Comments on: Frequently Asked Questions Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Tue, 03 Dec 2024 18:50:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tom Tue, 03 Dec 2024 18:50:07 +0000 Hello, I live in New Jersey and in 2023 was given the option to change to a smart meter or keep my analog meter. I opted out and kept my old meter. I recently received a notice from my power company that my monthly rates would be going up in January 2025, by $ 12 a month. This angers me. I believe my rates should stay the same and should not be punished for not changing over. If anything they should give a break to those customers that went to the smart meter. I have heard that there are health risks associated with these devices. Is there any way I can contact my power supplier and ask them to waive the added charge ? Thank you, Tom B.

By: ed holmes Wed, 16 Aug 2023 15:07:59 +0000 In reply to Redi Kilowatt.

totally agree. when coupled with rf radiation, it is a total scam.
RF is condemmed in multiple medical reports.
Who wants to line under a power line, or a cell phone tower ?
wastes power. rg & e -rochester,ny, claims no power is billed to consumer. which is corrct. BUT IT IS BILLED INDIRECTLY.
as stated, when 1 million dumbmeters are online, at 10 or 20 watts each, it adds up to total waste.

By: Jill Mon, 21 Nov 2022 16:33:55 +0000 Our furnace has been shutting off at night night but working again in the morning. We’ve had the furnace checked and thermostat checked. Could it be the smart meter causing this?

By: William Fri, 25 Oct 2019 20:35:49 +0000 My ground wire coming from my ground rod,was not grounded properly the rod was four and a half feet above ground level had it properly grounded no more red blinking light that indicates high electrical uses.The next night turned everything on in my house and it blinks amber and now my electrical bill is almost half of what it used to be .

By: alex Wed, 23 Jan 2019 21:27:29 +0000 how to opt out in highlands ranch colorado??

By: Mr. Davis Sun, 01 Apr 2018 01:12:09 +0000 I live in California. Someone was telling me we may be forced to have a Smartmeter on our house. Can anyone explain what happens in 3 years to the SDG&E Opt-Out program? Does the Opt-out program terminate after 3 years? Will we be forced to have a SmartMeter after the 3 years is up?
Here are the rules on SDG&E’s website:
“If you choose the analog meter option, the charges set by the CPUC will be added to your energy bill:
A $75 initial fee, as well as a $10 monthly charge for a three-year period.
Income-qualified customers pay a $10 initial fee, as well as a $5 monthly charge.
The monthly charge will be billed for a period of three years from the opt-out enrollment date.”

By: Jack wattd Thu, 14 Sep 2017 09:28:01 +0000 I am a poor disabled. Man who doesn’t want a smart meter am l going to be forced to do without power because if my light bill goes.up I will be forced to America doesn’t care about its citizens anymore only about making the rich richer

By: Sarah Mon, 19 Jun 2017 18:48:18 +0000 In reply to Ruby.

If my meter was removed from page can owner install he’s own meter for home

By: christie Wed, 22 Feb 2017 19:59:29 +0000 In reply to admin.

thank you! thank you! for your clarity in defining why smart meters are such a bad idea! I’ve been looking for a rental that is free of smart meters and neighbors’ strong wifi, for months in AZ and I don’t think one exists in this state, so will start looking in any area, in most any city/state with reasonable rents, where I can easily and inexpensively opt out, or where the owner has already opted out.

By: John Tue, 13 Dec 2016 09:17:26 +0000 I have just noted an issue with my NAS backup using TimeMachine. Has anyone noticed data corruption of any of their drives or incremental backups just after installation of the Advanced Meter?

This occured just after the installation of the meter and the NAS is within 10 feet of where the smart meter is. I did ask about returning to a manual meter and the guy who did the install said they would but it they would also charge me a monthly fee. Don’t want the monthly fee but if they haven’t tested this and there are problems then I don’t think we should have to pay that fee.
