Comments on: LANDLINES UNDER THREAT IN CALIFORNIA: Urgent Action Required Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Wed, 06 Mar 2024 14:57:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Debbie Wed, 06 Mar 2024 14:57:00 +0000 In reply to Deborah Cozort.


By: Debbie Wed, 06 Mar 2024 14:54:47 +0000 I was bullied and threatened off my landline. There needs to be a class action suit or something there needs to be choice.

I want my copper pots, landline restored.

I hate cell phones, and the voice over fiber-optic They tried to force me on was terrible. It has an electrical buzz and they refused to remove the fiber optic wiring and the leader put it in the garage or try and put a hole in your house.

I moved my phone service about a mile away when a parent was in hospice and then they wouldn’t let me move it back. I made an appointment for them to do it and they forced fiber-optic and I said no I asked to talk to the supervisor and they threaten to take my phone number. It was terrible. I want my copper wire blown back.

People shouldn’t have to have urgent need it should be an option and people shouldn’t be threatened off copper landline service plus people get demerits for actually helping people with copper-based landline and lose their jobs

AT&T needs to be accountable

It’s a monopoly on the Wi-Fi companies I believe went to the FCC

There needs to be freedom of choice for landline, and it needs to be supported I want my copper based landline restored!!!!

By: Nina Tue, 13 Feb 2024 01:37:55 +0000 Here in Roseville CA, Placer County, some of have Consolidated Communication which supplies our landlines.

Does anyone reading this know if this California-AT&T affects Consolidated landlines? I’ve searched and so far found nothing.
Just launched our site.

By: Mitchell Thu, 01 Feb 2024 21:30:32 +0000 Ending landlines is a SAFTEY ISSUE!
Cell phone coverage is very minimal in our specific area, and the only way that we can get internet is through copper wire (DSL) and we feel very lucky to at least have that at minimum, we live in a rural area where wild fires can and have happened and we rely on our landline for reverse 911 calls. In addition my wife is handicap and we need to be able to makes calls for home deliveries as needed.

Thank you

By: Richard Wiedemann Tue, 30 Jan 2024 20:57:24 +0000 The CPUC should deny AT&T’s application for relief of COLR. There are many elderly and low income families rely on landline service. Some cannot afford cell phones and many do not have the capability to manage cell phones. My in-laws and Mother needed land lines. It is irresponsible to discontinue this service.

By: Rob Tue, 30 Jan 2024 03:35:13 +0000 will their dropping of phonelines based on coper or is it fiber, at this time I don’t know if my parents have which type of internet connection at home, but we do need that AT&T U-verse connection working in our rural area, since otherwise I will not be able to update or download my Xbox Series X games, or PS4 or Nintendo switch game updates, without internet, our internet has the phone line built into it, I do not know if AT&T drops the phonelines if my parents in our rural area, will also have to look for a new internet and phone again, which the AT&T U-verse has been the best for me, since we don’t have a data limit compared to some other internet that was in our area, Satellite internet based that always went down during lighting storms outside of California, that made our Satellite internet very unstable, I don’t recall the name of it, but it did have bad data plan, since it was almost impossible for me to even download video game updates for the Xbox Series X or Series X console as it now, our AT&T U-verse is needed for my video games, plus we use it for steaming tv shows too at home, like stuff that not on DirectTV.

But, yes, it’s also bad for anyone, in an area when they lose power so do we lose the internet with the phonelines, since no phonelines during fires over the summertime is very dangerous, since there been fires way to close to our area and no cell bars in our rural area, in California the call phones do not work at home at all, my parents have to use that AT&T U-verse for phone calls, cell phones you either have to go up the hill or out of our area in order for them to even work, since like 1 to 0 bars in our area. cell phones are not a good replacement for landlines in our rural community in California Redding, Shasta area.

By: Chime Hart Wed, 24 Jan 2024 23:22:16 +0000 I have phone service from AT&T U-Verse, which has improved
since 2011, however, they are not offering
several convenient features such as 30number speed-calling,
which is `quite helpful for some1 blind. Also, VIP alert
for special callers. If you can please `force AT&T to
offer these features, then non-copper service would
be similar.

By: Barbara Thu, 02 Nov 2023 19:55:57 +0000 Dear Commissioners,

Please do not end landlines pursuant to the application of AT&T to do so. Many disabled people are not able to use cell phones. The medical support for this has been presented to the CPUC numerous times during the “Opt Out” process.
The ADA recognizes these disabilities and proceeding to end landlines pursuant to AT&T’s request would be a direct violation by a government agency of the ADA.
The ADA defines a person with a disability as “someone who
(1) has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more “major life activities,”
(2) has a record of such an impairment, or
(3) is regarded as having such an impairment.”

Thank you for your consideration.

By: Mary Thu, 02 Nov 2023 02:25:53 +0000 My land line phone is infinitely more reliable than my wi-fi-based cell phone. With all the scheduled and unscheduled power outages in the last few years, I was exceedingly grateful for my landline phone, which continued to work through the outages. Please don’t sever what is a most crucial lifeline for so many of us throughout the year.

By: Josh Hart Wed, 01 Nov 2023 23:39:00 +0000 In reply to Richard Hiersch.

Please direct all comments to the CPUC Commissioners and Gavin Newsom!
