Comments on: The Real Story: Millions of Analogs Still Out There–and People Refusing to Pay Extortionate Fees Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sat, 05 May 2012 22:33:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: letta mego Sat, 05 May 2012 22:33:14 +0000 US President Barack Obama gave 3.4 billion and more in “stimulus” money pushing unwanted cell phone technology meters on the population ..President Obama has spent our own tax dollars against us… to force the US population to have smart meters. Yes, the government can say President Obama did not mandate smart meters. But he used our money to bribe the commissioners and the utility companies to mandate smart meters and to blanket the USA in smart meters. It looks like the workings of a clever lawyer with smart meters as his client..…not someone with the best interest of the people in mind.

By: marie Thu, 15 Mar 2012 00:06:26 +0000 is there a way we can add you to our facebook page? We are trying to link up with all the stop smart meters pages all over the country. We thought it would help us reach more people.


By: Ron Fri, 09 Mar 2012 17:08:21 +0000 In reply to Redi Kilowatt.

I think your robo call may have had a lot to do with what you reported happened on Feb. 7:
“I called the number and went through the automated process to not opt into the SmartMeter program (because I never ordered or received a SmartMeter).
After completing the automated part of the process, I wanted to make sure that I did everything correctly so I pushed 0 to speak to a representative. The rep told me that my application was not complete, and that I had to either send in the form, or she could do it on the phone for me right now. So I let her do it, and then she explained about the fees involved and asked me if I understood them, I said yes I completely understand.”
For their purposes, the last statement translates to consent and enrollment in their Opt-Out Program.

As for the finalization of their original rate increase, here was the unambiguous news back on Feb. 2:

Here’s an astoundingly nauseating video from the PG$E woman who sent the certified letter titled, “PG$E Welcomes CPUC SchmartMeter Opt-Out Decision”. Warning: heavy doses of mindwarp doublespeak, shades of the Santa Cruz Board of Supervisors exchange with their representative.

By: Redi Kilowatt Fri, 09 Mar 2012 01:29:47 +0000 In reply to Shane Gregory.

I just got a robo-call from PG&E stating that their records indicate that I have chosen to opt out of their SmartMeter program (which is not true, because I never opted in in the first place), and that I agreed to the CPUC approved rate increase and will see that increase on my “energy statement” in the next few months.
I did not know that this additional rate increase has been finalized yet, so does anybody know what is going on ?

By: Electra Thu, 08 Mar 2012 04:37:05 +0000 I’d like to share some good news:

First, I’d like to thank Senators David Shafer, Buddy Carter, and Greg Goggans, for sponsoring Georgia State Senate Bill 459, for an opt out for “smart” meters. Due to their efforts, and the efforts of many, many Georgians, SB 459 passed, 36 to 13, in the Senate, and we are one step closer to having a totally free opt out. Thanks, also, to the senatorial hero – I’ll find out his name tomorrow – who introduced the amendment for the opt out to be free. You rock!!

More news tomorrow, friends. You have done well, and I am beyond words. Have a great night, and enjoy this victory! Next stop – the House. (-:

By: Electra Thu, 08 Mar 2012 04:32:34 +0000 In reply to Susan B.

Is hiring a certified electrician to replace the “smart” meter an option for you? I’m not sure what the ramifications of that action are, but it’s being suggested in various corners.

By: Nicki J. Wed, 07 Mar 2012 23:40:09 +0000 Hey, Florida: How long are you going to let your legislators do nothing?
Contact Energy Chairman, Rep. Scott Plakon ( of Longwood ): Do you think he deserves re-election?

“There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there
must never be a time when we fail to protest”. – ELIE WIESEL

By: Susan B Wed, 07 Mar 2012 22:07:17 +0000 Great article! Q: What is recommended if people DO already have a smart meter and want to get rid of it? In that case, they must either go without electricity or opt-out…? I really agree with the rapist comparison. We are being raped daily by the utilities … punched and slapped, beaten, sadistically physically harmed – it is about power and money, not sex, either. The power of crushing us under their boots. Well, guess what? The people aren’t going to stand for it. A (virtual) sucker punch to the virtual gonads and down this smart meter and smart grid program will go. Flood the utilities with calls, flood the CPUC with calls, same with all elected officials. Obama needs to hear it. Jerry Brown, too. They are part of the problem, they are encouraging this power play.

By: Electra Wed, 07 Mar 2012 20:09:25 +0000 GEORGIA POWER THREATENS TO SHUT OFF POWER TO AN ENTIRE HOA! Here’s my email to Georgia state senators, who today vote on an opt out bill (Senate Bill 459) from this morning:

More alleged evil doing by Georgia Power! They have now reportedly threatened an entire homeowners’ association near Savannah with having their power shut off if they don’t accept the extremely dangerous “smart” meters. Here is the email, with private info redacted:

This is from HOA board memeber

—–Original Message—–
From: L
To: Marie
Sent: Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:32 am
Subject: Re: Crucial To Call Senators Today: It’s Easy, It’s Free, and It Could Save Georgians – Including You and Your Family – from Unsafe “Smart” Meters!

I talked to electric company yesterday, did not get mine replaced either. I was told just leave a note on it and I did. GA power said we have NO CHOICE and they will charge to come back out and install it and will also cut our power off if not allowed to put box on. Well??????? [snip]

Honorable senators and friends around Georgia, this must NOT STAND. As you know, federal law states only that a power customer can have a “smart” meter if one is requested (Federal Energy Policy Act of 2005). Georgia Power DOES NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY to threaten to cut people’s power off, or to cut if off unless there is lack of payment.

Here’s the problem: Georgia Power knows that these electric meters are horrendous, with all the ways they malfunction, including the fires, explosions, melting, causing cancer chances to rise dramatically, blowing out appliances, not being UL tested – they are a complete NO GO. And after spending millions of our tax dollars on this boondoggle, they’re perhaps trying to salvage the project by resorting to threats.

Your job as senators is to keep Georgians safe. Do we have to ask you now to protect us from the power company? What is this great state coming to? Georgia Power’s representative said on TV the other night that they would not threaten to cut off anyone’s power. This was in response to a firsthand story that they’d done just that:

Please do something to stop this out-of-control company. They serve us, the people of Georgia. We are not here so they can make money through threats and installing dangerous products on the sides of our homes. Stop this now, before it goes any further. This must convince you that there is something very, very wrong with these horribly misnamed “smart” meters. After voting “Yes” today on Senate Bill 459 to allow Georgians to opt out – for free – from “smart” meters, I hope you will do all you can to assure us that we will not be threatened with harm by Georgia Power again.

By: Electra Wed, 07 Mar 2012 19:59:15 +0000 In reply to Redi Kilowatt.

It is information like this that will help sink this “smart” meter program straight into the ground. I hope you’re publicizing these facts far and wide, Redi!
