Smart Meter or NO Power at All? Nevada Energy Sends Three Armed Men to Disconnect Power- Just for ‘Opting Out’

Nevada is supposedly one of those states with a smart meter ‘opt out’ policy.   On the ground, however, the reality is a little different.

“Sarah” (not her real name) lives outside Las Vegas, Nevada.  Like many Americans she has been impacted by the downturn in the economy and is struggling to make ends meet. Sarah has always paid her bills on time, and makes protecting her health a priority.  For years Sarah worked on humanitarian projects in the Middle East: drilling wells, and providing drinkable water and renewable power to remote villages. So she is familiar with the need for safe, reliable public services.  Now, it turns out that she may need some humanitarian assistance herself- not in the developing world but right outside Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

The story starts when Nevada Energy (NVE) installed a ‘smart’ meter on Sarah’s bedroom wall in January without permission, or even so much as a few days’ notice.

Sarah reports that she does not have any prior history of medical issues.  Shortly after NV Energy installed the smart meter, she started noticing an increase in her heart rate first thing in the morning and an elevated blood pressure.  She felt fatigued, and started having headaches.  A low grinding sound had started when the meter was installed and this made it difficult for Sarah to sleep, or even be in her own home during the day. She tried different things to get rid of the symptoms, but nothing worked.  Finally it dawned on her: the only thing which had changed in her life was the meter.  When she started researching the issue, she realized she was not alone. Others were experiencing the same annoying humming grinding sound, the same adverse health impacts- and linking it to recent smart meter installations.  She has amassed a whole binder of studies about the negative effects of EMF’s on health.

A letter from Sarah’s doctor to NV Energy reads:

“Neurological and cardiological findings may be associated with pulsed EMF… EEG, ECG, MRI and sleep study changes may be associated in some hypersensitive individuals to pulsed EMF. If multiple Smart meters are in use in her area, the possibility of constructive and destructive interference between the various EMF signals is a distinct possibility whose effects may be potentially more dangerous. I recommend that this patient be allowed to have NVE reinstall an analog meter at her house.

So she called the power company, expecting that they would remove the unsanctioned meter right away- or at least come out and do an analysis to find out what was causing the grinding noise.  Months later, frustrated after at least six failed attempts to have NVE address the problem, Sarah finally purchased a standard analog meter and had an electrician install it at her residence.  She carefully photographed and recorded the readings on the old and new meter, to be sure that she paid for every kilowatt-hour used.  She attempted to return the unwanted smart meter to NVE offices, but was turned away.

On August 6th, at about 10:30am, three men from Nevada Energy, armed with guns, arrived unannounced on her property, removed the analog meter from the socket, took her analog meter as well as the unauthorized smart meter she had removed, and left her living without electricity. One of the men identified himself as an investigator with the company and said that he was investigating her for “criminal tampering.”

She was in tears, visibly shaken by the encounter, and recalls asking the men, “Why are you on my property with guns?” Their response: “this is procedure Ma’am.”  (If this has become the “procedure” then we need to act to stop this kind of utility intimidation and abuse.)

More than a month later, the lights are still off and Sarah hasn’t budged.  “They’re not putting that thing back on my house,” she says.

We asked Angel de Fazio, who has been on the front lines working to fight NVE’s smart meter program, what is going on here? Doesn’t Nevada have an ‘opt out’ choice?

Angel says “Nevada residents only won the right to be placed on the ‘delay list’, not a full ‘opt out’.”

In other words, if you wised up before the installation trucks came and still have your analog, NVE has a ‘delay list’ you can sign to ‘delay’ your installation date.  But if the power company managed to sneak on your property and install a smart meter- even without permission- then your choice is a smart meter or no power at all, as Sarah discovered.  Even if you have a letter from your doctor, the power company apparently thinks it knows best what’s good for you.

While awareness about smart meter problems has been greater in states like California, Maine, and several other states, the “take a smart meter or lose your power” policy remains quietly in force in other states where awareness may not be as widespread. However, people in these states (like Sarah) have had enough and are standing up to the utility industry in increasing numbers.

Angel tells Stop Smart Meters! that Nevada’s opt out proceeding has been a sham. “The Nevada PUC will be holding hearings on October 3rd-5th to determine which of the ‘non-transmitting’ meters they will trial to replace people’s analogs and how much they will charge for the ‘privilege’. Even the ‘right’ to have a non-transmitting meter is under threat.” In other words, there may be no official ‘opt out’ at all unless people organize and make more noise.

“NVE has conned the PUC into believing that only a certain number of people can opt out or their Federal Stimulus Grant will be in jeopardy.  That is a lie,” Angel says.

NVE has been calling people on the ‘delay list’ who want to ‘opt out’ and repeatedly pressuring them to accept a smart meter.  The company admitted that they lied to utility customers, telling them that the meters are federally mandated (which they are not), and telling people their power would be cut if they didn’t accept the meter (which they do not have the legal authority to do).  Similar stories abound about other utilities including Southern California Edison, Detroit Edison, Duke Energy, and Oncor.

Now NVE is accusing Sarah of tampering with their equipment, which she says is ridiculous, because she gave them plenty of opportunity to remove the problematic smart meter.  “I had no intention of stealing electricity,” she says.  “I just wanted the grinding noise and headaches to stop.”

California Penal code defines “tampering” as:

“(carrying out)(1) specified acts with the intent to obtain utility services without paying the full charge, or with the intent to enable another person to do so, or with the intent to deprive any utility of its full lawful charges for utility services.”

Nevada laws are similar.  Despite this, NVE claims that Sarah “tampered” with the meter and are now charging her hundreds of dollars in fees and forcing her to obtain an

Armed NVE agents removed Sarah’s meter and left her without electricity.

expensive County inspection.  For the last month, Sarah has been ‘camping’ in her house, unable to use her appliances, lights or hot water.  The laundry that was in the washing machine when they cut her power was locked in, and by the time she could get it out it was totally destroyed by mildew.  The NVE agents came without warning.

Sarah has borrowed a gas generator that she uses for an hour a day, but she’s worried that this is a fire hazard in the forest where she lives.   The power cut has had a devastating effect on her life, she says.  “My business has taken a nosedive since I have had to travel into town to access my e-mails. I can’t use my computer, fax machine, or any lights.  I’m cooking over a camp stove in my living room.”

Back in December, Stop Smart Meters! raised more than $1000 from supporters like you to help families who had been cut off by PG&E try to have a decent Christmas.  These donations helped people through a difficult time, and the outpouring of community support gave them strength to take back their power from the utility.  In part because of the strength of these families who refused to accept a forced smart meter (or a ‘non-transmitting’ meter), we now have an official analog ‘opt out’ policy in California.  It’s extortion for sure, but it’s better than the  policies they still have in places like Nevada.

The Grinch doesn’t care if you have a headache

Sarah doesn’t know what she’s going to do, and was even thinking for a time about allowing a smart meter back on her home- at least for the time being.  “Winter comes in these mountains a month before everywhere else,” she says.

It’s hard to stomach the fact that in 2012 in the United States, men with guns from a private corporation and no warrant show up and threaten us for not accepting a hazardous device on our homes.  As a community we must come together and reject these Gestapo tactics.  Under the US Constitution, we have a right to be safe and sovereign in our homes.  If you turn a blind eye while the rights of your friends and neighbors are being violated, they may be at your house next.

Stop Smart Meters! Director Joshua Hart defending his analog meter: digging in your heels works!

We’ve been speaking with Sarah and she doesn’t want to give in to NVE.  She’s willing to rough it, to protect her health and to prove a point to the utility and to America- if that’s the way the utilities are going to behave, maybe we’re better off without them!

Sarah says “Some of us eat organic foods, buy our nice bottled waters, exercise daily, but where is the point in all of this wellness when we are forced to have a radiation box attached to our homes?”

Call for Safe Power Fund Donations

Stop Smart Meters! has had enough of this utility abuse.  Today we are initiating a fund to

Now that’s more like it!

support Sarah’s energy needs and see her through the winter safely and without a smart meter, using renewable power.  We’ll be personally contributing to the fund and we urge you to do the same. When you opened your hearts and wallets for Santa Cruz County residents in December, together we prevailed and the movement grew stronger.

Please donate if you can- even a little- to Stop Smart Meters! Safe Power Fund to help Sarah afford some solar panels and other equipment and keep the smart meter off her home.  Together we can show it’s possible to take back your power safely and defy the utility.  No one has the right to force equipment that makes you sick onto your home.  Take a stand for Sarah and for everyone else out there standing up to the smart grid bullies.

Actions to Take for Sarah

1.  Please donate to get some solar panels for Sarah (indicate it’s a Safe Power Fund donation for Sarah).

2. You may contact Nevada Energy (Southern NV Energy) to express your disgust about how they are treating Sarah (and others with smart meter complaints, without allowing an opt-out). If you own stock in NVE – or any utility that aggressively forces smart meters on the public – we encourage you to rethink that.  (702) 402-5555

4. Report this outrage to your member of Congress or NV state legislator.

Thank you for supporting Sarah and others taking a stand!  -SSM!

This entry was posted in Changing a Meter, Citizen rebellion, Federal Government, Hawaii, health effects, Illinois, Installer Threats and Assaults, legal issues, Nevada, Physicians, Safety, SCE, Texas, Vermont. Bookmark the permalink.

54 Responses to Smart Meter or NO Power at All? Nevada Energy Sends Three Armed Men to Disconnect Power- Just for ‘Opting Out’

  1. yannis says:

    Hi ,

    I wanted to suggest to you to fight them hard by using the Bedini 10 pole generator with deep cycle batteries .

    THE Perfect standalone system , 25+ overunity .

    Probably 5000 grand all in with batteries and inverters but will generate much more than required .

    Obviously you followed people like Ted Gunardson and part of the Satanic Illuminati schmucks is to suppress Free Energy and from Free energy also comes Cancer or any other illness healing devices , well documented like Priore’s device or recently the Greek US Scientist created the Papimi device .

    God bless and best of luck ¬!


    • Sarah says:

      thank you for your comment..please let others know about this insanity..

      • Jeff says:

        I thought I saw a link on here explaining how to protect oneself from the smart meter by putting up some corrugated roofing with a grounding wire. I don’t see it now though. Anyone know the site?

  2. S Brinchman says:

    I am outraged that Nevada Power has abused this customer so badly, she should become the poster-child, nationally, for how the utilities are turning America into a police state. I think Mona should get help to go off-grid – I will send a donation and I hope you will too. BTW, the donation link does not work above.

    • S Brinchman says:

      The donation button did work just now. Thanks!

    • Sarah says:

      Thank you so much. I had someone come by yesterday to give an estimate for solar panels, to get off the grid..I will keep you posted on this progress. Many thanks for your support.


      • Marie says:

        Mona; have you tried contacting any consumer rights groups? Any group that will help you stand up for your rights?

        It is OUTRAGEOUS that this corporate mafia/utility company sent armed thugs to your home to harass and intimidate you, what country is this?!!!? Also, have you contacted your local media? I’m contacting some indy media outlets about this story. This problem needs to be more widely known and circulated. I’m disgusted beyond words by this corporate fascism.

        Mona, you may want to check the laws in your area to make sure you’re allowed to go off the grid because if not, you’ll run into a whole other host of problems!

        You’ll be in my prayers. Best of luck to you.

  3. Redi Kilowatt says:

    If that is true about the goon squad showing up with guns, and taking her meter and leaving her with no electricity, then NVE has been exposed now to the media and activists.
    If I were Sarah, I would have called the electrician back within one hour to put in another analog meter. I doubt the goons would come back unless Sarah called them and told them what she did.
    Like all utilities in this country, they only bill once a month. I have a schedule of what dates that they read my meter, and I put a plastic card of set dials at the edge of the property. Sometimes they miss the date, then they just estimate based on the previous year of monthly billings. Yes, the utility corporations have known how much power you used every month for decades.
    Some people are under the impression that the utilities never kept records before SmartMeters were invented. That has caused a lot of confusion.
    My meter reader asked if he could come onto my property once every 6 months to verify my reported reads, I said fine.
    In Sarah’s case, if she puts in another analog meter, it will be recording her electrical use just like a SmartMeter does. So, NVE can come in at anytime and read her meter, even if it is 6 months out, she won’t be stealing power.
    I think that NVE is an overbearing utility trying to control their customers through fear and intimidation. I know that they do this to their employees, but to their customers is a horribly stupid thing to do (if this story is actually true).
    Thank you OTLB for exposing this .

  4. Pingback: Nevada Energy sends three armed men to shut off power for smart meter complainant | Center for Electrosmog Prevention

  5. TonysTake says:

    If I had seen three uninvited, unannounced and unidentified armed men on my private property (not the police serving a warrant or other uniformed civil servants), they would be leaving in an ambulance.

  6. common law p. a. g. Chris H. Cave, politically assassinated I. B.E.W. 357 Las Vegas Nevada says:

    I was There: this Fabricated Hypothesized Pretense for Terminating Service, perpetuated This ARMED ROBBERY, [UN-Lawful taking with Firearms, Fear of Violence to enable Theft of Private Property absent any required: lawful service of Process;] predicated on absence of elemental probable cause, nor law determinate affidavit, issued under penalty for perjury, for which to lawfully quantify issuing any Judicial warrant, predicate to issuance of Subpoena or seizure of Private Personally lawfully obtained: UL Listed, Electrical measuring Device! This is a Felony Criminal abuse of Private Foreign Owned IncorpoRAT Power by NV. Energy-Nevada Power-Sierra Pacific Power- Nevada P.U.C. – Governor Brian Sandoval and State attorney general Catherine Cortez-Maesto, whom merely Protect their private foreign owned, for private profit Corporate Interests and Explicitly REFUSED to Investigate the egregious contumacious abuse of UN-authorize UN-lawful under mere color of law authority!
    This IS an Express Violation of Title 18- 1961; 241-242; and 4, as well as many Constitutional invidious sections of basic elemental absolute natural Rights and other ACTS of Congress! The Only imperfection existing appear to have CAUSED by the UN-professional Removal of the Pre Existing NON SMART Meter Device being RIPPED from the Socket Tearing the #8 Sheet metal screw from the Top Left Corner of the Meter Box! This was the Only alleged “Electrical Hazard” precipitating this Extortionate RUSE to precipitate THEFT and Extortion, constituting CorpoRAT Racketeering! Were these purported NV. Energy INVESTIGATORS Oathed or Affirmed as Peace Officers, with Good faith performance Bonds to Insure lawful Compliance or Mere CorpoRAT GOONS: Preying on innocent good paying, common customer diminutive attractive easy target Females? Why would an Expensive Co$tly FEE License be Require to Replace one Screw to Correct the alleged Damage likely Caused By The Power Terrorists? Why will the purported Secures of the Public Safety NOT Investigate this Felony Criminal Behavior is Corporate Terrorism NOW termed legal?

  7. What has happened to this country- we have no choice on what power company exists as the State regulates it and the amount of money it charges. Now we have armed agents taking private property (the meter she purchased) without due process and if the cost and installation exceed $250.00 (maybe $500) it is grand theft by these tresspasser(s). It might even constitute armed robbery (theft with the use of a weapon or threat of force). Clark County DA needs to investigate this criminal abuse of a tax paying resident. If the power company believed a crime was being committed by this person, they can lawful warrant and have the Sheriff’s department serve it, they can also recover any legal evidence found in support of the warrant. This is a private company using deadly force to enforce it’s corporate financial interests. We as citzens need to all band together to see this is not allowed by them or any other company that wants to operate with armed agents in the field. We laws that protect all of us. They only work if they protect all of us. Just look at what the Federal government has done – Armed FDA agents including swat teams – Armed IRS agents – including Swat teams – just to name two groups that are supposed to be only to protect citizens from illness and fraud and to audit the tax documents of the taxpayer, do they really need guns, swat teams , I think this is only to intimidate the people. Stand up now or it will get worse.

  8. Sam says:

    With a video camera recording – Sir, you are trespassing leave now.
    Call police.
    Get power company names from police report.
    Post video with employee names on youtube.

  9. Bruce says:

    I can vouch for the truth that Sarah was threatened by armed thugs, when she installed an analog meter….outrageous ! NVE needs to BACK OFF with these Gestapo tactics, and treat their costumers with respect. Good for you Sarah, in standing your ground.

  10. bernadette johnston says:

    Personal freedoms and constitutional rights of Americans are being lost daily.
    We have experienced this first hand in Sacramento. We are under the dominion of SMUD (Sacramento Municpal Utility District) over electrical Smart Meters. When we started attending board meetings and publicly speaking out against their outrageous fees and failure to accommodate ADA disabled customers ,they started placing stanchions and roping off the first three rows for their “employees”. When one of us, who is hearing impaired ,attempted to sit in this restricted area a Sacramento Sheriffs Deputy challenged him. I am quite sure that they would have no reservations pulling a “Mona” on anyone to tried to resist. They bully disabled people and try to marshall their conduct.

    What is happening here is outrageous and to some degree unbelievable. Clearly the freedom to choose A METER type is polarizing the U.S. over the Smart Grid/Meter policies. Wake up Prez. and legislators, PRESERVE AMERICANS RIGHT TO CHOOSE AND PROTECT THEIR HOMES,LIVES AND GOOD HEALTH FREELY. CORRUPTION COMES EASY TO NEVADA ,THEIR HISTORY IS STEEPED IN IT. SHOULD WE CALL THE MAFIA FOR HELP????

  11. Ron Lesnick says:


    TO: All Named Defendants
    This letter constitutes DIRECT AND CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE TO YOU and all of your subordinates or agents and to your and their replacements, successors, substitutes or sit-ins, that if you, under the color of law, or police power, violate any of my civil rights or constitutional rights, whether they are contract rights or refusal of contract rights, or any violation of due process of law or equal protection under the law available to me as a right, I will sue you for general and punitive damages for any and all that you now or may ever own.
    All rights reserved and due process retained.

    Ronald A. Lesnick
    It is not required to show that a person “knowingly” aided or abetted the criminal acts of the Principals of a RICO enterprise for said person to be equally guilty of those crimes. All that must be shown is that a party inadvertently aided or abetted said RICO enterprise activities to have civil and/or criminal cause of action against one who aids or abets a RICO scheme.
    U.S. Criminal Code Title 18, Chapter 13, Sects. 241 & 242 make it a felony to use or conspire to use color of law to enforce a code or regulation, which results in the violation of a persons rights. Violators will be prosecuted.

    Section 241: Conspiracy against rights of citizens. If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten or intimidate any citizen in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having exercised the same: or if two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with the intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured – they shall be fined not more than $10,000.00 or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both: and if death results, they shall be subject to imprisonment for any term of years or for life.

    Section 242: Deprivation of rights under color of law. Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any inhabitant of any state, territory, or district to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the constitution or laws of the United States to different punishments, pains or penalties, on account of such inhabitant being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined not more than $1,000.00 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both: And if death results shall be subject to imprisonment for any term of years or for life.
    Title 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1983: “When two or more persons conspire to use force, intimidation or threat, or to injure a person, and deprive them of the rights and privileges as a United States Citizen, the party injured may have an action for the recovery of damages, occasioned by such injury or deprivation, against any one or more of the conspirators.” Also see Sects. 1985, 1986
    Harlow v Fitzgerald 457 U.S. 800, 102 S. Ct. 2727, @ 2738, 73 L. Ed 2d 396, (1982) the Supreme Court of the United States stated: “we therefore hold that government officials performing discretionary functions generally are shielded from liability for civil damages insofar as their conduct does not violate clearly established statutory or constitutional RIGHTS of which a reasonable person would have known.” (emphasis added)
    “…a reasonably competent public official should know the law governing his conduct…” (102 S. Ct. @ 2739).
    “By defining the limits of qualified immunity essentially in objective terms, we provide no license to lawless conduct…” 102 S. Ct. @2739.
    Thus the Supreme Court outlined the contours of the qualified immunity doctrine in Harlow: ”We affirm on the basis of qualified immunity alone.”
    You, as a government official, are charged with both knowing the law governing your conduct and with obeying the law under your mandatory OATH OF OFFICE that you freely and voluntarily took before assuming office. Violation of your oath constitutes perjury of oath, a felony, and you will be held to answer for your misconduct under, inter alia, judgment in Taylor v Manson, 9 Cal. App. 382, 99 P. 410, wherein the court held that where a duty was plain and mandatory, and was negligently performed or not performed at all, the officer was liable to any party for injuries sustained for said officer’s negligent performance of, or his omission to perform, said duties. See also Costley v United States, 181 F. 2d 723, 724-725; 28 USC. Sect. 2680.
    I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America (or of the Nevada Republic) that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

    Ronald Andrew Lesnick, in Pro Per

    The person who is known to me to be Ronald Andrew Lesnick, did appear and did attest and affirm, under oath that he is the one executing the foregoing document.

    I, THEREFORE, set forth my Hand and Seal in affirmation of the execution thereof on this__________ day of __________, 2012 by:

    Notary Public__________________________________________

    My Commission Expires:________________________________

  12. Redi Kilowatt says:

    From the photo, that looks like a really nice place to live, and probably gets many hours of sun per year, ideal for a PV system.
    But, Mona should also have grid power as a backup in the winter.
    I still say that she should have another analog meter installed immediately, and not to contact NVE because they might threaten her again.
    If indeed someday NVE shows up on her property, she can give them permission to get a meter read and pay for what she has used, even if it is 2 years down the road.
    All utility watt/hour meters (including SmartMeters) record cumulative electrical consumption fed through the meter from the first second that it is installed, and that is all that can do. The difference with a SmartMeter is that they report the cumulative usage every four hours by radio. No SmartMeters are capable of separating out the usage of individual circuits or devices down line from the meter, it is technically impossible. If customers need to know what their power is being used for on individual circuits, they must pay for a sub-meter for each circuit or device. This is not necessary for residential customers, but large commercial customers have been doing it for decades, it is called energy accounting and management. And the usage from sub-meters is not reported to the utility, only the total is what the utility gets or needs. On most analog meters there are five dials, so up to 99,999 kilowatt/hours can be stored.
    For a modest house like Mona’s out in a place where air conditioning is often required, lets say her average power power bill is 3,000 kilowatt/hours per month (without solar power), it would take a little over 3 years to zero out the meter.
    So, if Mona does put in a new meter, she should read it and and send the power company a check every month using her existing account number, or just wait and see if they show up. She should then set aside the money for the power that she uses each month and not touch it, so she will have the proof that she will pay for the power that she uses.
    If she goes solar, the grid power bill should be very small per month.
    NVE shot themselves in the foot in this case, and if I were Mona and could afford it, I would make a full police report and sue NVE for damages and duress.
    Having grid power is a right, not a privilege, and NVE has the privilege of the monopoly to sell power in their area.

  13. Redi Kilowatt says:

    Every citizen here in the U.S. is entitled to be hooked up to a regional electrical power grid. Most power generation is done by private corporations, but they are receivers of federal tax money to subsidize and guarantee the availability to all people who want it.
    There can be no discrimination by individual utilities on who gets to use power from the commercial grid. As long as the customer agrees to pay for what they use at rates determined by the PUCs, it is the responsibility of the utilities to provide timely and accurate billing once a month.
    In Mona’s case, the utility came in and yanked out the billing device (the electric meter).
    It is not federally mandated that all billing devices be automated radio meters, and in this country, less than half of the electric meters are AMR SmartMeters, so an individual utility cannot try and play god and dictate that radio transmitting meters be put in everywhere.
    It is up to the utility to do the billing, and in PG&E territory it is mandated that all customers who have an account with PG&E get a monthly energy statement, even if it is an estimate of zero, the customer must get a statement from PG&E every month.
    I don’t know what the rules are in Nevada, so it would be interesting to see if NVE sends Mona a bill next month.
    In Mona’s case, it was the goon squad that came in and tampered with and ripped off the utility’s only billing device. They could have been a private squad hired by the sub-contractor who had the contract to install the SmartMeters in the region, trying to make sure they they get paid for replacing all meters. What that squad did was to defraud the utility out of revenue by removing the meter, another crime on the long list of a badly bungled job. Hopefully, justice will be served upon those responsible for this cruel act.

    • Ronny Rat says:

      Hey Redi, where you been? Was beginning to worry aboutcha.

      • Redi Kilowatt says:

        Hi Ronny,
        I am still in the same place I’ve been forever.
        My answer when people say that they have not seen me around lately is “I’m somewhere every day”.
        I have been busy doing electrical work in my zone (southern Marin), and I decided to give this SmartMeter thing a rest since I never opted into the program, and now it is official, I can keep my mechanical meter for good.
        I must admit that I got tired of seeing the same false arbitrary science information being bandied about by some non scientists who say things but never give an explanation of why they think it is true.
        To me, I’m much better off staying clear of the rhetoric and not trying to educate anybody anymore.
        If they want to believe something that I know is not true, I say “have at it”.
        Give’m enough rope and they will hang themselves.

        • Ronny Rat says:

          10-4! Good to hear from ya, tho have seen your posts on
          ‘Sarah’ (poor sweet thing). Pretty outrageous (stupid)
          move of NVE. Hope they get ‘sued’ HEAVILY for this.
          Idiot morons. BTW did you ever get to meet Eve Arden
          at Tam High? What a GREAT lady. Bet she really enjoyed
          acting in ‘Grease’ (being back in High School again). Never
          got to meet her all the while in Marin & so CLOSE at times.
          Say ‘hi’ to Marin for my wife & I as we’re way up here in northern Lake County & never get down there anymore thanks to Smart Meter crap helping to complicate matters more than they already were. We chained our analog down, put up a no trespass sign & was automatically put on their opt-out list & been being charged the fees tho we
          haven’t paid a dime so far, only paying our ‘usage’ waiting til they take us to ‘small claims court’ to collect & probably get it thrown out of court once we present our well documented case (w/lawyer at hand). Hopefully more folks out there will do the same, making a public spectacle of the utility (bastards).

  14. Pingback: Power Company to Customer: Smart Meter or No Power at All « Lyn Leahz

  15. Thanks for everyone who has donated to help Mona through the winter- together we have all raised more than $400 for her as part of the Safe Power Fund. It’s a great start, but Mona will need more than this if she is to be able to carry out the basics. Please go to and donate- even a little- today. If we all chip in just a little, Mona will be able to make it through and NVE will have egg on their face!

  16. Pingback: SmartMeter or NO Power at all! - Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Conservatives, Liberals, Third Parties, Left-Wing, Right-Wing, Congress, President - City-Data Forum

  17. Jim says:

    Mona, you can get really good prices on panels right now, around $1 a watt DELIVERED to your door including shipping!

    Get them and a couple of walmart marine deep cycle batteries for around $80 each, a low cost inverter and you will be in pretty good shape for now, then keep expanding the system.

    You can ground mount the panels for now using pipe from home depot, look around the net for instructions, google it. Doesn’t have to be perfect and you can improve as you expand the system. Call it an adventure of new learning.

    Find someone local on the net / meetup / facebook who will come over and help, it’s two wires + and – so it’s not that hard really. a lot of people know how.

    Two places have low prices on panels right now, look them up on google, sunelec dot com and solarblvd dot com has a 230W panel for 88 cents a watt you can buy one at a time as you can afford it.

    Hope this helps.

  18. Pingback: Smart Meter or NO Power at All? Nevada Energy Sends Three Armed Men to Disconnect Power- Just for ‘Opting Out’ « EMR Health Alliance of BC

  19. Pingback: Oct 4: Day of Action to Stop Smart Meters! - [Take Back Your Power]

  20. Pingback: Oct. 4TH Day of Action: PUBLIC DEMANDS A HALT TO ‘SMART’ METERS AND ‘GRID’ | Fairfield Safe Meters

  21. Pingback: [Florida] Press Release: Oct. 4TH Day of Action: PUBLIC DEMANDS A HALT TO ‘SMART’ METERS AND ‘GRID’ |

  22. Pingback: Smart Meter or NO Power at All? Nevada Energy Sends Three Armed Men to Disconnect Power- Just for “Opting Out” «

  23. j says:

    oh my f ing gawd people, 5-15k and be off the grid for life and wont have to listen to people bish moan and complain about them, theres tons of cheaper alternatives, f the power company, and f the smart meters. if people really ant to stick it to them

    ITS CALLED AN F ING BOYCOTT, shut everything off unplug everything , get the town, city , state to do it you morons. pay an electrician to cut it off, no law stating it has to be on your property, she got screwed putting one back on, unless the power company has a lein on your mortage or they are help paying for it?

    or to the power companies, why dont you just set up and injunction box at the street with the neighborhoods units on it, that way no one can complain about the noises and headaches because they will be 30-50 feet away.

    seriously this world is filling up fast with morons and cry babies and its frwakin sickening

    • D says:

      I agree! All these sick and harmed victims of pulsed microwave radiation should sit back and just take it like a real man! The power companies have every right to screw your health up and if you don’t get a smart meter then they should just use satellites to jack you up.

  24. Begin the legal actions to pull their corporate charters and arrest the entire list of CEO’S
    and corporate board members who violate the law.

    Additionally, use the R.I.C.O. ACT to round up and arrest the political stooges who allow this tyranny.

    For more information to change this whole sick equation, read this and act now;


  25. findawheigh says:

    Sarah, You’ve been without power for some time now. Enjoy. Your health has never been better. Health is your reason for removing the smart meter in the first place. In an attempt to intimidate you they have unknowingly provided you with a blessing. Many people would love to have their power shut off. It’s a shock at first, but you have obviously adjusted. Don’t view yourself in a negative light, you are better off never having anything to do with any utility. Take a deep breath, and enjoy.

  26. Emma says:

    Here is what you do.

    Phase 1.

    Sue the power company for domestic terrorism and race-gender discrimination. Let it simmer in their legal affairs dept.

    Phase 2.

    Get local TV and radio news on your property. Do interviews and cry a lot. You have good reason, they are ruining your health, home, property, and business. Let it simmer in their PR dept.

    Phase 3.

    A settlement offer will arrive within weeks. Don’t worry about court costs, there will be none. Your lawyer will know the game.

  27. Ben Dover says:

    Three armed men came and took her analog meter? Her property?

    Wouldn’t that be considered armed robbery?

  28. olivia says:

    Please find our donation today.
    The commission on safety had ruled that anyone refused the smart meter will give a 90 day waiting period and will receive the analog back, however I have contacted the nevada energy regarding this issue and was told “where did you ever heard of that. we have no plans to establish a time limit on that” The case went to court and it was ruled that anyone can opt out and should have the meter replaced in 90 days but court rules doesn’t mean much once we have entered a dictatorship, unfortunately most of us Americans are so unaware of how much the constitution had been nullified and how much we have already entered a dictatorship. Anyone that reads the Big book, will know that everyone of those events were in prophecy and that we are living the end of this age.

  29. Pingback: The Dark Side of Smart Meters

  30. Pingback: Family with young children forced to live in the cold and without power for refusing a Smart Meter | Why Fry?


  32. Pingback: Family with young children forced to live in the cold, without power, for refusing a Smart Meter « Stop Smart Meters! (UK)

  33. MISS-U-NJ says:

    Duke Energy, of NC, hurried to install their smart meter on our rental house yesterday. They didn’t even let me know they were installing the thing until I heard my dog barking and the power go off. When my husband went outside, it was too late. He had cut the lock off we had on the meter, shoved it into the wall and was leaving. I cannot believe how fast this thing was installed (they purposely hurry). When my husband confronted the contractor, who was from another country, he had the nerve to say, “you know it’s illegal to have a lock on your meter, that’s meter belongs to us!” My husband wanted him to uninstall the meter, but that was not happening. He actually said you have to have it (which is what we already suspected). Even if I had kept our “do not install smart meter” stickers on the meter, it wouldn’t have mattered. I was waiting on the owner of this house to get back to me on this ordeal, but he dragged his feet. We also had a certified letter to mail that day, to the power company, stating, to not install the meter, but it was too late. In this case, no stickers would have made any difference. We knew none of this would matter with Duke (see all of the articles online about Duke customers sitting in the dark).

    Duke Energy is one of the companies that do not have an opt-out. You either get the meter or your power is turned off. I am writing to make everyone aware of what they’re doing. There was no resistance in my area, even with their pilot programs.
    The meter is on the back of the house, about 15 feet from a little hallway with a door (on the inside) which faces the back of the meter. This is where my dog used to sleep during the day. It’s now the next day, and she has not gone to her spot at all. She has been sleeping on the other side of the house (where it is farthest away from the meter). What does that tell ya? Only thing to do now is shield it, and check it with an RF meter. Which is what I was originally going to do because I’m not in a position to go off-grid, and my husband and I are planning to move out-of-state soon.

    When I saw photos of these trucks (with boxes of meters in the back), driving from house to house, this is what came to my mind. Remember the film, “Invasion of the Body Snatchers?” In comparison, to get these things installed at any cost, so quickly and intrusive, reminds of the “pods” being delivered, and if you fell asleep you were screwed.

    The only sure way to resist this is to go off-grid. Since I am in a rental home, with all-electric everything, I can only shield it, and complete my plans to move out of the sorry state of NC. Quite a few of the articles I’ve seen, about customers having their power turned off & how they’re trying to cope, are from ex Duke Energy customers.
    I say, “more power to ya!” Just imagine if millions of people did this! In the future, I think this will be our only option (to be energy independent). Eventually, they’re going to force everyone to have these.

    • Dear Readers,
      Duke Energy will soon be in for a big surprise if they keep forcing these accursed and not so-smart Microwave meters on their customers. Soon this wicked enforcement of these now proving to be Type 2B Electric Carcinogen Causing and far from Smart Meters, will turn on Duke Energy’s C.E.O’s and their ilk as well as their Evil Smart Meter Installer Pirates of the Suburbs.

      Then the many now desperate Electricity Customers might make the French Revolution of 1789 look just like a small bloodshed, as now or soon to be desperate Americans take their vengeance to the streets with their Legal Pistols and Shot Guns to hunt down these Corrupt Evil C.E.O’s and their pretend police, forcing these Evil and far from Smart Microwave Meters on the American People then and now so enraged at losing their LIBERTY that they these overtaxed and Violently Angry Americans start shooting these Corrupt C.E.O’s of these Electric Power Companies and their henchmen. I wouldn’t blame such angry Americans one bit, that’s for sure !

      People will only put up with so much, and then Boom ! As the tinder box wick takes hold of the explosive power of the NOW ENRAGED AMERICAN PUBLIC, BOOM !

  34. common law private attorney general Chris Guardin on the Wall says:

    Two weeks ago we successfully: DE-FENDED OFF: NV. Energy for attempting to Stealthily apply a: SMART Spy Death MIND CONTROL Torture METER on our private personal property’s 400 Amp Combination Meter Socket Load Center ! NOTE This IS: “Your Private Property!” The POWER Co. maintains a mere “Service Utility Easement Access” NOT Ownership; withIN your Utility Service BOX;

    If Your CLIPS BURN UP; after NOT Pro per damaging Disturbance of Heat /Cold set Stressed METER Clips; disturbing a former secure stable well functioning mechanical electrical connection, Plasma ARC induced Over HEAT[ing] will occur and FIRE may ensue?
    Whom will be forced to BARE the EXtreme Co$t$ for Repair$ or Replacement of Your: Meter Socket assembly?
    The week prior we Intellectually Fought OFF a SMART WATER METER also!
    PRAY for DEVINE CREATOR’S intercession and Pass the Ammunition the Communist Terrorist Federales are coming ?

  35. This time to Stop Using Smart Meter. we Should Stop Using it. Thank you.

  36. Ch Coupons says:

    I Heat This Bloody Foul Meter

  37. Janet Curtis says:

    my neighbor is the one that burned up in reno fire. my friend and her pets were blown up. nv energy tried to tell us that it was from smoking in in be. fd said they couldn’t conclude what happened because the smart meter was damaged but still transmitting when the 911 call came in. I have opted to get new analog meter put bk on with the help of advocates like josh…they did call and said they would remove it. for a price and then charge me for this priveledge monthly! I told them I do not want the meter on water nor on elect..i do not think i should have to pay since i didnt want it and it has me paying for a single person more than neighbors with an entire im gone 5-6 mos out of the yr and my bill is still large. Im on ssdi and get some elec help..they will be taking my balance to do this. why cant i get it for free since they are the ones that illegally installed when i wasnt home as i see they did to many others who said no. just tresspass and my friend is DEAD! and this is an association so if my neighbors ont opt out im still in danger. this is something that really stinks and we are mad as hell. what are they going to charge me? I dont think they will tell me. But I dont want to pay anything I shouldnt have to they are putting peoples lies in danger clearly and I DONT WANT TO PAY AT ALL> and I want to make sure the eletriians know what they are my deceased friend, my refridgerator went out light pop and fllicker im afraid to use the air conditioner. My health is bad and partly from the smart meter. why do I have to pay at all? Im the one who should be paid. This is truly insane.

  38. Robert Sole says:

    All this talk of suing is moot. You can’t fight city hall. They have the big end of the stick. Here in British Columbia we are having the same problems with BC Hydro. I still have my mechanical meter but am being forced to pay $32 a month to keep it. Unfortunately my two neighbours have smart meters which are aimed directly at my bedroom and living room.
    The sad thing is BC Hydro and the BC government deny any problems with these eters although there has been a rash of them. Its always the fault of the house. And the local media must be gagged by hydro as they won’t print any stories about problems.

  39. Barbara G says:

    Its been a few years now, would love to know the outcome and is Sarah relying entirely on Solar Energy?? Can we get our analog meters back? ( in Las Vegas)

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