Comments on: Packed House at Stop Smart Meters! Santa Cruz Forum Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 12 Aug 2011 16:44:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shawn Lee Fri, 12 Aug 2011 16:44:25 +0000 I know when the gas smart meter was installed my wireless outside temp reader quit working. If it inter-feres with that what else does it do? How does it effect Bats from using their “radar capabilities to find pests?” It isn’t just one per household being installed but two. To top matters, PG&E went over a 6 ft LOCKED gate to get to our meter to switch it out. They called litterally minutes before invading my privacy and stated “a report of a damaged meter”………OH really. So if they really can access my property ANYTIME, why did they come up with the lame story of a damaged meter?!?!?! As mentioned above, it is an invasion of our privacy, and a way for PG&E and other power companies to stick-it to us. Once they have access they will be able to charge increased rates for power used during peak hours……….which is 7 am to 9 pm. So if you work, and need to do laundry, fix dinner, or anything that uses electric. Well I rise @ 4:30 am, leave the house @ 6:30 am, and go to bed @ 9pm. So Jsh and ED, once PG&E implements higher rates based on time of day you do laundry, cook dinner, watch TV and play on the computer you will be charged a higher rate. Then who will be complaining?

By: Karen Thu, 11 Aug 2011 02:44:57 +0000 Some People do not look at the Big Picture when it comes to how this would effect nature and our species. It saddens me to know that people are fouls which chose to focus on petty things like a conference hall. We’re talking about people homes and the right to make a decision on if they want something that harm there health on there premises. This is not something to joke about. To educate your self on the matter look up this web-site.

By: Josh Finley Mon, 08 Aug 2011 17:35:40 +0000 In reply to Ed Zachary.

I know, isn’t it hilarious? The fact that wireless radiation levels in a community center are still low enough for some people to tolerate being there for a few hours must mean that long-term exposure to substantially higher levels of microwave radiation is utterly harmless. And to think that people who get sick around this type of radiation are being driven from their homes by the smart meter program—what a hoot!

By: Ed Zachary Sat, 06 Aug 2011 17:37:24 +0000 What a hoot! Anti-Smart Meter protest leaders schedule a protest meeting in a building that’s a Wi-Fi hotspot. The leaders and the whole audience were bathed in RF signals similar to that they’re protesting from Smart Meters the whole time they were there. Next time they had better all wear their tinfoil hats.

I didn’t see any reports of people suffering hysterical symptoms while at the meeting, but then we are all bathed in RF signals every day of our lives. Broadcast radio, TV, cell phones, Wi-Fi, police cars, taxi cabs, GPS satellites, boats in the harbor, radar from airports and airplanes, RFID readers, radio dispatched repair trucks, CB radios, radio controlled model aircraft, ships at sea, short wave enthusiasts, and these are just the deliberate RF emitters. Good luck getting away from RF folks, and keep those tinfoil hats on.
