Comments on: Calendar Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Mon, 11 Feb 2013 11:59:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: jp Mon, 11 Feb 2013 11:59:06 +0000 In reply to inka.
las cruces and I want to do the same as you.

By: Soke Thu, 25 Aug 2011 18:56:21 +0000 In reply to Smart Meters NOT Welcome Here.

I live in Laguna Niguel. Have you formed a group? If so I would like to join.

By: onthelevelblog Sat, 09 Jul 2011 17:27:33 +0000 In reply to Anna.

You can also send a message to the CPUC quickly and easily here:

By: onthelevelblog Sat, 09 Jul 2011 17:26:00 +0000 In reply to Anna.

Hi Anna, we have a “smart” meter fact sheet here: and you can download a pdf to distribute here:

By: Anna Wed, 06 Jul 2011 07:48:24 +0000 In reply to Cyndi.

Can someone on this site start a Petition letter for people to sign like they do on or similar organizations?

The more people can respond immediately, the more impressive our numbers are and the more the CPUC and other utility works nationally and internationally will take notice and change their ways to accommodate the public’s needs (as well as providing encouragement to other cities organizing similar efforts).

After all, is it not true that the CPUC or California Public Utility Commission serves the public? They state as such in their mission statement, posted as the only free standing text, on their website page,

“The CPUC serves the public interest by protecting consumers and ensuring the provision of safe, reliable utility service and infrastructure at reasonable rates, with a commitment to environmental enhancement and a healthy California economy.”

As the public greatly doubts the CPUC’s true intentions behind the installation of these meters to customers who have had NO IDEA they were being installed, the CPUC is obligated, at the request of its customers, to uninstall these meters until there is unanimous approval of all tenants of buildings or residences, including businesses as well. As a pubic entity, they are obligated, by law, to first acquire customers’ approval before implementing a campaign of such gargantuan proportions (and unnecessary expense and health risk).

The dictum of the CPUC is to “serve the public interest by protecting consumers and ensuring the provision of safe, reliable utility service” which they are legally bound to uphold. Customers must be given the choice whether or not they want these meters rather than having the meters foisted (illegally) upon them. The CPUC is OBLIGATED to serve its customers, the public, for the public pays their salaries. Who are they serving? It doesn’t appear to be their customers in this scenario.

Also, if the wonderful folks of this site who put it together can preface the petition with a few key points about why the smart meters are not healthy to have around (points that we can easily remember and tell others about) so that more folks can be better informed and ready with answers when questioned why the meters are such a huge health as well as privacy risk (the slow, insidious usurping of citizens’ power — as consumers and as individuals in society.

I’ve been told that by standing in front of a bank of smart meters in your building, you receive something like 100 times the amount of EMF’s than cell phones or fill in the blank. Please someone who is knowledgeable, can you write a “Smart Meter Fact Sheet” and post on this site? Thanks!!

By: Cyndi Tue, 31 May 2011 22:20:56 +0000 How can I get this nasty meter they forced on me OFF of my house? I sure hope we can get a huge class action lawsuit going. Look at all of the money this monstrosity is going to cost the taxpaying residents of California. It borders on criminal.

By: Smart Meters NOT Welcome Here Tue, 19 Apr 2011 05:33:01 +0000 Are there any events happening in Orange County, specifically in the Laguna Hills area?????? We are starting to have these ridiculous pieces of junk installed in our community and DO NOT WANT THEM!!!!!!!!!!! Please email me at if you are in the Orange County area and are in a group or looking to start one.

By: Texas Fri, 15 Apr 2011 15:32:53 +0000 Inka, go to

They are in New Mexico. At our website, we have contact information for various states. Would you like to put yourself on there as a contact for your area? You can put as much or as little info as you want and you won’t get spam if you post your email.

By: inka Thu, 14 Apr 2011 18:46:48 +0000 please help
severe emf’s, mcs, very isolated, hard to know whats going on

how can i leaqrn more about planned dates for smartmeter installatins in southwest new mexico

how can i contact/find others in the silver city/gila/glenwod area that are aware of the smart meter”danger”, that are organizing to stop it, i pretty much live in the wilderness, thank you!!!
thank you
