Comments on: FAQ: Legal Issues Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Mon, 01 Jul 2024 19:35:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: A Wentworth Mon, 01 Jul 2024 19:35:46 +0000 In reply to Sandra Fast.

Call the Public Utilities Commission and file a formal complaint. They put a fire under the asses of the energy companies to get those untested-for-safety evil meters off your homes. At least in my state.

By: A Wentworth Mon, 01 Jul 2024 19:32:58 +0000 In reply to David Anderson.

Yes, Wifi is extremely dangerous. There was a $28 million study done on the long term safety from 1993-1998 and they found “unsafe for long term use”. Results were permanent dent in the genetic code, blood brain barrier damage, higher risk of every single disease there is, inability to let the brain go into REM sleep, aggressively foggy thinking, etc. Hardwire your house, get a landline, use cell phones when absolutely necessary ONLY, insist on an analog non-communicating meter for your energy reading, and don’t hang out in coffee shops. Coffee shops are some of the dangerous places for your health. Airports as well, so if you travel, wear some GetLambs which is what I had to buy to go anywhere on a plane.

By: A Wentworth Mon, 01 Jul 2024 19:27:57 +0000 In reply to buddy bog.

No. Get a cover. They don’t work enough to keep you safe “enough” but the meter readings are much better. Get a cover until you file a complaint with Public Utilities Commission who will deal with your energy company and help you force them to come out and remove the meter. If they tell you they no longer have them, the PUC told me they are lying, that they save everything. So you have a right to protect your health. They told me to request an “analog non-communicating meter.” Don’t take no for an answer.

By: April Wentworth Mon, 01 Jul 2024 19:23:09 +0000 In reply to Gary Hartness.

Millions are opting out but energy companies won’t admit it for legal reasons obviously. We met a couple ex employees of an energy company who admitted that to us. We were homeless for 10 months trying to find a place to live that was safe. I have never lived such a horror show of a nightmare. I had 10 meters installed across the hall from my apartment and nearly died after 3 weeks. Med tests proved damage to every organ and that it was caused by radiation. Med tests from the previous month showed super healthy. SO…… Did you get any justice?

By: April Wentworth Mon, 01 Jul 2024 19:16:57 +0000 In reply to Rose Orcutt.

You have to file a complaint with the PUC and they will deal with the energy companies. The problem is the installers who work for the energy companies don’t know the truth b/c they’re being trained based on industry funded research. So they DO think you’re crazy if you ask for removal, etc. Obviously the manufacturers of the meters are well aware, so the question is WHAT are they up to? They couldn’t possibly need more money. Also, they could employ the same technology and make the same money but with a safe frequency for human health I was told, but they chose not to. Why? Have you by any chance found any legal recourse or class actions at all?

By: April Wentworth Mon, 01 Jul 2024 19:07:59 +0000 In reply to Lori Tucker.

Hi Lori,

May I ask if you ever got justice with your smart meter legal pursuit? I am in need of information on what other people are finding. I had 10 meters installed across the hall from my apartment and I nearly died in 3 weeks time from the radiation. Med tests proved it. Please let me know at your convenience.

By: April Wentworth Mon, 01 Jul 2024 19:04:59 +0000 In reply to carolyn Crneck.

Hi Carolyn,

My name is April. Did you ever find a class action or?? I need to find one ASAP. Smart meters ruined my life. Please contact me if you can.

By: April Wentworth Mon, 01 Jul 2024 19:03:38 +0000 In reply to julian.

Ken is probably a plant. He’s not a real consumer. Astroturfers are hired to say things like that. I love all you community of people out there fighting this cause. I have spent 7 years fighting this cause b/c I nearly died from multiple wireless radiation exposures. Are you doing ok now? Living in a healthier place?

By: April Wentworth Mon, 01 Jul 2024 19:01:06 +0000 In reply to Adriana.

Call the Public Utilities Commission ASAP and file complaints so they force your local energy company to come out and put the old analog, “non-communicating” meters on for you. If your energy company tells you they no longer have the analog meters, the PUC will confirm for you that they’re lying to you. Those smart meters nearly killed me after only 3 weeks of exposure to 10 meters. Med tests proved damage to every organ and that 1-2 more months and I would have died. Whatever these energy companies are up to is no good. Especially b/c there have been class action lawsuits for a decade and no changes have been made.

By: April Wentworth Mon, 01 Jul 2024 18:57:44 +0000 In reply to deanna munson.

I love you! Thank you for knowing all about this. I’ve lived a living hell for 7 years over this issue. My fiancĂ©’ and I both have. I’ve spent $1000sssss on medical bills and moving to get away from it all. The hypnotized stupor everyone is in regarding living in an OCEAN of RADIATION speaks far too much to the phenomenon of brainwashing being the greatest weapon we have to contend with.
