Comments on: San Antonio, TX Residents Install Analog Lockers to Defend the Elderly and Vulnerable Against CPS Smart Meters Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sat, 16 May 2015 11:52:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: michael paul Sat, 16 May 2015 11:52:43 +0000 In reply to Rhonda Reichel.

Sorry you have been lied to by the government machine CPS Energy or as I call them (C)ustomer’s (P)rivacy (S)tolen Energy. You see the U.S. Government has developed the ability to command and control electrical devices utilizing Smart Meters. Everything from turning on and off electrical devices to generating a radar return from the microwaved antennas just like military aircraft use to designate targets the government can designate just how many persons are inside your dwelling and they know exactly which electrical devices are being used. For how long and weather or not anyone is even home at any particular time of day or night. If you really want to know what the devices are meant to do just look up General Electric I210+c patent.

By: Rhonda Reichel Fri, 06 Feb 2015 14:31:06 +0000 I opted out of the smart meter but they forced me to take an OMR meter and my bill just doubled. Plus to add insult to injury they charged me a partial month last month when they installed it and sent me a nasty note on the bill they were going to disconnect me if I didn’t pay the balance soon??? I have automatic deduction so how could I be late?
I have CPS Energy in San Antonio and couldn’t find the opt out form on their website so I had to call and they guy told me that smart meters didn’t emit radiation and that nobody else was complaining.
