Comments on: PG&E Threatening 84-Year-Old Santa Cruz Woman with Disconnect if She Fails to Pay Protection Racket Fee Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Tue, 17 Mar 2015 20:56:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mountainlady Tue, 17 Mar 2015 20:56:54 +0000 In reply to Song Ping.

My monthly PGE bill clearly labels the monthly charge “Smartmeter Opt-Out Monthly Fee.”

Per page 72 of the unanimously adopted PUC Decision “21. The collection of the monthly charge from opt-out customers should be limited to three years from the date they choose to opt-out.”

Not confused at all here. But I sincerely doubt you are a PGE customer. Nice try…

By: Song Ping Tue, 17 Mar 2015 01:13:02 +0000 In reply to mountainlady.

I have not heard about that 3 year limit of charging opt out fees.
I never had a radio meter installed, I still have my original electromechanical meter that was installed 30 years ago.
Since this was a one time fee, is it going to be refunded to me now ? I doubt it.
But are you confused ?, you wrote that you still have the opt out fee on your current bill, are they charging you the $75 opt out fee on every months bill ?
I doubt it.
Perhaps you are seeing a $10 per month meter reading fee and for some reason think that is an opt out fee.

By: anonymous Sun, 15 Mar 2015 05:00:24 +0000 thank you for the reply — yes, we’ll be sending a donation/emergency donation
to ms. louis and the cause. thank you S.S.M. and THANK YOU for your
compassionate action for her and the ones before and coming. Good karma!!

By: onthelevelblog Fri, 13 Mar 2015 18:06:55 +0000 In reply to anonymous.

Thanks so much for your support. Lois still has her power on as of Friday March 13th, and is doing better with everyone’s support. As a grassroots organization, Stop Smart Meters! relies on donations from the public to fund our activities and programs. We would be very grateful for your support of our work, and we also have an emergency fund you can contribute to, to look after victims of utility company abuses. We helped buy solar panels for this Las Vegas woman after her power was cut by NV Energy for smart meter refusal:

To donate to the cause, see: Thanks!

By: anonymous Fri, 13 Mar 2015 04:58:59 +0000 any way to donate funds to ms. louis and this cause?

we support you.

thank you S.S.M.

By: mountainlady Fri, 13 Mar 2015 02:30:34 +0000 Even though the PUC recently ruled that PGE could only collect their extortion (opt out) fees for 3 years from the date of opt out, PGE is still charging the fee on my bill. They refuse to remove it. First PGE customer service claims they did not know anything about December PUC ruling. Customer Service transferred me to the Smart Meter dept who claims that even if they overcharge me they don’t have to refund it because all the costs will be spread out over all customers. Last time I called Customer Service claims that even though I returned the cancer meter in Oct 2011, the opt out did not become available until Feb 2012, so they could still charge me. My current bill still has the opt out fee on it. I have not paid the opt out fee since the December PUC ruling.

I guess I will see if they turn my power off again like in December 2011.
