Comments on: PG&E Applying for Half Billion to Replace Aging Gas Meters- Electric Next? Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Tue, 02 Jul 2024 16:08:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: JACQUELYN SAURIOL Tue, 02 Jul 2024 16:08:04 +0000 In reply to Sandra Radov.

Hi I am in Oregon. I refused such a (gas) meter upgrade for some months because I could not trust that it was not a 5g meter. After much pressure I relented simply because it was not a 5g meter. I did some crude testing and that new gas meter does not seem to be transmitting. but still.
Focusing on getting rid of the 5g meter that was snuck in in 2019. Already did one long round of letters, to no avail….they want us to pay for their mistake it seems, one time fee of 172 plus monthly reading charges….anyway, thanks for your post and glad to know of additional resources as I go for a second round of letters, if I can even stay here, due to the tinnitus I shut off the power nightly and of course no cellphone anyway. Fiber optic line for computer. If the 5g meter was gone I would consider staying.
thanks from jackie

By: Sandra Radov Sat, 20 Apr 2024 18:40:00 +0000 Smart meters are not the answer to more efficient meter readings. Current evidence supports the batteries are not reliable. And, kwh reporting is skewed in comparison to the former analog meter readings. The use smart meter was initiated for the sole purpose of easing the burden for PG&E to read meters monthly. It is not a more accurate or cost saving feature for the user or rate payers. Additionally, PG&E now is applying for a hefty billion dollar loan to rectify a damaged system. On one hand PG&E claims bankruptcy to expunge their debt due to mismanagement of funds and faulty equipment, while on the other hand exorbanent pay raises go to PG&E executives. All while ratepayers are bombarded with rate increases to cover PG&E. There is a lack of consistency within this company to provide safe, or even consistent service on many levels. PG&E should be held accountable, to show profit margins and expense records regarding executive payouts and government contributions, especially after bankruptcy proceedings. In addition, PG&E not maintaing or upgrading faulty equipment for years causing high death toll is unexeptable. Now, on another level there is evidence the smart meters are suspect, and evidenced to cause medical complications and health concerns and have been deemed dangerous as house fires upon investigation of the source led back to the smart meter. The mismanaged safety and efficiency of these equipments under PG&E’s oversight has resulted in criminal misconduct. Legislators in all sectors need to listen to the concerns placed by several consumer advocate rate payers groups as well as legislative constituents who have raised concerns regarding PG&E’s past and current conduct.

By: Kellie Buster Sat, 20 Apr 2024 13:32:57 +0000 Stop the greed! Pge needs no more money! Quit giving bonuses when you need to fix your failing system! Better yet disband we don’t want pge anymore! The more we dig in the uglier it becomes! I’m the president and founder of stop pge, we are looking into congress the senate and assembly to help us! We know pge is in deep in politics we know this is going to be a long fight. No more gouging the California ratepayers.
