Stop Smart Meters! Bulletin
Vol. 1 September 7th, 2010
What is Stop Smart Meters!?
Growing out of the grassroots group Scotts Valley Neighbors Against Smart Meters, which was started back in June, Stop Smart Meters! has now evolved into a statewide advocacy, media outreach, and direct action group providing activism consultation and advice to dozens of local groups sprouting up all around the state who are fighting the wireless ‘smart’ meter assault. We’ve been receiving about a hundred e-mails and phone calls each week from individual citizens, the media, and elected officials from all over the country, which has certainly been keeping us busy.
The smart meter assault is a huge threat to our health and wellbeing. But it is also an opportunity and a teachable moment about the dangers of wireless technology, corporate control, and false solutions to a looming climate catastrophe. With your help, we can work toward a truly sustainable, equitable and democratic energy system, and new wireless standards that will put human and environmental health before profit. The ‘smart’ meter fight has brought about new, unlikely political alliances between disparate ends of the political spectrum. With your help, we plan on strengthening these new ties for the battles to come.
More info, regular news updates and analysis at our new shorter, easier-to-remember website:
Appeal for Financial Contributions
Three months ago, we hadn’t even heard of ‘smart’ meters. Ah the good old days when our utility company wasn’t trying to radiate us, overcharge us, and invade our privacy. Since we received our installation warning letter from PG&E in June, we’ve been working more than full time against ‘smart’ meters. We’ve had to give up our regular paid employment, and go into an emergency response mode to educate ourselves about the issues, and educate the public through the media. This all costs money, and we now appeal to you to help us carry on the work we have been doing. We’d like to expand our operation, track all ordinances and resolutions statewide, disseminate the facts about smart meters throughout the state, and carry on pitching stories to the media. We’d also like to investigate and report on privacy issues in more depth. But we cannot do this without your help. Even if it’s only a small amount, it really means a lot to us. Please contact us at joshuanoahhart[at]gmail[dot]com if you can help out.
Also, please support our allies at the EMF Safety Network and the Ecological Options Network, who are also working hard against the ‘smart’ meter threat.
Santa Cruz County Protest Update
On August 26th, following PG&E’s arrogant decision to continue ‘smart’ meter installation despite local government unanimity in Santa Cruz County that the ‘smart’ meter program must be halted, Stop Smart Meters! held a protest outside the Wellington Energy yard in Capitola at 38th and Portola. Our daily, early morning protests successfully shut down operations for four days, and PG&E was unwilling to press charges when we blockaded their trucks in the yard. The successful direct action generated extensive media coverage and added to political pressure on the County Supervisors, who will be considering passing a law banning ‘smart’ meters at their meeting next week. (please call them at 831 454 2200 and support this!)
You can watch our 15-minute video covering these dramatic events here. Since last Tuesday, PG&E has moved their trucks to a secret, undisclosed location and as far as we know they continue to force their (not so) smart meters onto the people of Santa Cruz County. As a result, we are calling for a….
Statewide Wellington Watch
We are calling on the public to help us with a ‘Wellington Watch’ throughout the state. If you see any white trucks with a shell on the back and the words “Wellington Energy” on the doors, please follow them and report the location of their operational yards to us. Working together, we can stop this undemocratic microwave trespass on our homes and businesses.
Local Political Update
On Friday, Sept. 3rd we met with State Assemblymember Bill Monning to discuss the ‘smart’ meter problem and update him on local government opposition to the program. He has agreed to demand answers of the CPUC about health concerns. State Senator Dean Florez of Bakersfield has scheduled a hearing on ‘smart’ meters in Sacramento on Thurs. Sept. 16th. Everyone is encouraged to attend and speak out.
The number of local governments opposed to the ‘smart’ meter program continues to grow. A total of 3 counties and 17 cities throughout CA have now formally opposed PG&E’s plans. The updated list can be found here at the EMF Safety Network site. Is your city or county on the list? Why not adapt our letter and send it to them today? Sample letter here.
Media Update and Links
There has been an absolute flood of media coverage of the smart meter debacle, some of it great and informed, and some of it downright deceptive. The good news is that the health issue is being covered more than ever before. Here are some highlights:
Joshua Hart of Stop Smart Meters! interviewed on KSCO- great radio show with call-ins!
Lindsay Riddell of Business Times backtracks after calling electrosensitive people ‘crazy’
Video coverage of our Santa Cruz County Protests
Great, educational article with Monterey County powerhouse activist Nina Beety:
ABC7 report on accuracy report, barely mentions health impacts
Sentinel/ SJ Merc Report on Accuracy Study and Santa Cruz Blockades
USA Today Report, barely mentions health concerns and tows PG&E corporate line
KQED Blog coverage, covers local govt uprising but not really the reasons behind it:
Inaccurate, biased report either confused about the report or purposely misleading- objection filed:
Smart Meter would be smarter if it could talk to my energy wasting kids:
Greenwashed article from Treehugger (not a surprise)
Opinion piece from Robert Kavet at the EPRI, downplaying health concerns
Santa Rosa Press Democrat: PG&E report doesn’t address health concerns
Senator Dean Florez and many other were not satisfied with the Structure Group study:
KPIX Coverage- GREAT and refreshing coverage of health testimony at CPUC
Coverage of a Fairfax resident who got a smart meter despite town’s law
Chamber of Commerce Calls Upon SF to Drop Petition:
KPFA Report from Saturday with interviews from Josh Hart, Sandi Maurer, and Stephany Aguilar (starts at 13:00):
Coverage of Novato Decision Against Smart Meters:
Attack of the killer smart meters!:
Smart Meter Causes Interference to Baby Monitors, other devices
September 2nd CPUC Meeting- Video (click on Sept 2 meeting, 1st video)
Indymedia Coverage (thank god for Indymedia!)
Upcoming Events
TONIGHT!: Corte Madera Town Council Meeting
7:30 PM Tuesday Sept. 7th 300 Tamalpias Ave, Corte madera, CA
TONIGHT! Sept. 7th 6:45 pm, City Council & strategy meeting- for Sebastopol, West County areas
Sept. 8, 6-9pm PG&E presentation in Fairfax: The Fairfax Community Church, 2398 Sir Francis Drake Blvd.
Sept. 11 Noon-1pm KSCO radio show with Josh Hart and Capitola Councilmember Dennis Norton
Sept. 13, Mon., 7 pm Nina Beety vs PG&E at Citizens for Sustainable Marina, Monterey Cty.
Sept. 14th 10am -Marin County Supervisors–Supervisors Chambers
Sept. 14th: San Anselmo Town Council Meeting
Sept. 14th: Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors Meeting- they will vote on a ban!
Sept. 15th 6pm: Scotts Valley City Council meeting. 1 Civic Center Drive, SV
Attend and demand a ban!
Sept. 15th 7pm: Freedom Forum: Are “Smart Meters” Really Smart?– talk with Dr. Karl Maret, Joshua Hart, and Councilmember Dennis Norton at the Live Oak Grange in Santa Cruz, 1900 17th Ave.
Sept. 16th: State Sen. Dean Florez is convening a hearing on ‘smart’ meters at the state Capitol
October 5-8th Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association Conference, San Francisco (they are suing SF for requiring radiation levels on cell phones!)
More details on events at:
Stop Smart Meters!
Smart Meters Wiki
EMF Safety Network
Ecological Options Network
Environmental Health Trust
If you’d like to be removed from this list, please e-mail us at and we will do so immediately. ~Thank you for your support!~ – Stop Smart Meters!
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I find that many of the comments are based on a misunderstanding of matters such as the effects of radio frequency radiation. Measurements I have seen show that its level is small as compared with that emitted by common devices in many households. Also, other comments are based on complaints of the meter’s giving inaccurate results. Such complaints should be addressed to the supplier of the meters, and if true, the user is entitled to reimbursement for overcharges. If meters from some manufacturers are found to give such inaccuracies, a complaint could be issued against them, and the manufacturer could be held responsible. In any case, the use of “smart meters” is a sensible proposal and their use should not be condemned because of the use of some faulty models or because of untrue beliefs of users.
“Measurements I have seen show that its level is small as compared with that emitted by common devices in many households.”
Hello PG&E shill. Welcome to the blog. BTW, my household devices do not emit cellular radiation signals capable of “penetrating through mountains” as do smartmeters (and admitted as such by the makers of these devices).
Anyway, we do not buy your propaganda, but nice try.
This is making me sick to know that my friends are part of the biggest health /Privacy experiment in history and they have no clue. This violates all Informed Consent laws. Looks like alternative power ( ie. solar/ wind ) is now a realistic option.