Comments on: SSM! Director Josh Hart Threatened with Electricity Disconnect Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 24 Jun 2022 21:06:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Derek Wed, 27 May 2015 02:06:52 +0000 Hello

I right now am living with parents trying to buy my own place but scared to buy a place then have a smart meter forced on me anyway I live in NJ right now its smart meter free but was looking to move to Pa Since I’m EHS and figured it I would have more land there away from neighbors wireless toys but First Energy tells me all of Pa will be smart meters by end of yr and no opt out .

Now a big problem the water company is wanting to put a digital RF meter on my parents house and they just sent notice if we do not let them in the next 10 days they will shut the water off . Now I heard two diff schools of thought one that it only transmits once a month the other it transmits all the time however if it does only transmit once a month I’m figuring that would be ok but could that cause dirty electricity throughout the house or would only the electric meter cause that ?

Thanks Derek

By: Jennifer Sun, 02 Mar 2014 21:48:21 +0000 Thanx for standing up. The reason they are doing this is to get money from selling data to advertisers and invade privacy at the expense of everyone’s health. The time to speak up is now!

By: Richard Leschen Tue, 25 Feb 2014 10:29:32 +0000 These Electric Power Companies in America and Canada as well are The Pitts, The Pitts of Hell as far as I am concerned. Their great and growing EVIL is “The Love Of Money,” which is a CURSE. They don’t give a brass Razoo about your health and welfare. It’s only the money they want to keep on extorting from all of you. The Governments in America and Canada are just as bad as they these Electric Power Companies are now all Corporations driven by wicked greed. We here in Victoria Australia are having exactly the same problems as are you in America and in Canada. In England and the rest of the United Kingdom the Roll-Out of these now Human Health Wrecking so-called smart meters has been stopped, stopped for good I hope; this we will have to wait and see. Even now in England and the rest of the United Kingdom if one has a smart meter and wants to be rid of it one only has to send a polite and firm letter to the Electric Power Company and by LAW they have to remove it and replace it with the Safe and Passive Analog Electric Meter you once had. The cost for this change-over has to be paid by that same Electric Power Company.

By: Paul H Mon, 17 Feb 2014 20:59:51 +0000 Hey Josh,
I’m curious about the “sunburn” you mentioned. I too had the same problem after being exposed to high levels of RF. It went away after drinking a raw “green smoothie”

You may be reacting due to a mold exposure that never left your body. Mold hates RF and reacts as if it were a threat. Try ginger, garlic, or cayenne pepper for a good detox.

Hope this helps,

By: Lawrence John Lapadat Mon, 17 Feb 2014 15:00:05 +0000 From what I understand, the whole purpose of smart meters is to increase energy costs for several reasons. #1 More tax revenue for governments. #2 Protect the biggest criminal organizations in the world, oil companies from their current triple overpriced commodity gasoline. At past prices for electricity, electric cars would crash gas prices.

By: Pat Sun, 16 Feb 2014 14:52:52 +0000 Josh – One further comment – we live in an age when “good is evil and evil is good.”
Put nothing past these evil ones. Nothing. They lie, steal, and cheat and have no conscience about it. These evil ones, at every level – do not like their monies messed with. Their demonic deeds done in darkness do not like to have the light shown on them. Be cautious. Be nimble. They are ALL evil from the very top down.
Just sayin’.

By: Terri Keller Sat, 15 Feb 2014 15:04:31 +0000 Josh, you are the father of the mother of all anti-“smart” meter websites, and I can’t even begin to express my appreciation for all you’ve done. It is a travesty that you all are being put through this, and over the stupidest device ever foisted on the American or any other public.

The utilities here have people over a barrel and they know it, as many elderly, ill, and young people could die in Georgia’s heat if they had no air conditioning. So we have to pay the extortion/blackmail to keep the “Spy and Fry” meter off our homes and businesses. Georgia actually cut off the power of an elderly, ill woman here, and her son kept the house going on a gasoline-powered generator and gas stove as long as he could. But most cannot afford to keep that up for too long.

We salute you for your stand, though, and pray that it doesn’t come to a power shutoff, that they are playing a game that ends with you retaining your power and them backing down. That would be ideal, and would pave the way for others to be free of the unfair fees.

By: Mark Thu, 13 Feb 2014 20:06:36 +0000 In reply to Pat.

I have one of the Landis & Gyr analog meters on my property. It sits directly on the other side of my bedroom wall, perhaps 4 feet from where i sleep.
I have never ONCE paid SCE’s “fees,” nor will i be subject to extortion in exchange for my health & safety.

Each and every month i get my power bill, i pay all delivery and generation charges, along with any local and state taxes, on time every time.

The $10 /month “op-out fee” is NOT paid, nor is the “late” fee that is tacked on. In addition to my bill, i send a 5 page letter to both SCE and CPUC indicating what my charges are, and why i will not pay them. I have been doing this for almost two years, and despite numerous disconnection “threats,” i still have my power.

It’s YOUR money, and YOUR health. Don’t give in!

By: Smarter Meters Thu, 13 Feb 2014 17:38:59 +0000 In reply to onthelevelblog.

It’s sad to see a rural electric co-op making such a fuss about your analog. Clearly this has very little to do with money and much more to do with maintaining the dogma that electromagnetic fields (including 60 Hz AC) pose no threat to our health, by nipping aware individuals like Josh in the bud.

There can definitely be benefits to using the electric grid for cooking and heating, especially for sensitive individuals who might be more sensitive to the combustion gasses (or gas leaks) than the magnetic fields produced by these appliances. You only have to measure the fields once to know how far back from the stove/heater is safe to stand. There is never predictability with carbon monoxide, etc. A gas stove is great for the evenness of the flame, but we’re making do with an electric range and electric clothes dryer, which would not make financial sense to replace. We have a couple camp stoves that will work if the power goes out (see and hang drying clothes doesn’t take gas or electricity.

The bottom line is that people who choose to live in civilized places have the right to access safe utilities, but wireless meters for electricity, gas or water (or extortionate opt out fees to avoid them) take away that right.

By: Pat Thu, 13 Feb 2014 16:42:17 +0000 Josh – You have brought awareness to so many people around the world and that’s why they are after you; no different than any “whistle blower” of the evil that pervades our society today. You are in great and honorable company and they don’t like it. They have the “power” (pun intended) and trying to wield it against all who refuse to go along with their corrupt practices.

I have SCE. And I do pay their small (so far) extortion fee – “paid under protest” written on the front of the check and written on the back of the check – the list of severe health issues for all to read who come in contact with this check whether SCE or bank employees.

At some point I will stop paying it. They will no doubt off my electricity. In the meantime, I am preparing for that event. Will it be inconvenient for awhile? Sure, but we can prepare and plan ahead. What does that get them if more and more people refused their “service”!!?? They don’t get paid for a service they are no longer providing. Big drop in their revenues and perhaps angry shareholders.

Our city has just installed huge – extra high – cell and power line towers very nearby. The ringing, hissing, humming in my ears, especially at night is nearly intolerable. Many homes closer to these killer towers are for sale. More and more people still need to wake up to this great devastation. You will find a way to proceed regardless of what they do because you are put here at this time.

A good site to investigate –

“If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey, he is obligated to do so.”
Thomas Jefferson
