Smart Meters, the Opposite of Green

Common Ground CoverVia

Jeromy Johnson of wrote an excellent article called, “Smart Meters, the Opposite of Green” which was recently published in the SF Bay Area Common Ground magazine.  The article summarizes exactly why smart meters are such a bad idea for our communities. Find the article on his website:

There will be a special screening of the documentary “Take Back Your Power” on Saturday April 26, at 7 p.m. at the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists, 1924 Cedar Street, Berkeley.  Q&A follows with Jeromy Johnson, film maker Josh del Sol, and Foster and Kimberly Gamble of the movie “Thrive”.  To reserve your free seat visit: 

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One Response to Smart Meters, the Opposite of Green

  1. c zehfus says:

    Excellent article and good to see it in print.
    People might want to see the May 2014 issue of Smithsonian magazine for shocking propaganda for all things wireless and technological. They have an article promoting deep brain stimulator implants for tons of conditions/illnesses (that we know are caused or made worse by wireless radiation being allowed). The focus is on getting more “stuff” like out of science fiction, and asking why many people are not interested in more “stuff” from the tech elite.

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