Category Archives: PG&E

‘Smart’ Meters Violate FCC Radiation Exposure Limits Says New Study

San Francisco- A study released today reports that wireless ‘smart’ meters being installed by PG&E and other utilities in California are likely to violate Federal Communications Commission (FCC) safety limits as they are being installed and operated.  Further, the study … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, Health studies, PG&E | 35 Comments

Marin County Outlaws ‘Smart’ Meters as Local Government Resistance Spreads

The County of Marin- north of San Francisco- on Tuesday became the 2nd County in California, after Santa Cruz, to pass a law banning PG&E’s new wireless smart meters.  The move comes after two successive board meetings were packed by … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, PG&E | 6 Comments

“Holiday Smart Meter Showdown” In West Marin: PG&E Orders Arrests Of Marin County Moms Defending Their Kids’ Health

Group of Inverness Residents Stand up to PG&E, Block Trucks, Demand a Stop to Smart Meters. Point Reyes Station, CA-  Two mothers from West Marin County were arrested this morning after PG&E ordered Sheriffs deputies to clear the two out … Continue reading

Posted in Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, Health studies, PG&E | 10 Comments

“Insurgency” Grows in Northern California

[From eon3emfblog] Mothers concerned about the health of their families (or as PG&E refers to them, “insurgents”) outraged by County Boards of Supervisors inaction and by PG&E’s refusal to respond to their privacy, security, accuracy, health and civil rights concerns … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, PG&E | 1 Comment

(Not so Smart) Meter Making People Sick in West Marin?

We were in Marin County last week, just north of San Francisco, speaking with people about ‘smart’ meters.  Many Marin residents have researched a thing or two about the smart meter program, and as a result they are extremely angry … Continue reading

Posted in Democracy, Environmental Concerns, Health studies, PG&E | 1 Comment