Comments on: Another Utility Lie Exposed – “Smart” Meters are Little Used for Outage Alerts Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Thu, 07 May 2015 05:30:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: onthelevelblog Thu, 07 May 2015 05:30:05 +0000 In reply to Song Ping.

Hi Song,

Please let us know what “false information” is on the site and we will of course correct it. Thanks! -SSM!

By: Song Ping Thu, 07 May 2015 02:54:47 +0000 Thank you William Woodward, it’s nice to see someone who knows something about the electrical power grid being featured on this site (most of what I read here has been science fiction myths and false information).
Where I live, we have a “dirty plant”, wires are run in the woods up in the hills and sometimes there are outages. Every time I have a power outage ( I don’t have a SmartMeter), if I am home I get on the landline and call the utility immediately (if not sooner). Every time, the dispatcher says that they are not aware of an outage yet in my area, even though at least half of the houses on my street have been fitted with SmartMeters.
I know my linemen who work in this area, they told me that when an outage occurs, they have to send up a crew and fix the problem, and then have to inspect the entire line back to the substation if it is a big storm. They just don’t energize a line without knowing that the whole line is good, that would put their efforts in vein.
It’s true, SmartMeters don’t detect outages, don’t help at all in repairing the outages, and are basically a waste of time and money, there are no advantages to the customers to allowing SmartMeters on your private property, the only advantage is the utility can lay off some meter readers, and in 2019, might be able to mandate TOU pricing schemes.

By: Lois Dennison Thu, 30 Apr 2015 09:39:26 +0000 Only benefits is the green going into investors and stockholders WALLETS. Myself, I AM ALLERGIC TO AMI and DTE, MPSC have BOTH REFUSED ANALOGS BACK IN MY HOME, gas and electric AMI. Filed CIVIL RIGHTS COMPLAINT and HAVING METERS replaced. My body can’t take anymore of the radiation from these AMI SMART METERS. DTE is using locks as safety issues on ANALOG METERS, DTE is putting locks on AMI meters, these are the METERS WITH THE REAL ISSUES OF SAFETY. Look around, you will see AMI METERS WITH locks, locks on meter housings which actually belong to home or business owners.
