Comments on: City of Fort Collins Colorado Rubs Salt in the Wounds of Radiation- Damaged, Bereaved Family Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sat, 11 Jun 2016 17:35:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Craig Sat, 11 Jun 2016 17:35:44 +0000 In reply to Peter.

You are completely ignorant on this issue.
I have first hand knowledge of the detrimental health affects from Smart Meters.
Both me and my wife had differing health issues develop after having one of these meters on our house for five years. The effects are cumulative. We were progressively having health problems that neither of us ever experienced before.
Mine were significantly worse.
The very day our Smart Meter was replaced with an analog I noticed a difference in my well-being and have progressively felt better since. The problem plaguing my wife cleared up in about a week and she hasn’t complained of the problem since the meter was changed out.
If you take the time to look, there are study results available about the maladies caused by these Smart Meters. They are dangerous, and like other things that can harm people they are more dangerous to some than others, but over time even those that have not been dramatically effected will likely suffer ill effects. Get educated.

By: Brookline cap Mon, 02 Nov 2015 05:38:27 +0000 thanks admin of this web site.

By: Chuck Wed, 17 Sep 2014 20:29:34 +0000 What is the power output of the meter? What is the power output of your cell phone you are holding next to your brain? The meter transmits in short bursts. Your cell phone is transmitting into your brain during your whole call. Do the math. Also consider how the power decreases the further you are from the source.
Also remember Electro-Magnetic Radiation is not the same as nuclear radiation, not even close.
I do NOT work for the utilities, but I do know RF and electronics.

By: Lorry Tue, 27 May 2014 23:18:10 +0000 In reply to Peter.

The Smart Meter is a device straight out of hell. How do I know, you ask? My health has taken a downward spiral ever since two smart meters were illegally affixed onto my home. Anyone that defends a smart meter must be one who is receiving some type of monetary benefit, otherwise no one in his right mind would support their deployment across our nation. Period. Not only is my health suffering from smart meters, but the rest of my family as well. Try having a child waking up in the middle of the night choking on blood from repeated bloody noses or one having chest pains or another experiencing severe migraine headaches! I find it suspicious how many wireless devices have been slowly introduced into the average American’s lifestyle over the last 40+ years. After doing 6 years of heavy research, this is what I discovered – ALL of the following wireless devices emit hazardous electromagnetic microwave radiation frequencies : cell phones, Bluetooth, wireless routers, SMART METERS, cordless phones, microwave ovens, cell towers, IPads, IPhones, wireless scanners, wireless baby monitors and more! It wasn’t, until the Smart Meters came to my neighborhood that I began having severe health issues to the point, I had to be taken via ambulance to the hospital due to developing Tachycardia. It took me about 18 months to figure out what was happening to my body. I didn’t even know a smart meter had been attached to my home at the time… a smart meter had been installed right behind my bed on the outer wall. My symptoms began w/ months of nausea, then it was insomnia – fro about a year and a half. After 19 months of incessantly, interrupted sleep, I became extremely depressed. I knew I was going to be in deep trouble, if I did not get to the bottom of whatever it was that was affecting my health! So, I decided to, “detox my home” from all chemicals and left no stone unturned. What I discovered has been overwhelming to say the least. I realized, if I covered up my smart meter w/ aluminum wire mesh it would help to reduce the radiation frequencies and I could finally sleep better at night. However, the covering up of my smart meters didn’t help much when I realized the radiation coming from my neighbors’ smart meters was/is affecting me as well… This is why opt-outs really do not solve the smart meter problem… EMF radiation is ACCUMULATIVE; ever since the smart meters came to my home, I began developing a serious sensitivity to EMF/RF frequencies. Today, I cannot be around ANY cell phones, wireless routers, cell towers, smart meters, etc. ; my life is being destroyed because of the many products that use electromagnetic microwave radiation frequencies. If you do not KNOW about this subject you should look up: Schumann Resonance. ALL creatures on earth thrive w/ 7.83 Hz frequencies and whenever this frequency is interrupted or altered in our bodies we start to become ill and, if it is interrupted for a long period of time the results can be fatal. The military is quite familiar w/ these frequencies and they are used as weapons, so, basically we have weapon grade devices being sold to the public as technological consumer products which cause 9 different kinds of cancer, which harm the ovaries and sperm of our youth, cause DNA/cell damage. etc. A crime is being committed against the American people and it is being done by both our energy companies and our government, b/c they KNOW about this type of technology / energy and are doing NOTHING to stop it! I have seen the damage these devices do w/ my own two eyes! My husband has two tumors from his cell phones. I have developed serious heart issues and suffer from severe migraines, ever since the smart meters came to our property; I cannot even allow my kids to play in our backyard anymore! Anyone who supports smart meters or wireless technology is simply uneducated about the subject, is in deep denial or has been compromised…

By: Mia Nony Fri, 23 May 2014 01:32:06 +0000 In reply to Paul H.

When a 2.4 gig frequency matches a 2.4 gig it creates enough jam for many a slice of toast

An eye opening read:

In particular, note a seemingly incomprehensible tech talk comment about frequency neutralization or maybe frequency matching – at least that is what the writer seems to be describing in comment number 20:

They’re also putting in the Itron meters here in BC (BC Hydro/Corix), and being very subversive about it, they won’t answer basic questions, etc.
Heard they were using MSP430/CC1100 @ 910-920Mhz(TI chips)in the Itron meters.
The MSP430/CC1100 are horribly “un” selective if they don’t use filters, which they probably don’t.. {worked with them in the past, {keyed a 100mW Xmitter@both 430 &4 at 40Mhz, with “433Mhz” MSPs in the completely paralyzed ALL the MSP430/CC1100s units in the entire building!}.
Run a simple continuous 910mhz {+or-20 Mhz} 100mW video transmitter next to the chips/meter & they’re rendered useless!
(but that would be wrong, so I’m not really suggesting that) 😉

By: L Mon, 19 May 2014 17:39:55 +0000 Our city’s Planning Commission approved a big cell tower right next to Helmers Elementary School in the middle of a residential neighborhood. The neighborhood appealed this decision to the City Council. Our Council goes along with these decisions and doesn’t really listen to its citizens. They scheduled to hear the appeal on May 27th – the day after Memorial Day weekend. This is a tactic they have used in the past. They think no one will be interested (or maybe not in town) to speak up about it and complain. This is a new AT&T tower, reference Master Case 13-110, Conditional Use Permit 13-0009. You can write to the Council: ATTN: Mike Marshall, City of Santa Clarita, 23920 Valencia Blvd., Ste 140, Santa Clarita, CA 91355. If anyone is considering attending the hearing to protest in person on Tuesday, May 27th, the address for the City Council meeting is: 23920 Valencia Blvd., Santa Clarita, CA 91355. Once they allow one cell tower next to a school and residential neighborhood, they will put them in other residential and school zones in our town. We are a bit north of Los Angeles so if you are in the area, the Valencia Northbridge residents would love your support!

By: John Wed, 09 Apr 2014 19:15:02 +0000 In reply to Kirk.


By: John Wed, 09 Apr 2014 19:10:06 +0000 In reply to Maureen.

“And it DEFINITELY is collecting your personal data.”

Please walk me though this. Is there any difference in how this data is collected by each option?

Option 1 broadcasts every 15 minutes (for electricity). That provides something approaching real-time monitoring of appliance/electricity use, if I understand it correctly.

Option 2 broadcasts once daily. Is the data transmitted in this single broadcast identical to option 1? And if not, how does it differ?

Option 3 does not broadcast emr. What data does it collect, precisely? How is it different from options 1 and 2? How does it differ from an analog meter?

If you would kindly answer these questions with fact-based answers, we would all benefit,

By: John Wed, 09 Apr 2014 18:58:13 +0000 In reply to Maureen.

Apropos, I meant to write “option 3.”

“Your new ‘digital, non-emr-emitting meter’ could very well be emitting microwave radiation.”

“Could very well”? You need to do better than that for critical thinkers and the circumspect to take you seriously. We need facts, not hyperbole.

Half of the population of this area of the state are physicists. (I exaggerate.) And you need to explain things in a reasoned, fact-based manner. This is not coffee talk.

By: John Sat, 05 Apr 2014 19:33:31 +0000 In reply to onthelevelblog.

“All digital meters (whether broadcasting RF or not) have impacts on health, privacy, and safety.”

Please explain how non emr-emitting digital meters (option 1) have impacts on health, privacy, and safety.
