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- PG&E Applying for Half Billion to Replace Aging Gas Meters- Electric Next?
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- Safe Living Technologies “Safe and Sound” RF Meters Available in our Store
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- ELAINE SAYEG on Standing Up To Toxic RF Irradiation / Staying “Safe and Sound” During the Crisis
- cc on Defend Your Analog Meter Part III
- cc on Sample Letters to Utility
- Emily on Defend Your Analog Meter (main index)
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Category Archives: Smart Grid
Stop Smart Meters! at Leixlip Castle in Dublin, Ireland
Posted in Citizen rebellion, Ireland, Smart Grid
UK Parliament Warned of Smart Meter Risks in Heated Debate; Meets with PG&E and Industry in CA, Cancels Meeting with Smart Meter Radiation Victims
Our allies at StopSmartMeters.Org.Uk recently presented the facts about ‘smart’ meters to the UK Parliament’s Energy Committee, and as you can see from the video above, the resulting debate became heated several times. The first smart meter pilot programs have … Continue reading
Posted in Animal Harm, Bees, Britain, Cancer, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid
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21st Century Science Denial Part III: Rise of the Machines
By Deborah Kopald, Guest Columnist Read parts I and II of Deborah Kopald’s Science Denial series here on StopSmartMeters.Org As for smart meters and other wireless devices, the U.S. has not pre-market safety tested any of them and has not … Continue reading
So Cal Activists Speak Truth to Power at Smart Grid Conference
Above, activists from Occupy LA speak truth to power at the Networked Grid smart grid conference in Westlake Village, CA last month where more than a hundred demonstrators gathered outside to protest the “smart” grid. Apparently, the conference organizers were … Continue reading
SSM! vs. EDF in Wall St. Journal
In case you missed it, on Monday the Wall St. Journal published a debate between Stop Smart Meters! Director Joshua Hart and Jim Marston of the Environmental ‘Defense’ Fund. The topic of course was ‘smart’ meters, and whether consumers should … Continue reading
Posted in Citizen rebellion, Smart Grid