Comments on: Judge Rules Electric Utility’s Smart Meter Opt Out Fees Violate State Law; PSREC Refuses to Reconnect Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 08 Sep 2023 01:43:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ohio Utility Commission Rules Against Three Women Who Can’t Afford Smart Meter “Opt- Out” Fees | Stop Smart Meters! Fri, 08 Sep 2023 01:43:26 +0000 […] consumer’s opt-out fees when she filed a claim into their bankruptcy court proceeding.  A court waived “opt-out” fees for another California consumer by virtue of his disabling medical […]

By: Josh Hart Thu, 11 May 2023 00:29:43 +0000 In reply to CHRISTOPHER CRUZ.

Hi Chris, Many people are refusing to pay their opt out fees and paying their usage portion on time. If you feel they are harassing you, file a complaint with your state utility commission or consider going to small claims court to recoup costs etc.

By: CHRISTOPHER CRUZ Mon, 24 Apr 2023 18:28:43 +0000 I am trying to get my smart meter removed and the electric company “Salt River Project” S.R.P. is trying to charge me $40 every other month to read the analog meter. So $20 a month for them to read the meter for month 1. Then get an estimated bill for month 2. Then when cycle starts over and meter is read on month 3, the new charges are entered and at that point they make adjustments to your bill based on the difference of your second month and what was actually billed. Why not just come out every month to avoid issues? Besides that, I have a problem with the fees to “opt out” of having a smart meter. The reason why I made an issue of it all of a sudden is because my power was”accidentally shut off” which is BS! That pushed me to make an issue of it to get it removed but was turned down to any deferrals of their fees. What can I do? I am in Pinal County Arizona.
I thank you in advance,
Christopher Cruz

By: Josh Hart Tue, 25 Oct 2016 19:41:29 +0000 In reply to Kenna.

Hi Kenna, let’s talk on the phone- please call us at 888 965 6435- we can help you strategize about your local situation. -SSM!

By: Kenna Wed, 19 Oct 2016 13:22:23 +0000 Do you have advice for others to keep things out of court? They are starting our “upgrade” in 2017. We have an “opt-out” program which literally would double our electric bill. I started the conversation with the electric company and I am awaiting a response. Also, I contacted our town mayor and county commissioner who actually agreed with me that pushing ‘smart’ meters on people is illegal, but no one is enforcing this. I am now in conversations with our Public Utilities Commission. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

By: Josh Hart Tue, 20 Sep 2016 23:52:09 +0000 In reply to John Ali.

We settled after they offered us an analog and no additional fees- all we wanted in the first place! See:

By: John Ali Mon, 19 Sep 2016 07:31:45 +0000 Where statas of out come of utility appeal ?

By: paving the way!! Electrosensitive Liberty Sat, 25 Apr 2015 08:15:47 +0000 ~ congratulations to the Harts and supporters through thick and thin –
paving the way for plenty of others to follow ! ~ to the Winds across
all worlds.

next 13 days (a 13-day cycle called trecena in galactic mayan cosmology) are good to put your dreams in fruition and receive
good help from our Eagle Friends, in human form and up above. respectfully.

SSM and beyond!

By: Tanya Mon, 20 Apr 2015 02:08:10 +0000 Josh, thank you so much for remaining firm on this issue, despite huge inconvenience and cost to you and your family. So many people in Australia caved in to the bluffs of installers and power companies only to now see that they were lied to and are now worse off. Those who didn’t cave in are rejoicing.

By: veronica Sun, 19 Apr 2015 03:54:41 +0000 Keep up the good work Josh. Your sacrifices will benefit everyone who is suffering from EHS or who simply understands the risks inherent in being exposed to nonionizing microwave radiation day and night. In Indiana we are still stuck with the meters. Not enought local people to stand up to the regulatory commission or the utility. Your fight is everyones fight. Thank you to you and your family for sticking with this and for all tht you have done and continue to do. So many are suffering and are unable to mount a fight.
