Comments on: Wheels Coming Off Smart Grid as PG&E Smart Meters Explode/ Burn/ Smoulder in Stockton, CA After Crash Causes Surge Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sun, 09 Jul 2023 00:06:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Longmont City Council Open Forum Meeting – May 31 2023 – Sun, 09 Jul 2023 00:06:02 +0000 […] hitting a utility pole” caused many meters to malfunction, catch on fire or explode, and thousands to lose power as their smart meters “popped” like corn in a popper? You know, the sort of coverage that might just alert residents to what could be in store for them […]

By: Wildwood21 Mon, 25 May 2015 18:52:52 +0000 In reply to Song Ping.

I have seen huge douglas fir trees fall across major power lines near me and it would set off the transformer, cutting the power. No power surges. I have read of other auto to pole collisions without the outcome of exploding meters all throughout an entire area. Please don’t justify this failed technology of wireless smart meters, hoping those less informed will think is okay that smart meters can explode every time a car hits a pole, a crow gets electrocuted, etc.

By: Song Ping Thu, 07 May 2015 02:34:24 +0000 In reply to Conspiracy Optimist.

It’s possible that when the pole was knocked down, the primary fell on the secondary and the cutout fuses didn’t react quick enough.

By: Song Ping Thu, 07 May 2015 02:30:22 +0000 What happened was that a motorist struck a power pole, and that caused the primary distribution conductors (5,000 to 15,000 volts) to come in contact with the secondary conductors (normally 240 volts in residential areas). These conductors are normally uninsulated, so what happened is that the vehicle accident caused up to 15,000 volts to be run through the meters and houses.
The digital radio meters (aka SmartMeters) as well as the electromechanical meters are not fused, they are connected to the electrical power grid directly, so when a voltage surge happens, the high voltage is sent to the meters and through the buildings.
It’s true, the electromechanical meters are built better, and most likely will not fail when such a surge happens from the power grid. I have seen and read about many cases in the past where surges go into buildings and fry every electrical device that is plugged into or hard wired to the system, heck, I’ve even seen where a dropped neutral in the panel will send 240 volts onto regular 120 volt circuits and fry appliance motors and light bulbs.
The fact that SMUD had installed some SmartMeters was a blessing for them. Since they are liable for any damages caused by their power grid (no matter what the cause or who caused the event), they saved millions of dollars in damage claims because their pinche digital radio meters blew up and did not allow the surge to go inside the buildings. And, the beauty of this event is the fact that it was the ratepayers who paid for the SmartMeters (or possibly some of our tax dollars too), and it is the ratepayers who will pay to replace the meters (that acted like a fuse in this case) to prevent the SMUD from being liable for damages caused by the motorist. No doubt that some customers did experience some damage to their private property, and that will be covered by the utility’s insurance, and you can bet your bottom dollar that the insurance company will seek compensation from the “inebriated driver” (if convicted) for any and all damages arising out of this event.

By: Paul H Sun, 05 Apr 2015 20:29:22 +0000 Wow! I actually felt an inner peace when looking at pictures of meters that had been destroyed.

By: Conspiracy Optimist Wed, 01 Apr 2015 22:57:05 +0000 In reply to Ethernet, Analog is faster and sustainable. smart grid tipping point..

This is an interesting case for me since I worked on the line crews and as a high voltage cable-splicer for Seattle City Light. With the old system there is an automatic relay that cuts off the power from the damaged line (highest voltage transmission line) to the substation until it can be fixed. If it is a secondary line (lower voltage distribution line) the transformer has a fuse that blows and shuts off the power before the surge would reach homes, etc. With the wireless technology I guess this is what happens now.

I hope this post takes this time after 7 attempts.

By: arcadia11 Wed, 01 Apr 2015 18:04:41 +0000 the grid is about total control. maybe this was a test to see how many homes they could shut down with just a minor ‘accident’.

there is a bank of smart meters three feet from my apt building – i can see them as i sit on my deck drinking my coffee while the chemtrails are spreading in a sky that was totally blue 30 minutes ago.

i wonder what mankind will end up doing about the dire straits in which we find ourselves.

By: Ethernet, Analog is faster and sustainable. smart grid tipping point. Wed, 01 Apr 2015 06:34:09 +0000 This whole “smart grid” is getting out of control. And “wi-fi” “wireless” technology
unchecked in public, hotels, airports, schools (little kids exposed to wireless – ipads, iphones to kids like candy??), colleges, cafes, etc …

“Smart” meters = bankruptcy, lawsuits, fires and death.
