Comments on: Defend Your Analog Meter (main index) Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sun, 02 Apr 2023 22:54:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Afton Sun, 02 Apr 2023 22:54:21 +0000 In reply to Spence Kingsbery.

See emf help center .com for the download(s) specifically “Notice of Liability For Trespass” (and more). Signage docs, too. This doc. addresses this issue. Very helpful info, free of charge, from Jerry. I wouldn’t have had tools to confront the gas company without them.

By: Spence Kingsbery Thu, 12 Jan 2023 12:17:22 +0000 Ameren Missori Electric utility called to inform us that their “contract” with the analog meter systems has expired and we consumers in Ballwin Missouri must choose between a smart meter or the look-alike electronic device, no analogs. I think we’re being lied to but can’t prove it. We don’t trust them not to install a smart meter, and we don’t understand why we can’t install a refurbished analog unit. They insist they don’t have the means to read analogs anymore. We’re not buyin’ that line but we have to face possible power cut off for non-compliance. What can we do?

By: Crystal Sun, 16 Dec 2018 14:56:12 +0000 In reply to Christina.

I just clicked on the link also for the letter..and it’s been removed.
Is there another spot to go to.
I am gonna have my meter removed and just want to be prepared.

By: Former Alex Jone$tein Fan Mon, 22 May 2017 22:42:01 +0000 In reply to Rayf.

Yo Rayf,

You want to write either:

1. “Paid Under Protest” or
2. “Paid Under Duress”

(whichever you prefer)

Every time you pay the fees- write that above your signature on your 2nd check (the separate check that has your unjust fees in the dollar amount spot).

After a year or so sue the bastards yourself (no lawyer needed) in “small claims court.” The court will refer to that as Pro Se which is Latin garbage that Kabbalisticly means that you are “representing yourself as your own attorney.” Absurd, because you are yourself! Hence I said “Kabbala.” Don’t get caught up in their little head games.

You will need to find out the “Agent for Service of Process” person’s name and address for the corporation that you are suing. Call your State’s Secretary of State office to obtain that info if the corporation will not provide it to you- the SoS keeps that info on file for the general public- for such very purposes. Sue the corporation’s name, and list that as their legal address.

Heck, fill out your “complaint” on a white paper plate or something. LOL Be careful though about the damages amount, as small claims court usually has a limit of $10,000 on regular damages (punitive is though unlimited).

If you want more damages, you will have to go to a higher court- which will be somewhat “scary” for you- Latin stuff, as it’s a Judeo-Masonic “club” up there. So just stick to the little small claims court until you learn the ropes a little down there- it’s kind of like “training wheels court.”

Don’t get sucked in to the “fear factor” as it’s all WWE garbage- they are all a bunch of idiot fakers (trust me)…

Don’t be nervous, small claims court is easy and simple- it’s Judge Judy-like and easy going- don’t dress nice or anything, to hell with them. The judges are usually incompetent, unelected blowhards- so don’t say “your honor” because they’re not honorable. Just say Mr. or Mrs. Smith, or Judge Smith- whichever you prefer.

Buy the book “How to Argue and Win Every Time” by Gerry Spence

Spence has never lost a case. Watch the movie “Silkwood,” that was one of Spence’s many wins… thought of that one cause you’re sort of going through the same thing. Long story. LOL Also, just watch a movie called “Trial and Error”- it’s got Jeff Daniels in it. That will help you to not be too intimidated.

Make a zerox of all of your returned checks (ask your bank to mail you monthly “copies of your returned checks” before you start this whole 2nd check payment process) and take those copies in to court. If in California, ask for “Punitive Damages” in addition to regular/normal “damages.” Heck, no matter what state- just ask for them anyway. LOL.

You will win the damages, court costs, etc guaranteed.

Punitive damages could be zero or go nuclear- the jury could award you millions. No Joke.

Good Luck.

By: DJ Sat, 19 Nov 2016 13:41:24 +0000 In reply to Candace L. Gosselin.

Turn the power off in the bedrooms at the breaker, and use a battery lantern. Keep cell phones out of the bedrooms when sleeping, and try to limit use. Get rid of your wi-fi and hard-wire everything including your iPad if you use one. Videos on utube. Get a land-line phone. Those cordless phones are convenient but have high RF. The smart meter installed on our house made us sick within a couple of days. We are young and healthy, so we knew it was the meter. Also, if you want to save money on your electric bill, unplug everything after using, or get a switch that goes in the outlet that cuts the power off. We turn the oven, washer and dryer off at the breaker when we’re done using them.

By: Candace L. Gosselin Thu, 09 Jun 2016 20:14:54 +0000 We already have one of the miserable things – it was installed with no warning. It keeps one of my dogs up all night – we go away and he sleeps all night in the motor home but NOT at home, here he pants and paces half the night keeping us awake too.

By: P Thu, 25 Feb 2016 16:02:32 +0000 …. this is for new zealand

By: P Thu, 25 Feb 2016 16:01:18 +0000 Any1 know how and which company i can get a analog meter installed on a new dwelling instaed of a un-smart meter

By: neysa harrold Thu, 08 Oct 2015 01:58:44 +0000 In reply to Helper.

this is a disgrace. someone help these people neysa from massachusetts

By: Jethro Tue, 22 Sep 2015 03:43:54 +0000 In Nashville they’re “allowing” us to “defer” smart meter installation. However, they’re also proposing to charge $141 to “switch out” the meter (for what?) and then $32 for a “monthly meter reading fee”. Sounds like a whole lot of horse s___. We already have a working meter, and we already pay for meter reading (included in the bill).

Anyone have any experience stopping this ridiculous extortion charges?
