Comments on: Sorry Darbee, No Opting Out! Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Wed, 25 May 2011 22:33:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: onthelevelblog Wed, 25 May 2011 22:33:01 +0000 In reply to warren fairbanks.

Hey Warren- Under NO circumstances should you allow PG&E to install a smart meter on your property. They will threaten you with electricity cut off, fines, being waterboarded, (kidding- i hope) etc but this has not happened to one single person in the whole state- these are just idle threats by a desperate monopoly corporation out of control. We encourage you to make your own signs, but if you want to buy them they are available at HOWEVER, this is NOT enough. You need to lock up your analog meters- both gas and electric and not allow PG&E or their evil sidekicks Wellington energy access to your home (or your neighbors homes). This is your home and you have a right to refuse! Also call PG&E opt out line at 877 743 7378 and demand to keep your analog meter– don;t take no for an answer! Locking strategies available here:

By: warren fairbanks Wed, 25 May 2011 22:12:36 +0000 hi, PG&E is heavily on my case! I desperately need one of the red and black no smart meter signs! I do not have colored ink and I think the “red” is emphatic! can I buy one somewhere near? I’m in san anselmo. PG&E has told me the meter is mandatory! Is this true? how can that be? warren
