Comments on: Wireless Public Health Warning Cards Now in Stock! Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 24 Jun 2022 21:07:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: onthelevelblog Thu, 04 Sep 2014 17:35:53 +0000 In reply to Susie.

Bingo- that is why “opt out” is a non-solution to the hazards of the smart grid, in terms of health effects from radiation. No one should pay these fees they are extortion. Benefits of having an analog on your home are: reduced fire risk, reduced overcharging, eliminated privacy violation potential, and marginally reduced exposure to RF. Talk to your neighbors and enforce a “smart meter free zone” in your hood.

By: Susie Thu, 04 Sep 2014 00:09:12 +0000 This might be a stupid question, but what difference does it make if I pay the extra $20 per month to get SRP to remove my smart meter when everyone else around me has one?

By: Maureen Mon, 18 Aug 2014 21:47:55 +0000 Placing my order today! Thanks for the great resources!

By: Reducing Exposure to Wireless Radiation Wed, 19 Feb 2014 22:37:34 +0000 […] The infographic reproduced here was developed by […]

By: Stopping Smart Meters - Education Not Radiation Sun, 16 Feb 2014 21:44:50 +0000 for all ssm supporters and activists
more creative avenues and paths of action:
thanks SSM team for the awesome work!!!

Letter For Your School
Here’s some tools you can use to start teaching the
teachers and Principal, and parents at your school about why we need to stop using WiFi and cell phones.

Letter From You To Your School

You can start by printing out this letter we wrote especially for schools, signing it, and then getting AS MANY OF YOUR FRIENDS to do the same and then give the letters to your school Principal and teacher. You can also get your Mom to mail a copy to your School Board.

No WiFi Computers For You!

Also really important is to print out this Non-Consent Form – this is for your parents to sign and give to your school to make it super clear that you do not want to work on a wireless computer – or be in the room when the other kids are blasting themselves with radiation.

Make The School Say They Might Be Hurting You

Next, you get your parents to sign this Statement of Accountability AND get your school Principal to sign it. This is really cool because it will really make your Principal think about the dangers of wireless and that they have to take some responsibility for anything bad that happens to the kids.

Find Out If Any Kids Are Already Sick From WiFi

Then if you really want to KICK IT UP to the next level, hand out (or just email) a copy of this Student Health Survey to every kid in your class, or even the whole school!

If you can get it to every kid in your school, even better! Once you have a bunch of them filled out and handed back, you can turn them into a report. You can then send the report to your School Board and government officials (get your Mom or Dad to help you figure out who to mail it to) to get the BEST RESULTS.

OR, you can download this scientific letter from Dr. Magda Havas for your school and give it to your teacher, Principal and School Board.

You can also wear your RadiationEducation t-shirt to school every day! And get your friends to wear them too!

*p.s. Thanks to for the two forms to sign and thanks to for the health survey!


By: Stopping Smart Meters - Education Not Radiation Sun, 16 Feb 2014 21:14:31 +0000 here some more helpful cards to add to the SSM creative education and wake up campaign :)!

“Radiation Not Education”

dirty electricity-free for life

By: onthelevelblog Tue, 11 Feb 2014 23:37:35 +0000 In reply to Terri Keller.

Thanks Terri! If you have a laptop it is way better to use it off the battery than plugged into the wall. It reduced EMF’s significantly and this can be confirmed with an AM radio or gauss meter. It also prevents dirty electricity transients from flowing into the computer and exposing you! There has been a huge response to our card and we hope to re-print soon!

By: Terri Keller Tue, 11 Feb 2014 23:13:14 +0000 Very nice! These look like the perfect thing to pass out at an upcoming safe energy event in April. 🙂

One question: What is the reasoning, in the section on “Keep Your Distance, Turn it Off,” behind the suggestion to use the battery on a laptop whenever possible? I know to have it hardwired, and to turn off the wireless function, but have never heard the battery business.

At any rate, thanks for putting that together. So much important info in such a convenient, well-designed little space!
