Support Tennessee Smart Meter Legislation writes:

So much has been happening here in Tennessee!  We have a good opt out bill in which was modelled after Vermont’s law and Massachusetts’ current opt out bill.  Next Tuesday Tennessee’s SB-2232 will be voted on in the Senate Committee.  We know the odds are long, but we happy to be this far.  
We are hoping for a wave of support from Tennessee and across the nation, between now and the end of next Monday, March 11th.  Please spread the word!
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2 Responses to Support Tennessee Smart Meter Legislation

  1. Craig Jacobson says:

    I think they are dangerous. We should have a choice. We don’t have a choice as to where we get out electricity. We should have a choice bofeing bombarded with harmful emf’s

  2. wired4health says:

    update wisconsin
    one or two individuals still attempting opt outs via Wisconsin Public Service Commission due to health.
    Even with reputable MD letter they refuse to accommodate.
    They demand proof from a customer that a transmitting meter adds to or causes them harm.
    Not enough people know or care about smart meter emissions in WI.
    Let it be known that the commission refuses to accommodate and points to the FCC.

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