Category Archives: Cancer

Trojan Horse Analog Meters Investigated

As if smart meters weren’t creepy enough, it appears that utility companies have been hiding wireless transmitters  in so-called ‘analog’ meters, without informing the public.  You might be paying hundreds of dollars a year for a meter that looks like … Continue reading

Posted in Cancer, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid | 20 Comments

BC CDC Report Warns of Damaging Health Effects From Wireless Devices

According to Citizens for Safe Technology: Based upon recent findings (pdf report), the British Columbia Centers for Disease Control recommends that males keep cell phones away from the groin area and limit mobile phone use. The report confirms that there … Continue reading

Posted in Animal Harm, Canada, Cancer, Cell phones, Democracy, EMF Mitigation, Health studies, Physicians, radio-frequency radiation | 4 Comments

When ‘Smart’ Meters Kill: The Story of Larry Nikkel — Details Emerge of Vacaville, CA Smart Meter Fire Death

Larry Nikkel  By Joshua Hart, Director StopSmartMeters.Org Details have come to light of a man killed by a Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Smart Meter that caught fire in Vacaville, CA on July 9th, 2010.   Larry Nikkel of 230 Arbor … Continue reading

Posted in California, Cancer, CPUC, Fires, legal issues, PG&E, Smart Grid | 24 Comments

UK Parliament Warned of Smart Meter Risks in Heated Debate; Meets with PG&E and Industry in CA, Cancels Meeting with Smart Meter Radiation Victims

Our allies at StopSmartMeters.Org.Uk recently presented the facts about ‘smart’ meters to the UK Parliament’s Energy Committee, and as you can see from the video above, the resulting debate became heated several times. The first smart meter pilot programs have … Continue reading

Posted in Animal Harm, Bees, Britain, Cancer, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid | Leave a comment

21st Century Science Denial Part III: Rise of the Machines

By Deborah Kopald, Guest Columnist Read parts I and II of Deborah Kopald’s Science Denial series here on StopSmartMeters.Org As for smart meters and other wireless devices, the U.S. has not pre-market safety tested any of them and has not … Continue reading

Posted in California, Cancer, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, neighborhood organizing, Privacy, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, Smart Grid | 22 Comments