RF Meters take microwave radiation (invisible and inaudible to most people) and make it both visible and audible. A quality RF meter is literally your ears and eyes when it comes to detection of microwaves. Because RF ‘electrosmog’ has increased exponentially over the past 3 decades, an RF meter is one of the most essential tools required to protect your own family’s health and safety. It is also very helpful for reaching out to others on the issue. “You can’t ‘unhear’ it” said one user of the Acoustimeter AM-10 after hearing the high pitched whine of a cell tower and the tat-tat-tat-tat of a wifi router. “It just sticks in your head and you think about that sound every time you are around a wireless device.”
One of the more common questions we get from people these days (understandable given serious health risks of the technology) is how to measure and assess newer 5G frequencies using an RF meter (several including the AM-10 Acoustimeter available in our online store.)
EMFields is a Cambridgeshire UK based company that has been operating for 25 years and is dedicated to “protecting people from the ever increasing levels of electromagnetic radiation in our environment.” Because EMFields’ meters have been built with health as the top priority, you can trust the levels to be calibrated according to precautionary science-based (not antiquated government levels). In a recent posting, Alasdair Philips, Technical Director at EMFields, sets the record straight about what the (ill-advised) advent of 5G means for personal RF detection:
5G The facts – written by Alasdair Philips, EMFields Ltd. UK

Many people are very concerned about the roll-out of 5G. We attempt to address some of the issues.
- Our current Acoustimeter (AM10) and Acousticom2 (AC2) measure 5G signals up to 8 GHz. The main new 5G frequency bands are in the range 3.4 – 4.2 GHz. Some even lower frequency bands already in use for 2G and 3G mobile phones will be re-used for 5G.
- At present, the only use of ‘mmWaves’ (above 30 GHz) will be for localized experimental testing and other purposes.
- In a few limited places in the USA, Verizon has launched its own ‘5G’ variant in the 28 GHz high-band. The 2.6 and 3.5 GHz bands will be increasingly used in the USA during 2019. Other than in the centre of some main cities until at least 2022 anyone with a 5G mobile phone will usually be connected by 4G, not 5G. Many more base-stations/masts located close together are required for widespread use of 5G and this will take some years to roll-out.
- High-band (above 24GHz) and mmWave (above 30 GHz) frequencies do not travel through trees, buildings or into vehicles. They will not be used as the main 5G mobile phone network, but instead will provide local ‘hot-spots’ in the home and open areas where there are many active users. For example, Verizon’s current ‘Home 5G’ is available in a few places in the USA where a high-band-mast is within a few hundred meters in clear line of sight to an external antenna on your home.
- ‘mmWave’ 5G will also be used to connect base stations to satellites. Individual mobile phones will still connect to these base stations using lower band (below 6 GHz) frequencies.
- No scientific studies of the effects of 5G on cells and living beings have yet been carried out and published. The evidence on 2G, 3G and 4G suggests that adverse effects from 5G will be greater than those from the earlier technologies. If you are concerned, we suggest you avoid purchasing 5G mobile phones, tablets and 5G WiFi routers and Access Points for some years until new research has been carried out and properly evaluated.
- As mobile technology is evolving, the technical team at EMFields Solutions Ltd are continuing to test new high-band sensors as they become available. So far, most of them are far from ideal for broad-band portable metering (due to relatively low sensitivity and high power consumption). Our first 5G product is likely to only measure the high-band (above 24 GHz) signals and will be needed in addition to, and not as a replacement of, the AM10 and AC2. Most microwave radiation that we are surrounded by and affected by will still be located in the lower frequency bands.
- We hope these notes will help answer many of your questions regarding the measurement of 5G.
Pick up your own EMFields Acoustimeter AM-10 in our online store– use the code RESIST to save an additional 5%. Free case, support, shipping, and easy to understand instruction manual. Plus, when you buy the Acoustimeter from Stop Smart Meters! Store (and not Amazon, who are busy adding to electrosmog) the proceeds go 100% to an organization fighting to stop its spread.
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