Above, activists from Occupy LA speak truth to power at the Networked Grid smart grid conference in Westlake Village, CA last month where more than a hundred demonstrators gathered outside to protest the “smart” grid. Apparently, the conference organizers were so uncomfortable with the inconvenient truth that their products are doing serious harm that they quickly escorted the speakers out of the room, in order to continue their plotting to achieve 100% smart grid deployment- whatever the risks.
Congratulations to the brave people who spoke out at this event. Direct actions such as this are necessary when normal political channels are blocked. It is your right to speak out- and if necessary- peacefully disrupt events such as this. It is not illegal as long as you leave when asked to do so. (Note that these people were not arrested). Make sure to video any actions you take. Send them to us and we will post them. Silence is deadly. Let’s give voice to the thousands who are being hurt by smart grid deployments, and refuse to go along quietly.