Comments on: Maryland Hearing to Consider Smart Meter Fires After Pennsylvania Utility PECO Energy Enacts Moratorium Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 28 Sep 2012 16:10:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul H Fri, 28 Sep 2012 16:10:42 +0000 In reply to TruthSeeker.

Don’t worry about anyone here trying to create “wobbly legs”. Just think of the cartoon where two angels are shown, one on each shoulder, with one causing doubt. So, keep the posts up about this wicked thing called the “smart grid” and spread the word.

By: Richard Thu, 27 Sep 2012 22:41:20 +0000 In reply to TruthSeeker.

Rest assured, “truthseeker” I have no stake in this, other than to consider all the facts and not running for the hills because someone said to. GOD…You folks get your undies all in a wad when the only thing that I have done is express an alternative explanation. Yes, a meter melted…BECAUSE THE ROOM WAS HOT…If that room were on fire, there wouldn’t be a thing left, not to mention the plastic isn’t even burned. I would expect more from someone with the moniker of “truthseeker”…might want to change it to “fearfollower”.

By: TruthSeeker Thu, 27 Sep 2012 19:50:18 +0000 Have you folks ever asked yourself, “How does the government operate?”

Have you folks ever asked yourself, “How does investment operate?

Have you folks ever asked yourself, “How do government employees and corporate officers, and others who are loyal to the game, benefit from pensions, paid vacations, insurance, automobiles to take home, et cetera.., at the expense of everyone else?”

What you all NEED to be asking Richard is, “WHO DO YOU WORK FOR, RICHARD?”, or “Do you have a dog in this fight?”

Stop being naive, as those who have some great benefit to reap, offer their advice to you.

Read this URL and go get some knowledge of why the Richards of the world, always want to lead men…

Wake up people and go to and see how your local government is in bed with the corporations, to install these cameras on the highways – all for your safety of course, with the government and the corporations IN EVERY INSTANCE sharing the profits they swindle from the public. Perhaps the John Q Public is waking up to how government creates the policy machinery of these scams. Please go and see how your home’s ownership, is the very basis of the government swindling you.

This is an excellent video on CAFRs, that I am certain all people, worldwide will love to see!!

This site has some excellent knowledge as well!

By: pauline holeton Wed, 05 Sep 2012 13:11:12 +0000 michigan is fighting here! monday we are having a pre hearing about the opt out! we are having people intervening in regards to it! john and i will be intervening with our strong comments about the opt outs! we need to all join in and fight this battle for our lives. please go to our website and sign the online smart meter petiton and then go to the smart meter page to check out the details of the interventio on monday sept 10th. pleas go into the case # u-17,053 and read the letters of all the people involved even our ags office! pauline holeton shelby twp mich please vist the web!

By: Ronny Rat Wed, 29 Aug 2012 10:24:44 +0000 We actually should be referring ‘analog’ meters as ‘smartest’ meters.

By: Richard Wed, 29 Aug 2012 02:31:39 +0000 In reply to onthelevelblog.

Given that the photograph is part of a story on “smart meter fires”, I think the implication is clear…And if that’s not, then I’ll rest my comment on the speculation in your referenced link.

On a related note, do we know that the candle (source) was “upstairs” as you said? I wasn’t aware of that. If true, that *is* suspicious; but isn’t it equally plausible that there is/was a “bedroom” behind the garage?

By: Paul H Wed, 29 Aug 2012 02:05:03 +0000 In reply to Richard.

Here is a video of a kill meter malfunctioning.

By: onthelevelblog Tue, 28 Aug 2012 16:58:25 +0000 In reply to Richard.

Richard, We didn’t say that the smart meter caused the fire in SF- however it is suspicious and needs an investigation. Why the smart meter would be melted with charred wood above it but not around it makes this lay person very curious about how a candle upstairs could cause what we see in the photo. More details on this incident here:

By: Earl Tue, 28 Aug 2012 15:08:55 +0000 I’ve been struggling terribly with Pepco. I wrote this article today about how to opt out if you have Pepco and live in Maryland: Best of luck to everyone is taking a stand against smart meters.

By: Richard Tue, 28 Aug 2012 05:07:32 +0000 RE: the fire in San Francisco (and the melted meter pictured above) … the official FD report stated the cause as a candle in a bedroom, which ignited the bedding. Toxins released from plastic and parts melted during the fire is one thing, but let’s be careful of saying the meter caused the fire.

That said, it sounds like the folks in Maryland may have reason for concern… Hopefully the truth will be revealed.
