PG&E Applying for Half Billion to Replace Aging Gas Meters- Electric Next?

We told you smart meters don’t last long and now the bill has come due…
Nina B. of reports: PG&E wants $498 million to replace the AMI modules on the Smart gas meters because the modules are “approaching the end of their expected useful life,”  according to PG&E’s notice in the Monterey County Herald. PG&E filed Application A.24-03-011,  March 14.
The notice also states “Starting in 2027, further costs will be included in the General Rate Case process.” It’s unclear if they mean AMI/Smart Meter costs. If PG&E means to replace the electric Smart Meters, the costs will be astronomical.
Does PG&E expect those who don’t have Smart Meters to pay these costs? Probably. Stay tuned.
PG&E application:
Posted in California, CPUC, Democracy, PG&E, Smart Grid | 3 Comments

Support Tennessee Smart Meter Legislation writes:

So much has been happening here in Tennessee!  We have a good opt out bill in which was modelled after Vermont’s law and Massachusetts’ current opt out bill.  Next Tuesday Tennessee’s SB-2232 will be voted on in the Senate Committee.  We know the odds are long, but we happy to be this far.  
We are hoping for a wave of support from Tennessee and across the nation, between now and the end of next Monday, March 11th.  Please spread the word!
Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, legal issues, Smart Grid, Tennessee, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

NOW is the time to Speak Up for Landline Telephones. Can You Hear Me Now?

Thank you very much to Californians for Safe Technology for the alert below. There is more information at also.


AT&T has applied with the California PUC to discontinue its Carrier of Last Resort (COLR) obligations for copper wire landlines. This decision would have devastating effects on consumer choice and public safety by phasing out essential landline services for all Californians – and would be particularly devastating to the elderly and those in rural communities.

Your help in this will protect essential copper landlines from being decommissioned across California.What can you do?

1.   Call and/or Email – Calling is preferred, but both would be better. Sending an email only is second best – See talking points below. This should be done as soon as possible.

Alice Reynolds Office of the President / Executive Director Rachel Peterson (916) 894-5641

John Reynolds Commissioner

Maria Sotero Policy Advisor and Interim Chief of Staff

(415) 703-2494

Pilar Manriquez Deputy Chief of Staff

(916) 894-5689

Sasha Goldberg – Advisor

(415) 703-5340

Cait Pollock – Advisor

(415) 703-1535

Jake McDermott – Advisor


Carolyn Chen – Advisor

(415) 703-1980

3. Add a Public Comment,57,RIR:P5_PROCEEDING_SELECT:A2303002

Talking Points:

Why do we need copper landlines?

  1. The elderly population is more dependent on copper landlines and more likely to experience technology aversion and often do not have the ability or desire to use other technology.
  2. Traditional copper landline service is tied to an address making it the most dependable emergency communications tool currently available and is vital to helping emergency services identify your exact location.
  3. Copper landlines are more reliable than wireless or VoIP services in urban, suburban, and rural areas because the copper-based systems can still work even when the power is out.
  4. Many rural areas depend on their copper landlines and lack other options.
  5. Some people and businesses prefer the quality of wired connections.
  6. Some people have debilitating symptoms when in close proximity to wireless connections.
Posted in CPUC, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, landlines, neighborhood organizing, radio-frequency radiation, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Safe Living Technologies “Safe and Sound” RF Meters Available in our Store

Some people have asked why we no longer sell the Cornet meters that we sold for many years in our online store.

Though the Cornet 88T PLUS has been and continues to be an essential and popular tool for detecting smart meter radiation and other RF sources over the years, with the moving graph function very helpful for visualizing harmful smart meter radiation spikes, and many useful functions and extras, there have been some issues that have lead us to now generally recommend the use of Safe Living Technologies meters for regular RF detection.

Issues we have noticed with the Cornets include:

— inadequate measurement of the 5-8 GHz range (used for many wi-fi routers and cordless phones)

— not manufactured primarily for EMF health usage (like SLT meters)

— complex functionality that many people didn’t utilize

While it may seem tempting to buy a multi-function meter like the Cornet (to get “all in one” EMF measurement) or a cheap EMF meter from Amazon, we have concluded that these meters fall short when compared to higher quality single function meters like the SLT meters.

The Safe and Sound Classic and Safe and Sound Pro 2 both share the same antenna, and internal microprocessors. The difference between the two (apart from price) is that the Pro 2 also provides specific RF power density numbers (max., avg, and peak) which are very helpful if you need more granular measurements– eg. when you are trying to find the source of a RF signal.

Pick up a “Safe and Sound” meter today in our online store today and help meet our ongoing costs to run the website and hotline etc. If you can’t afford a meter, please e-mail us about used meters, and other options. Everyone needs EMF detection, to know what levels you are exposed to and deal with them.

Especially important for those with Electro-Hyper Sensitivity, but actually crucial equipment for everyone living in our electro-polluted world today, a Safe and Sound RF meter makes a great holiday gift.

Shop Stop Smart Meters! Online Store Today

Posted in Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, EMF Mitigation, radio-frequency radiation | 1 Comment

New Wave of Wild Forest Destruction in Name of Thinning and False Climate Solution Biomass Coming to Your Area

Stop Smart Meters! was founded in 2010 by a group of us to resist what was then being presented as a climate solution. Interestingly, you hardly ever hear this argument any longer as it has become clear that smart utility meters only increase energy consumption and carbon emissions. Smart meters are far from the only false climate solution being pushed by corporate interests.

Now energy industries– backed by the US Forest Service and the timber industry, are pushing another false solution in the name of renewable energy, hoping that people swallow the greenwashed lies and don’t understand that this means the destruction of wild forests (which we desperately need to absorb all the waste gases humans continue to stupidly dump into the sky!).

Our Lost Sierra-based group Feather River Action! is fighting the “Community Destruction Project”— a quarter million acre plan by the US Forest Service (Plumas National Forest) to mechanically and chemically devastate wild forest areas in the beautiful Feather River watershed using emergency authorization obtained from the U.S. congress and the Biden administration. Habitat destroyed by this project would be shipped to biomass plants and converted to wood pellets for export to Asia and the EU.

Don’t be fooled that “forest thinning” projects are anything other than industrial logging and extraction that increase wildfire threat to communities by making the climate crisis worse, drying out forests, and reducing evacuation time for communities.

In addition, if there is one thing that wireless companies and utilities hate, it is trees and forests as they block/ absorb microwave transmissions and surveillance. We need dense forests and so does wildlife.

You can find out more information, links to studies, and also sign up for updates at the Feather River Action! website. Please spread the word and don’t believe the hype.

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Climate Change, neighborhood organizing, Plumas County | Leave a comment