice since discontinued as dangerous). If done, the water pipes then can carry messed up frequencies everywhere. Real eye opener, to learn that electricians are not always literate about stray voltage or wireless frequencies or even about correct wiring, so one cannot be too careful. Get your home wiring checked first and foremost, preferably by an inspector, hopefully one who really understands what to look fork since they, too, can be incompetent.
References really matter too.

By: Mia Nony Mon, 07 Dec 2015 09:02:41 +0000 In reply to marilyn.

Ask the ham radio guys about the pros and cons of an rf choke on the weather mast where the utility wires enter your home, to prevent your home picking up their radio tower stuff as well. Otherwise they are part of your problem

By: Mia Nony Mon, 07 Dec 2015 08:57:47 +0000 In reply to Paul H.

Paul, no offence intended, I usually enjoy your input, but I have to say, as a radical remission stage three “terminal cancer conqueror who cured myself, I take NO risks, NONE, and what I used cleaned up even those very slight pure sine wave inverter pulses that otherwise might manage to couple to and travel along home wiring. This is partly true due to the choice of a well researched pure sine wave inverter which we used to go off grid, and the sine tamer neutralized this source, for certain, measured by a wonderful and competent trained bau biologist. We also built a faraday cage to surround both the bat box bank and the charge controller, and inverter, to be extra sure, but the frequency attenuator we use does deal with this. I venture to add it is the only one I found which does so.
I a the original canary in the mine and feel everything beginning with the Frey effect from the slightest interference. I know this off grid system has been managed and is fine, plus that friend with ultra uber radiation measurement equipment measured it all and confirmed it.
Good to go.
Much more energy than I had at fifty or sixty or even more recently at seventy.

By: Mia Nony Mon, 07 Dec 2015 08:45:35 +0000 In reply to Lori.

Please see my reply above regarding the filtration device we used.
If you can arrange for solar AND then be strategic and instead of making the mistake of asking for them to disconnect you, arrange it so that they leave you, perhaps begin to only pay usage, not opt out fees, for instance, but only, once you are all set up and good to go. Biggest challenge is to reduce reduce reduce usage until solar becomes affordable which is done by changing all of your energy habits yourself, for your own benefit. Once you do, it comes in reach, since solar has dropped dramatically, while utility rates are skyrocketing.
Try competing with friends with similar goals to see who can reduce down to the lowest number of kWhs per day. Your bill should tell you your daily average. A great incentive for a way to go minimalist.
We did not spend m, we switched to our fab BBQ, out of the elements but still outside, we switched the whole house over to LED 4 watt lightbulbs, ten year warranted ones by Cree, on a super clearance sale, paid about $2 each, and we turn on the HW tank for at most 15 minutes only, use alternative heat, puck lights, low demand electronics, energy efficient fridge, things like that.
That is what I recommend, so that you end up disconnected, once you are ready, this is best. Otherwise they charge you and still show up to take away your analogue meter as a condition of disconnection. The minute you are physically severed from the grid and no longer share a transformer with other home, once the wires no longer carry the harmonic distortions into your home, IF you also use the correct filter for solar, the difference is unmistakable.

By: Mia Nony Mon, 07 Dec 2015 08:24:28 +0000 In reply to Toni.

Please see my reply above, december 7th, 2015 (if it gets posted)

By: Mia Nony Mon, 07 Dec 2015 08:18:40 +0000 In reply to Mia Nony.

Sorry for taking this long to reply, it has been a very eye opening long journey to independence in mid retirement.
Because I refused to allow MY electromechanical meter to be taken from MY property and home, the ultimate predictable result is that I am now off grid, and delighted to be so. Demand management of one’s own energy usage has now taken on a whole new meaning. The feeling of autonomy is indescribable.
Sine Tamer is the name of the only frequency neutralization device I trust, and it can be used on or off grid.
Just because smart meters are dirty does not make solar inverters clean. The trick is to prevent the so-option of home wiring by any frequency interference, including AC inversion and fields generated by solar arrays on one’s roof, (best to not use the kind with individual inverters on each one).
Regarding protection granted by using this device:
Despite the lifetime “no questions asked” warranty, still, I took most of one year of research. I also demanded to be supplied by ST with objective scientific proof of attenuation and expected to be able to compare the ability of ST’s effectiveness and oscillation track record, compared to every other “suppressor” device on the market making similar claims. Of course this is no mere suppressor. And it is not cheap, either.
That said, the difference the science revealed was night and day. We have a completely hard wired house, but still, we experience frequencies from other smart meters hundreds of feet away. So I needed to be able to determine in advance the reliability of the ST regarding frequency attenuation, filtration and suppression of many differing levels of frequency conflict and determine for certain its capacity for prevention of interference from area wide smart meters, collector hubs, range extenders, as well as even from the pure sine wave off grid inverter we knew we would later use, off grid.
I did confirmed this device’s ability to even out invasive, damaging oscillation frequencies which turn whole house electrical wiring systems and even phone wiring into dangerous frequency enabling antennas, as described in this article.
I was very exacting prior to purchase of this device and consider it to be the most comprehensive and effective one on the market, by far.
Of course I nearly drove the rep nuts with endless in depth questions which went on for the better part of that year.
The Sine Tamer is an industrial grade sine wave tracking frequency attenuation device with variable clamping and works to eliminate the smallest harmonic distortions.
In fact since wireless is drawn to energized lines, I have found using measurement equipment that this device also deals with wireless, though given that all wireless is radar, it would still be foolish for anyone to continue to use any form of wireless, in the home or otherwise. The reason this device reduces bills, prevents private data extraction, and stops harm to health is because the smart meter uses the pulses and surges it generates and enables for all of these, billing, data theft, and harm. Additionally, the smart meter has no surge arrestor and no ground. Hence fires can be caused by this low flashpoint piece of dangerous junk. However since this Sine /tamer device is located AFTER the meter and base, and attenuates everything passing through the circuit box and since it gets installed in about 15 minutes (by a licensed electrician) in two 15 amp circuits in the service panel, (it can also share such circuits since it carries no juice), the fact is that it may still be necessary to protect the analogue meter base from ramped up grid harmonic distortion and dirty electricity frequencies by getting an informed ham radio pro to help with installing an rf choke on the electrical mast at point of entry into the home.
The Sine Tamer works equally well for cleaning up any inverter frequencies.
Unlike the stetzer, which is a shunt capacitor, this device renders the smart grid irrelevant. And it costs less than the number of stetzers and the measurement device needed for an average sized home.
