From akron ohio they shut my friends water off. They sent aggressive literature the last one was a shut off notice using akron water card and putting a sticker with their company name on it and phone number crossing out akron water phone number. Oh and the shutoff was to happen in
48 hours
]]>Hi Michelle,
I see you posted this 14 years ago, so am not sure if you are still in the AZ area or familiar with the current meter situation here. If so, I am seeking anyone who might know the answer to a question I am trying to figure out to decide where I might purchase a home. I currently live in Scottsdale in a district under SRP and they allow me to have an analog meter which I pay 20$/month for. I am looking to buy a house, however I like the neighborhoods north of me and they are in APS territory. APS does not allow analog meters. Their “opt out” program is a “non standard meter” that is read from the road and may potentially still send signals to their facility. Do you know anyone who lives/has lived in the phoenix/scottsdale area with APS who has been successful in getting an analog meter using the certified letter here on this website?
]]>Just waking up to how bad this is. Came out of Tigard area in 2017 and am now in rural SW Washington but it’s gotten very bad here in the last few months. Not doing well. I’m hoping this message finds you safely tucked away somewhere. If you get this message, I hope you respond. Love and light to you.
]]>I don’t think you’re crazy but it breaks my heart that we the people are being poisoned in so many ways. Yet it’s not on the news! We should not have to fight this hard for are health & safety! I helped take care of mom on her last year of life battling cancer for the 4th time! This is the worst case of genocide on a massive scale! This makes Hitler’s killing of the Jews not nearly as bad as turning peoples life’s/Homes into individual concentration camps where you are forced to suffer in pain while while watching your loved one’s being forced to suffer in pain until we expire! I hope and pray that the groups responsible for poisoning and killing are families are caught & brought to justice. Until we get are freedom and rights back we are all slaves at this point!! God help us!!!
]]>I agree with your stance that we the people have the power. Unfortunately we don’t come together and utilize that power. Ever. The 2 party system only divides and conquers. Ask these politicians are bought and paid for. The ruling elite behind all the corporations, media, and cartel banking are the ones really pulling all the strings.
]]>Go to and get a shungite sphere or cube. They work! I too had the hesrt palpitations from the smart meter. Also play the rest relaxation reiki for emf video on youtube on a repeat site. I do and it helps.
]]>I’m from Wisconsin I live across from the fire department. I called utility company yesterday and they said they can’t put my old meter back cause it is not possible they don’t have them anymore. I feel they killed my mom by making her cancer come back over and over. And now they are trying to do it to me and my wife and kids. It affects me and my family think I’m crazy. Please help me. Some one. 7152042654 . Please I can’t get any thing done and have been going behind on my life. Please help.
]]>What will that do