Comments on: Tinfoil Hat Ladies of Arizona Strike Back: ACC Commissioner Bob Stump Mocks Electro-Sensitive Woman on Twitter as Smart Meter Opposition Movement Swells Nationally Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Thu, 21 Nov 2024 00:52:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Floris R. Freshman Thu, 21 Nov 2024 00:52:01 +0000 i meant stump’s cell was requested. not that other guy…gary pierce? there was a brenda there too she said …’i feel for you guys’… that she came home and there was a smartmeter on her house. ‘what’re you gonna do?’ dr martin blank flew all the way from the east coast teaching professorship to bear witness of the blood-brain barrier being breached by electromagnetic radiation espaecially from the smartmeters. actually the patent 1974 ”intelligent meter” inventor won the nobel!

By: Floris R. Freshman Thu, 21 Nov 2024 00:45:46 +0000 thank you i was taken aback by the total denial system i witnessed that day and other days our taxes paid for deliberate incompetence from racketeers and their bought-out souls aides. stump actually retired, as did the dude who wont put his grandkids near the meter. for an election-related inquiry, his cellphone was demanded by checks and balances non-profit and the judge said there was nothing there. btw- i now just wear a copperbanded shadehat. works for me better than foil, or lined duct alum. i remove the band in a lightening storm.

By: onthelevelblog Mon, 16 Feb 2015 15:43:11 +0000 In reply to Zenzick.

I think that’s where he keeps his cash stash of blood money from the utilities!

By: Zenzick Sun, 15 Feb 2015 02:42:56 +0000 What’s with Stump’s hair in the pic? It’s smushed towards the top.

By: Paul Vonharnish Tue, 10 Feb 2015 16:36:28 +0000 Why should I allow some suited liars (who can barely speak English) to DICTATE what goes on within my OWN BODY? Who the hell are they? Maybe you’d like to meet me in some neutral location, and we can discuss if it’s ok for you to assault me with your precious electronic crap? I don’t need a weapon to explain my reasoning, and a tin-foil hat won’t be part of the movie.

These devices are killing and maiming people, regardless of how deep the pockets are of these administrative goons. All you administrative LIARS will be going down soon, and it will be at your own hand… Happy EMF Armageddon, jerks

By: Linda Fri, 06 Feb 2015 18:37:47 +0000 Who are these big conglomerates to tell us what we need? After going over all of the harm they do to humans and starting fires in homes, and never mind what they do to our pets, why should they be allowed to do this? We better not see this happen in Arizona, or it will prove money talks and government takeover of our state.
