Comments for Stop Smart Meters! Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 28 Feb 2025 03:56:57 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Buy Your Analog Meter Here by Charles Kimbrough Fri, 28 Feb 2025 03:56:57 +0000 I live in Carson, Ca. And Edison came out and removed the digital smart meter but they refuse to put the Anelog meter that I bought from Edison put their opt-out meter on my house. And it is just as bad as the digital meter. I know how to change it myself. but what kind of trouble will there be if i change it?

Comment on Smart Meter Lawsuits by Mr. Miller Thu, 12 Dec 2024 18:59:13 +0000 In reply to Helen.

Oct 17, they installed Smart meters in my neighborhood. I called the utility company and told them I did not want one. I then had the person installing them remove the one he just replaced and put the old one back. Cut to December 10 they put one in without my knowledge or consent. They will not take it out without a signed piece of paper. On top of that they want to charge me $80+ dollars to switch it back along with and extra $16+ dollars a month.

Comment on We Are Not ‘Opting Out’………….We Are Refusing to Opt In. by Dean Wed, 11 Dec 2024 03:29:27 +0000 In reply to Lillian.

Watch ” take your power back” and educate yourself.

Comment on Local Group Directory by Smart Meter Citizen Science, Information, and Referrals (DRAFT) - Safe Tech International Thu, 05 Dec 2024 21:00:39 +0000 […] Stop Smart Meters in California maintained a list of smart meter activist contacts/groups from across the country and internationally. Many areas have already been deployed, and/or the group has transitioned to a broader focus such as 5G or Safe Tech, but the list provides an idea of the scope of concern and informed citizen activism over the last fifteen years focused on smart meters: […]

Comment on Frequently Asked Questions by Tom Tue, 03 Dec 2024 18:50:07 +0000 Hello, I live in New Jersey and in 2023 was given the option to change to a smart meter or keep my analog meter. I opted out and kept my old meter. I recently received a notice from my power company that my monthly rates would be going up in January 2025, by $ 12 a month. This angers me. I believe my rates should stay the same and should not be punished for not changing over. If anything they should give a break to those customers that went to the smart meter. I have heard that there are health risks associated with these devices. Is there any way I can contact my power supplier and ask them to waive the added charge ? Thank you, Tom B.

Comment on Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s Children’s Health Defense Sues FCC Over Inadequate and Outdated RF Safety Guidelines by RG Mon, 25 Nov 2024 03:10:58 +0000 Would be interested to know more about how this case developed since PSEG is charging a fee for this who refuse to install a smart meter.

Comment on Tinfoil Hat Ladies of Arizona Strike Back: ACC Commissioner Bob Stump Mocks Electro-Sensitive Woman on Twitter as Smart Meter Opposition Movement Swells Nationally by Floris R. Freshman Thu, 21 Nov 2024 00:52:01 +0000 i meant stump’s cell was requested. not that other guy…gary pierce? there was a brenda there too she said …’i feel for you guys’… that she came home and there was a smartmeter on her house. ‘what’re you gonna do?’ dr martin blank flew all the way from the east coast teaching professorship to bear witness of the blood-brain barrier being breached by electromagnetic radiation espaecially from the smartmeters. actually the patent 1974 ”intelligent meter” inventor won the nobel!

Comment on Tinfoil Hat Ladies of Arizona Strike Back: ACC Commissioner Bob Stump Mocks Electro-Sensitive Woman on Twitter as Smart Meter Opposition Movement Swells Nationally by Floris R. Freshman Thu, 21 Nov 2024 00:45:46 +0000 thank you i was taken aback by the total denial system i witnessed that day and other days our taxes paid for deliberate incompetence from racketeers and their bought-out souls aides. stump actually retired, as did the dude who wont put his grandkids near the meter. for an election-related inquiry, his cellphone was demanded by checks and balances non-profit and the judge said there was nothing there. btw- i now just wear a copperbanded shadehat. works for me better than foil, or lined duct alum. i remove the band in a lightening storm.

Comment on FAQ: Mesh Network Issues by Hope Mon, 18 Nov 2024 05:42:00 +0000 I have 4 Smart Meters on the wall of my bedroom. (I live in Condo, I bought it as I down sided my living space. ) My bedroom is small , My bed is 2 feet away from the wall where smart meter is. I have developed ringing in my ears, muscles pain, headache, heart palpitation since I have moved to this apartment. My sleep is disrupted every night from 1 am – 5 am I nerves are so disturbed as I am plugged in to electrical outlet. This is when I experience Suveer muscular pain all over my body, my facial muscles, even the top of my head is sore. I have to move myself and sleep on the couch in the Livingroom. It is horrible experience; my health is deteriorating, I sleep 3-4 hours only, and I don’t know what to do. I bought this place, I opted out Smart meter, but others still have them, and they are on my wall. What can I do?

Comment on FAQ: Legal Issues by Lily Sat, 16 Nov 2024 23:16:18 +0000 In reply to April Wentworth.

Can you please tell me how you got this done I’m having this same issue! Please
