Local Group Directory

Below is a list of individuals and organizations working to oppose ‘smart’ meters and raise awareness of wireless health impacts around the world. These groups are listed to facilitate networking and lobbying.

We do not know all of these groups personally,
so please use your own judgment about joining.

We are a growing movement, thanks to you! If you can’t find your area on this list- we can help you start your own group where you live.  Also, if you have any changes to the information below, or notice that a contact is outdated please drop us a line or call our toll free hotline at (888) 965 6435.

Group / OrganizerLocationContact / Info
Nancy Swan, Toxic JusticeALnancyswan.com/toxic-justice-a-true-story
Ketchikan for Meter ChoiceKetchikan, AKmeterchoice@hushmail.com
Frequency Free FairbanksFairbanks, AKfrequencyfreefairbanks.org/
Environmental RadiationTucson, AZenvironmentalradiation.com
Warren WoodwardSedona, AZw6345789@yahoo.com
Paul HPhoenix, AZIProvedIt@yahoo.com
Tombstone Smart Meter NetworkTombstone, AZebidpal.com/smart/_sgg/f10000.htm
EMF Awareness and AccountabilitySurprise, AZEMFAAASurprise@gmail.com
Stop OGEARstopoge.info
Charlene SandersARcharliegirl42@gmail.com
Pamela BerndtLittle Rock, ARpmberndt@sbcglobal.net
California- Northern
East Bay Neighborhoods for Responsible Technology (EBNRT)East Bay, CAebnrt.info@gmail.com
EBNRT Facebook site
My Street My Choice Page
Jodi Nelson 925.628.0656
Alameda Safe EnergyAlameda, CAAlameda Safe Energy
Humboldt Neighbors Against Smart MetersHumboldt County, CAnwlfe55@yahoo.com
Paul Doyon, Building Biology Certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist, @ Electromagnetic Safe Planet; EMF Refugee; The Microwave FactorSanta Cruz County, CAemfrefugee@gmail.com; emsafeplanet@gmail.com
Mary Beth Brangan
Ecological Options Network
Marin County, CA eon3EMFblog.net
Nevada County Stop Smart Meters - Barry BartolilloNevada County, CAMessage Phone: (530) 955-1544 or
SSM Nevada County Facebook Page or berrygroovy@yahoo.com
Roseville AwarePlacer County, CAhttps://rosevilleaware.net/ or info@rosevilleaware.net
Stop Smart Meters! - Joshua HartPlumas County, CA & Intlstopsmartmeters.org/contact
Sacramento Smart Meter Awareness Sacramento, CA sacsmartmeters.wordpress.com/ or (916) 395-7336 or e.windheim@comcast.net
No Smart Meters San Francisco, CA nosmartmeters.blogspot.com
EMF Safety Network - Sandi Maurer Sonoma County, CA EMFSafetyNetwork.org
EMF LindaSonoma County, CALandline Phone: (707) 824-8417
Betty KreegerDel Norte, Modoc, Shasta, and Siskiyou Counties, CA bjkreeger@att.net
Vicki GoldMt. Shasta / Siskiyou County, CAvictoria7@snowcrest.net
Dunsmuir GroupDunsmuir, CA(weekly meetings, public speaker)
FB link:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/620711058282852/
Contact: John Hill johnihill@gmail.com
Louise GliattoYreka, CAwezgliatto@nctv.com
Lake Shastina ContactsLake Shastina, CAContact: Lorene lotusflight@yahoo.com
And Jolane Guilford jolaneguilford@gmail.com
California- Southern
Center for Electrosmog PreventionSan Diego, CAdirector@electrosmogprevention.org or electrosmogprevention.org and smartmeterdangers.org and causes.com/causes/610453-southern-californians-against-smart-meters-scasm
Southern CA for Wired Solutions to Smart MetersSouthern CAinfo.scwssm@gmail.com
Burbank Action - Kiku Lani Iwata Burbank, CA sites.google.com/site/nocelltowerinourneighborhood/home BurbankAction@aol.com or burbankaction.wordpress.com
Glendale Action Glendale, CA glendaleaction@gmail.com
Heights AssociationHacienda Heights, CA Heights Association
Stop Smart Meters Irvine Irvine, CA stopsmartmetersirvine.com
Stop Orange County Smart Meters - Maureen Homan Orange County, CA maureen@stopocsmartmeters.com or stopocsmartmeters.com
The Peoples Initiative or American Association for Cellular Safety - Liz Barris Topanga, CA contact@thepeoplesinitiative.org or thepeoplesinitiative.org
Mark Taylor, EMF ConsultantTemecula, CAhttps://rfsiteevaluations.weebly.com/blog
Ojai Smart Meter Opt Out Ventura, CA facebook.com/OjaiSmartMeterOptOut
We Are Change Colorado - Bruce BaumanDenver, COwearechangecolorado.org
Citizens Smart Meter Awareness  (CCSMA) - Virginia FarverFt. Collins, COvfarv@hotmail.com
Fountain Valley Citizens for Smart Meter Awareness (FVCSMA) -Karen & Ken LippincottFountain Valley, COklippi3@q.com or hm.dinofly.com/SM
Stop Smart Meters in Crestone, COCrestone, COazurelene@gmail.com or Stop Smart Meters in Crestone website
Colorado RFCOHolly Hargett
Volunteer Coordinator coloradorf@yahoo.com
Stop Smart Meters FloridaFLstopsmartmetersFL.org
Smart Meter MatrixFLnews@smartmetermatrix.org or smartmetermatrix.org
Coalition for Health Against Smart Meters (CHASM)FLmicrowavechasm.org or nosmartmetersflorida.blogspot.com
Suzanne EovaldiOcala, FLwheatergirl73@aol.com
Debbie RubinOrlando, FLmamarubin@msn.com
Diana SchultzOrlando, FLdiana@greenhealthyhomes.net
Stop Smart Meters GeorgiaGAstopsmartmetersgeorgia.org or Stop Smart Meters Georgia Facebook
Augusta Stop Smart Meters! Rebecca SchwartzAugusta, GAseagrams1bs@yahoo.com
Stop Smart Meters HawaiiHIstopsmartmetershawaii.com
Ray SongtreeKauai, HILipstick-Wars-And-Crime.org
Stop Big Island Smart MetersBig Island, HIStopBig IslandSmartMeters.com
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
America - Salvador Lourdes
EHS IdahoIDEHSidaho.com and EHSidaho@gmail.com
Stop Smart Meters IllinoisILc.frauen@aol.com or (630) 597-6665 or SSM Illinois Facebook
Naperville Smart Meter Awareness - Jen StahlNaperville, ILNapervilleSmartMeterAwareness.org
Smart Grid AwarenessNaperville, ILsmartgridawareness.org
Smart Meter IQNaperville, ILsmartmeterIQ.com or (800) 323-1790 or smartmeteriq@comcast.net
Ameren Territory Stop Smart MetersMt. Vernon, ILjohnnybob.com/smartmeters.htm
No Smart Meter 4 IndianaINNo Smart Meters for Indiana Facebook
Fairfield Safe MetersFairfield, IAfairfieldsafemeters.com or guygharvey@yahoo.com
Saving The World TogetherLouisianaSavingTheWorldTogether.org/ and EMF Help
(225) 612-9713
Maine Coalition to Stop Smart Meters - Ed FriedmanME(207) 666-3372 or edfomb@comcast.net or mainecoalitiontostopsmartmeters.org
Diane WilkinsME(207) 797-3716 or dnwilkins@aol.com
Suzanne Foley FergusonME(207) 883-1162 or pinusstrobus@maine.rr.com
Maryland Smart Meter Awareness - Rebecca Hanna, Public RelationsMDrebeccadiener63@gmail.com or marylandsmartmeterawareness.org
Last Tree LawsMAhttps://www.lasttreelaws.com/
Mass. PetitionMAchange.org/p/halt-massachusetts-smart-meter-program
Scientific Alliance for EducationMAnomasssmartmeters.wordpress.com
Michigan Stop Smart MetersMImichiganstopsmartmeters.com
Smart Meter Education NetworkMISmartMeterEducationNetwork.com
Warriors for American RevolutionDetroit, MIw4ar.com
Utility Meter Choice 4 MichiganMIMy Smart Meter Does WHAT?
One if By LandMI One if By Land
Michigan Safe Technology- Jeanine DealMIMichiganSafeTechnology@gmail.com
Healthy Choices MomMNhealthychoicesmom.com/contact/
Safe Technology MinnesotaSt. Paul, MNsafetechmn.org/
Leo CashmanSt. Paul, MNdams@usfamily.net
Steve CookArden Hills, MNmanager@ardenhills.org
TBYP Co-MoColumbia, MOironk5@gmail.com
Take Back Your Power Como Facebook
Stop Smart Meters Montana

Billings, MTStop Smart Meters Montana or m.woo@q.com
NVE Stop Smart Meters - Angel DeFazioLas Vegas, NVNTEF-USA.org or ntefusa@aol.com
True EMF SolutionsLas Vegas, NVtrueemfsolutions.com
Gloria FrankReno, NValoha1@charter.net
New Hampshire
NH Against Smart MetersNHNHagainstsmartmeters.org or facebook.com/NHAgainstSmartMeters
New Mexico
Why Fry?Santa Fe, NMwhyfry.org/tag/smartmeters
Cellular Phone Task ForceSanta Fe, NMcellphonetaskforce.org
Citizens Alliance for Utility SafetySilver City, NMsmartmeterfreesilvercity.org


New York
NYSUMA - New York Safe Utility Meter AssociationWoodstock, NYhttps://www.nysuma.org/
Opt Out Long IslandLong Island, NYOpt-OutLongIsland.com
Deborah KopaldNew York City, NYDeborah_Kopald@ymail.com
Stop Smart Meters WoodstockUpstate NYStopSmartMetersWoodstockNY.com
Manhattan Neighbors for Safer TelecommunicationsManhattan, NYhttp://www.manhattanneighbors.org
North Carolina
Aziz OmerMorganton, NCazzizobear@aol.com
NC Smart SolutionsDurham, NChttps://ncsmartsolutions.org
Speak Up and Stay AliveCleveland, OHSpeakUpandStayAlive.com or pat@SpeakUpandStayAlive.com
Stop Smart Meters! ClevelandCleveland, OHStopSmartMetersClevelandOH@gmail.com
Stop Smart Meters OhioCincinnati, OHStop Smart Meters Ohio or thecincybeckster@gmail.com
Stop OGEOKStopOGE.info
Stop Smart Meters OklahomaOKStopSmartMetersinOklahoma.org
Families For SAFE MetersLane County, ORFamiliesForSAFEMeters.org email: Abraham Livornik snapshot.wizard@gmail.com
Stop Smart Meters OregonORStopSmartMetersOregon.com
EMF Concerns in CorvallisBenton County, ORemfconcernsincorvallis@googlegroups.com
Freedom to Say No to Smart MetersTalent, ORFreedom to Say No to Smart Meters
NoSmartMeter.orgJackson County, ORNo Smart Meter!
Oregon for Safer TechnologyJackson County, ORhttp://www.OR4safertech.org Or4Safertech@yahoo.com
Billene SpillensJosephine County and Grants Pass, ORbillenespellins5023@comcast.net Phone: (541) 295-8546
No Smart Meter Josephine CountyJosephine CountyContact: Karen and Sharon sharonL.acct@yahoo.com
Sharon (541) 660-9779
Southern Oregon Council on Radiation Awareness (speakers)Southern Oregonawarenessonradiation@gmail.com Phone: (541) 261-9770
Smart Meter Awareness Group In PowerKlamath CountyContact email: browndb@charter.net Dawn 541-591-1171
John CostaCoos County, OR(541) 347-9361
Wireless Education ActionPortland, OR (Multnomah County) Wireless Education Action Rodrigue Deschenes 503-477-9891 info@wirelesseducationaction.org
EMWatchPortland, OR (Multnomah County) https://www.emwatch.com
Email: wirelesswatch@yahoo.com
Philadelphia Common Law ClubPAfacebook.com/groups/1501028523468650
Stop Smart Meters in PAPAStopSmartMetersinPA.com
Stop Smart Meters PennsylvaniaPAStopSmartMetersPA.blogspot.com
PA Smart Meter AlertPASmartMeter Alert
Rhode Island
South Carolina
amawillis@hotmail.comCharleston, SCamawillis@hotmail.com
Stop Smart Meters Now!TN StopSmartMetersNow.com
Get Smart MemphisTN Get Smart Memphis
Texans Against Smart MetersTXTexansAgainstSmartMeters.com
Coalition For Safe MetersSan Antonio, TXCoalitionforSafeMeters.org
San Antonio Stop Smart Meters!San Antonio, TXSanAntonioSmartMeterAwareness.org
Devvy KiddHouston, TXdevvy.com/smart_meter_legal_defense.html
9-12 AssociationHouston, TX912MembersUSA.com
GracieBona@yahoo.comHouston, TXGracieBona@yahoo.com
JoHilde@sbcglobal.netHouston, TXJoHilde@sbcglobal.net
John Marler - Georgetown (Austin) or Georgetown Utility (municipal)Big Spring, TX JMarler@marfam.com
Lubbock Against Smart MetersLubbock, TXlubbockagainstsmartmeters.com
Austin Smart MetersAustin, TXAustinsmartmeters.com
Brigham City Smart Meter AwarenessBrigham City, UtahBrigham City Smart Meter Awareness Facebook
Vermont for EvolutionVTVermont4Evolution.wordpress.com
EMR Policy Institute - Janet NewtonVTEMRPolicy.org
Vermonters for a Clean EnvironmentVTVCE.org
Smart Meters BlogspotVTsmartermeters.blogspot.com
Virginians for Safe TechnologyVAhttps://virginiansforsafetech.org/
Safe Utility Meters Alliance NorthwestSeattle, WASafeMeters.org info@safemeters.org Sonia 206 604 0836
Washington Wireless AwarenessWAWashingtonWirelessAwareness.com
SMOG Smart Meters Objectors Group Port Townsend Port Townsend, WAContact: Ana Wolpin smog@olypen.com
C.L.E.A.R. Citizen League Encouraging Awareness Of RadiationWhidbey Island, WAContact: Mark Wahl markwyo@gmail.com
Eco Truth SeattleSeattle, WAecotruthseattle.wordpress.com
Seattle Smart Meter AwarenessSeattle, WAhttps://www.facebook.com/pg/seattlesmartmeterawareness/posts
Stewart AndreasonCurlew, WAhttps://http://www.seahorsecorral.org/ehs_awareness.html
Safer GridWAsafergrid.net
Jefferson County Stop Smart Meters!Jefferson County, WAJefferson County Stop Smart Meters!
Washington DC
DC Smart Meter ChoiceWashington DCDCSmartMeterChoice.com
West Virginia
Stop Smart Meters WVCharleston, WVhedda.L.Haning@gmail.com
Catherine KleiberWIwebmaster@ElectricalPollution.com or ElectricalPollution.com/smartmeters.html
Truth & Facts Never LieOnalaska, WIhttp://truthandfactsneverlie.info/
Wireless ActionWaukesha, WI wirelessaction@riseup.net or Wireless Action Website
Canadians For Safe TechnologyCanadac4st.org
Coalition québécoise de lutte
contre la pollution électromagnétique
Planetary Association for Clean Energy, Inc.Canadahttp://pacenet.homestead.com/
Smart Meter Lessons From CanadaCanadasites.google.com/site/nocelltowerinourneighborhood/home/wireless-smart-meter-concerns/lessons-learned-major-problems-for-canada
Alberta Smart MetersAlbertaalbertasmartmeters.ca
British Columbia
Coalition to Stop Smart MetersBritish ColumbiaStopSmartMetersBC.com Facebook page or citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca
EMR Health Alliance of BCBritish ColumbiaEMRaBC.ca
Stop Smart Meters BC Salt Spring IslandBritish Columbiafacebook.com/pages/Stop-Smart-Meters-BC-Salt-Spring/207803029263762?sk=wall
Say No to BC Hydro Smart Meters FacebookBritish Columbiafacebook.com/groups/189680921093569/
Smarter Meters BlogspotBritish Columbiasmartermeters.blogspot.ca/
Stop Smart Meters BowenBowen, British Columbiastopsmartmetersbowen.blogspot.ca/
Say no to FortisBC Smart Meters - SimilkameemSimilkameem, British Columbiavenalee1@hotmail.com or facebook.com/groups/saynotofortisbcsmarmeters/
Slocan Valley Safe MetersSlocan Valley, British Columbia slocanvalleysafemeters@gmail.com
Electrosmog ManitobaManitobaelectrosmogmanitoba.weebly.com/
Nova Scotia
No Smart Meters In Nova ScotiaNova ScotiaNo Smart Meters In Nova Scotia Facebook Page
Initiative to Stop Electromagnetic PollutionOntarioweepinitiative.org
Magda Havas ResearcherOntariomagdahavas.com/category/electrosmog-exposure/smart-meters-electrosmog-exposure
Hydro One- Enough is EnoughOntariopennytrottier@bellnet.ca or facebook.com/groups/102253803156673/802647356450644/?notif_t=group_comment_reply
Radiation Free MuskokaOntariobjork@cogeco.ca or facebook.com/groups/235804773257805/
Prince Edward Island
PEI's Smart Meter Opposition GroupCharlottetown, Prince Edward Island(902) 566-2857
Basses-Laurentides RefuseAdminitrative Region 15 - Lower, QuebecMaria Acosta, basses-laurentides-refuse@videotron.ca or (450) 939-4549 or basseslaurentidesrefuse.com
Refusons Les CompteursQuebecrefusonslescompteurs.wordpress.com
Lanaudiere RefuseLanaudiere, Quebeclanaudierefuse@hotmail.fr lanaudierefuse.wordpress.com/
Boucherville RefuseBoucherville, Quebecbouchervillerefuse@gmail.com or (450) 641-0953
Estrie RefuseEstrie, Quebecestrierefuse.wordpress.com
Levis RefuseLevis, Quebeclevisrefuselescompteurs.wordpress.com or levis.refuse@gmail.com​​
Option ConsommateursQuebecOption-Consommateurs.org/en
L'Assomption RefuseL'Assomption, Quebeclassomptionrefuse@gmail.com
Smart Meter Awareness Coalition SMACMoose Jaw, SaskatchewanWishbone1969@gmail.com or (306) 972-1495
How Smart Are You?Mexicoconcienciaradio.com/nosmartmeters
Stop Smart Meters AustraliaAustraliastopsmartmeters.com.au
Stop Smartmeters in Victoria NOWVictoria, Australiagopetition.com/petitions/stop-smartmeters-in-victoria-now.html
Stop Smart Meters TasmaniaTasmaniastopsmartmeterstasmania.com
Stop Smart MetersNew Zealandstopsmartmeters.org.nz
Wake Up New ZealandNew Zealandwakeupkiwi.com/surveillance-society.shtml
Europeans on Smart Meters CommunityEuropefacebook.com/pages/Europeans-on-smart-meters/122384431183034?sk=wall
Next-Up OrganisationEuropenext-up.org/Newsoftheworld/BioinitiativeSignPetitionUk.php
International EMF AllianceEuropeiemfa.org
Die MietervereinigungAustriamietervereinigung.at/
Collectif STOP compteurs communicantsBelgiumhttps://www.stopcompteurscommunicants.be/
Ivan CuljakCroatiaivan.culjak5@inet.hr
Kogukonna Hüvanguks MTÜEstoniawww.kiirgusinfo.ee or info@kiirgusinfo.ee
Alliance for Irish Radiation ProtectionIrelandeirewaves.com
Fliuch: Opposing Irish Water Meters & PrivatizationIrelandfliuch.org
Batzion SchlomiIsraelbatzion.shlomi@gmail.com
Elettrosmog SiciliaSicily, Italyinfo@elettrosmogsicilia.org or elettrosmogsicilia.org
National Platform on Radiation RisksNetherlandsstralingsrisicos.nl
Bli SmartereNorwayblismartere.com (inactive)
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity FoundationPortugal SPAIN
No Smart Meters Spainconcienciaradio.com/nosmartmeters
Stop Smart Meters ! UKUKstopsmartmeters.org.uk
Stop Smart Meters HaringeyUKstopsmartmetersharingey.wordpress.com
Wired ChildUKwiredchild.org
Electrosensitivity UKUKes-uk.info
Radiation Research TrustUKradiationresearch.org
Mast SanityUKmastsanity.org
Mast VictimsUKmast-victims.org/
Bio Electromagnetic Research InitiativeUKbemri.org
EMF Measures Research AssociationJapanhomepage3.nifty.com/vocemf/link53.html

77 Responses to Local Group Directory

  1. Bill Balbierz says:

    I think I already have a smart meter installed on my house.
    I live in Pacifica, Ca. What number can I call to get this removed and a new analogue
    meter installed?


  2. Sharon says:

    Jerry Kirk, legal expert & RepublicBroadcasting.org radio host of The Gathering Offering (Sat. nights @ 10 pm EST) is glad to inform StopSmartMeters.org that he has written proof and “photographic evidence of an individual that has whooped the smart meter installation and the actual paperwork the man used.”
    Mr. Kirk requests that you contact him @ 870-496-2727 (he does not use internet) before his next radio broadcast on Jan. 21, 2012. He invites all people who want to stop smart meters to listen in to his news this coming Saturday.
    Thank you!

    • gus says:

      Thank You for this valuable info! I called and left a message for a reply! cant wait to hear what he has to say! I am a 20 year cancer survivor living in a 3 family home here in the Bronx New York. I have a wife ,3 children, 2 tenants,2 dogs. I know through research the dangers that these smart meters do and dont want them near me! that would constitute to 3 meters 2 gas meters and a water meter! any other info you come across woukld be great so i will keep checking back here for updates! Thanks again God bless you and everyone for finally speaking up against” the powers that were”

  3. Jeanne De Smedt says:

    Great program on Gary Null. Is there a mailing list to join for current updates?

  4. Pingback: Utility consultant now recommends opt out in face of growing smart meter opposition « Burbank ACTION

  5. Carl Hoffman says:

    the lazy mailman left a notice for a certified letter without ringing our bell or indicating who it is from.
    a neighbor suggested that it’s from PG&E and we don’t know whether it would be better to ignore it or sign for it.
    needless to say it’s impossible to reach any of the few people who care about this issue by telephone or get a reply to e-mail.

  6. Gayle says:

    Citizens disrupt public hearing with SCC and Dominion Power in Richmond Virginia to voice health concerns regarding AMI digital meters and smart meters.

    Virginia has gone too quiet on the subject of smart meters until yesterday.
    They have rolled smart meters out in 3 counties, and a 4th now in Williamsburg. But they have also taken the existing digital meters called AMI meters and added an rf chip to them in other counties, unbeknownst to the home owners.
    Here is an article written about the public hearing. Please help get the word out for the people of Virginia!

  7. Pingback: Fight Against ‘Wireless Smart Meter Assault’ Spreads Over Health Concerns | Being 1732

  8. Debra Meyer says:

    How do you know if you have a smart meter? I am new to this and sorry to ask such a dumb questions.

    • admin says:

      @Debra, please go to our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) in top menu, and click on “Basics”.

  9. Pingback: Fight Against ‘Wireless Smart Meter Assault’ Spreads Over Health Concerns | Insomnia

  10. Pingback: Fight Against ‘Wireless Smart Meter Assault’ Spreads Over Health Concerns | Tennesseans Watching Federal & State Government

  11. Jesse Fehr says:

    I made a video that features a lego truck blowing up a smart meter, which also includes vital details that oppose the smart meter movement. Please pass this video along to the “against-smart-meter faithful” to help spread the news. Thank you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1egnu4D7OA

  12. Fernando Duque says:

    Dear Partners struggle

    Will happen in Rio de Janeiro an event which I think is relevant and a kind of sign to the world to see our fight against “ smart meters”.

    Rio +20 international conference

    see http://www.rio20.gov.br/about_the_rio_more_20

    The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio +20, will be held from 13 to 22 June 2012, in Rio de Janeiro. It is known as Rio +20 because it marks the twentieth anniversary of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Rio-92), and should help define the sustainable development agenda for the coming decades..
    Brazil’s petition to host Rio +20 was approved in the 6th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, in 2009.
    The objective of the conference is to renew political commitment to sustainable development, through the assessment of progress and gaps in the implementation of decisions made at the major summits held on the subject, and through the discussion of new and emerging issues. 
    The Conference will have two main themes:
    Green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication,
    And the institutional framework for sustainable development.

    Feel free to contact me

    Fernando Duque

  13. caligurl says:

    We already posted an “opt out” notice on our home, due to medical reasons, etc.- and already refused this installation in person when they came out- now we are being extorted- which is a crime- pay if you don’t want a service? I don’t understand- why would they spend 3 billion dollars to upgrade their system to this new system of ‘smart’ meters- when the current system works perfectly fine and always has?

  14. Chris says:

    Go to:


    It appears Kauai got its ‘opt in’, through ‘Stop KIUC’s Mark Naea effort.

  15. Lily says:

    Is there anyone against Smart Meters in Indiana? I can’t seem to find ANY websites or information about those who oppose these meters in my state. Thanks.

  16. Letta Mego says:

    I no longer buy wireless devices. I turned off the wireless features in my computer and printer. I will not buy a cell phone. I will not buy a laptop or IPad. The whole industry needs to change directions. This smart meter insanity has a little bit to do with how we’ve embraced these silly wireless toys of ours. Fiber optic might a better way to go…that what Bill Gates uses. He doesn’t want cancer…neither do I. STOP BUYING WIRELESS Make your home a wireless free zone as much as you can.

  17. jimmy john says:

    2 mins of lies from an installer – funny

    Smart meters …… are way too smart … people need to research a bit and make educated decisions on the subject.

    You have the right to refuse. It is a monitoring device with a computer that speaks to a “mother ” computer via radio.

    It may cause health problems
    It has caused fires
    It will not save you money , it’s a “meter ” meters cannot save you money , most have reported an increase in bills , in fact the meter uses electricity that you are paying for.

    It is violates my right to privacy , the information collected can and will be out sourced sold
    It is a computer , the entire grid will become hackable and susceptible to crashes-
    What do you have to gain ?
    What do you have to loose ?

    You have a Google use it lots of free info on the subject , we should have a choice , after all
    I still love my rotary phone
    Watch this , at least its a giggle


  18. Sara says:

    The last few month’s my ears have been ringing and I cannot sleep. I actually woke up to some buzzing. It was strange, and I now I’m curious is a meter has been put up around my property. I live in the city of Northgate, close to Seattle, WA.

    Is there an office or person I can contact in WA? How do you locate them?

  19. Mike says:

    Have had analog meter throughout opt out process here in Orange County CA. My august electrical bill shows the initial fee and monthly charge is due now. Does anyone know if there’s an tempory suspension of charging these fees?

    Thanks in advance

  20. In Canada, province of Québec we have about 10 groups againts smartmeters. Here is de web site http://refusonslescompteurs.wordpress.com/ and the addresse to reach us refusonscompteurs@gmail.com .

  21. Pingback: SmartMeter or NO Power at all! - Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Conservatives, Liberals, Third Parties, Left-Wing, Right-Wing, Congress, President - Page 7 - City-Data Forum

  22. Lewis says:

    We need some help to fight PWC

    PWC ‘smart’ meters closer to reality for Fayetteville homes
    By Andrew Barksdale
    Staff writer

    Fayetteville’s first “smart” electric and water meters are scheduled to be rolled out in two years.

    The Public Works Commission unanimously voted Wednesday to approve a plan to install the high-tech meters over four years beginning in fiscal 2014. The $54 million initiative includes making changes to the entire grid, from substations to voltage towers, to adapt to the new technology.

  23. Pingback: How you can make a positive difference with Oct. 4th “Day of Action to Stop Smart Meters just around the corner « Burbank ACTION

  24. Karla says:


    I live in San Francisco, and after a year of feeling a lot of the basic symptoms , I’ve finally come to realize that it all coincided with the installation of the Smart Meter in our apartment complex.

    I hate that it got installed without consent. There are around 6-9 meters in our garage, and a lot of our bedrooms are right above. I’m tired of it as I clearly remember a year ago, our health was not a problem.

    I’ve contacted mayor lee , and the goverment’s office. Also my landlady as I wish to know how to opt out. But I would like to know what’s happening in San Francisco, and where does the city stand in this issue . I would love to see a ban on this technology, and would not mind donating my skills ( I am a professional painter, please view website) in order to help this happen. (is it too late for it to be in the November ballot too? )

    Please feel free to contact me back, to my email or to here, as I am incredibly interested in where this is going.

    Thank you


  25. andy says:

    Dear whom it may concern,

    I am Andy Peacher With Show Host partner Kevin Bull http://freethinkingvoice.org/

    We run 2 Internet Based Radio Shows on No1 http://www.oriontalkradio.com/orion.htm

    and http://www.criticalmassradio.co.uk/.

    The show is The Earth Needs Rebels

    We are currently looking for Guests to join our network.

    We Discuss all issues from Health Vaccines to child abuse to whales and

    politics as well as news of the day and medical research.

    Please Email us if youre able to give us A Interview.

    We are currently taking bookings for november 16th onwards we run our shows friday evenings and saturdays and sundays.

    We will be doing other days of the week very soon.

    We will need you to call a standard usa and canada number

    or use skype which is free and easy to use headphones needed http://www.skype.com/intl/en-gb/get-skype/on-your-computer/windows/downloading/

    Andy & Kevin

    The Earth Needs Rebels Show


    skype me andrew peacher


    Sample of our shows





  26. paul jameson says:

    I live in upstate ny and have a smart meter attached to my home. I have had ringing in my ears for quite some time, and have read that this may be from a smart meter. How do I get the meter removed from my residence? my electric service is with Central Hudson Gas & electric. any information would be heplful.

  27. Mickey Garcia says:

    Hello.. I’ve recently refused the smart meter and at first I had the electric company threatening to disconnect my service if I do not comply and then I received a letter from them saying by governing laws they have the right to replace my meter whether i want them to or not and they will do so in the next 14 days. I am not ok with it and I have no idea what else to do… I’ve contacted the governor but I don’t think that will get me very far. I need help. I live in Marion Indiana and I do not want this meter attached to my home.. What are the necessary steps to take? Should I contact an attorney? I’m well aware of the health risk and privacy issues. I don’t like it. Help!?!?

  28. Steve Cook says:

    I need help, please contact me if you can help.


    Arden Hills, MN – City expanding power to monitor citizens in their homes.

    Problem 1: PRIVACY CONCERNS: The new ‘smart’ water meter updates water usage every 4 seconds. Then it sends water usage every hour to the city.

    Where is our privacy? If you stop using water for the night at 10pm the city will know because they will get signals during the night of no water usage. If the city gets a signal at 2am saying you used 1.5 gallons, then the city knows you just flushed your toilet. The government does not need to know when we flush our toilet (each flush uses the same amount of water in your home). They will even use the information to prosecute you if you water your lawn on the wrong days.

    Where is our privacy? After a few weeks usage patterns will emerge. The city will see water not being used specific times of day and on specific days of the week giving the city (and anyone else) information regarding when we are gone for work/school. We cannot trust government officials with this data OR even the company that sends the signal to the city. Worse yet, the Freedom of Information act allows this data to be given to anyone who asks, including prospective burglars and pedophiles who can figure out when we are home and when we are gone making it a prime database for criminals.

    The Fourth Amendment protects the right to be left alone from interference by the government. Reporting water usage every 4 seconds, every hour, even every day is too often. Can you accept that?

    Smart meter story 1 of 2:


    Problem 2: HEALTH CONCERNS: The new ‘smart’ water meter’s signal is STRONGER than a cell phone or cordless telephone (DECT 6.0) systems

    We all know about the health studies of people who are on cell phones too much. Cell phones should not be near your head hours a day, 7 days a week because the signal is not be good for you – the same goes for cordless phones (DECT 6.0).

    Well, these new water meters will be right in your home, only a few feet from infants, kids, and adults, sending an even stronger signal 24/7 using the 450-470 MHz band making it a major health concern. Can you accept that?

    Smart meter story 2 of 2:
    WND EXCLUSIVE HEALTH HAZARDS LINKED TO UTILITY METERS ‘Smart’ units blamed for sleep troubles, stress, headaches, heart problems


    Could you cell phone be killing you?

    01/03/2013 national news story:

    Please contact the Arden Hills City:
    Arden Hills City website http://www.ci.arden-hills.mn.us/
    Main Arden Hills city person to contact: terry.maurer@ci.arden-hills.mn.us Public Works Director 651.792.7847
    City email: cityhall@ci.arden-hills.mn.us

    Arden Hills city Phone: 651.792.7800
    Arden Hills city Fax: 651.634.5137

    Equipment from: http://www.badgermeter.com/ Galaxy meters from Badger meter company.


  29. Tom Mixon says:

    Hello all,
    I have been reading for months now regarding these meters. I have recently purchased my family house I grew up in. I walked to the meter pan and low and behold there it was…..a RF meter. I live in the rural area of my parish (county) and we still have gravity septic systems. Works great I keep it maintained. However, when I go to change the electric bill into my name, the parish council tied a clause to “new” electric users. I must have an up dated sewer system, or they will pull the meter until I get a sanctioned system. I will be doing this. My question, finally, is when I go to get the service switched into my name can I request an analog meter? And, are they required to give it to me. I live in the parish of Livingstion, LA. My local electrical company is D.E.M.C.O. Do not want to call them just yet, as it will cost me a few thousand dollars to update my system. Do not want to let the on. I am asking for which direction to start, and some help if needed. I will read all of the information on this site too. Thanks for reading my story of how I came to this point.

  30. R Kirk says:

    MAKE A NOISE – The slide to dictatorship and denial of democratic rights should be hugely concerning to every single citizen of Canada or the USA, no matter if they like microwave device smart meters or not.

    PLEASE PLEASE Tweet, FaceBook and YouTube any You Tube videos that “LIKES” smart meters. I do not know who wrote the words, but I would like to see every Power Company in the world eat them. Change your country if you have to, but please give us support.

  31. Pingback: Smart Meters Not So Smart…Even Dangerous? | The American Liberator

  32. Pingback: ANH-Intl Joins Worldwide Revolt Against "Smart" Meters

  33. Hieda Keeler says:

    I have been tortured by the Virginia Sate Police and the Newport News Police for over 4 1/2 years. Just because you can’t see the blood, doesn’t make it any less painful. Please help. It is so painful. Pelase help, please, please. I need 100,00 signature in 30 days in order to stop the torture. Please help, please. They hack the wireless router in your electric meter! Please sign my petition at:

  34. Smart Meter Wars Simmer


    By William Boardman panthers007@comcast.net

    Reader Supported News is the Publication of Origin for this work. Permission to republish is freely granted with credit and a link back to Reader Supported News.

    What do you call it when the police come onto your property over your objection, without a warrant, and then arrest you for blocking the installation of a surveillance device? You call it smart meter installation in Naperville, Illinois, one of the few places where there’s still resistance to the unproven devices.

    Naperville, with a city-owned electric utility, has almost finished installing all its smart meters. In March it plans to “conduct a [1]public proceeding[1] in order to consider proposed Federal energy standards and decide whether it will implement these proposed standards or decline to do so,” as required by federal law.

    Naperville, where the police arrested a woman for filming public officials carrying out their public duties, all the while being filmed by a TV camera crew, may be an unusual place, but the issues raised by smart meters are national and global. The woman, arrested on a public sidewalk, was charged with [2]“attempted eavesdropping.”[2]

    With almost 50 million residential [3]wireless smart meters[3] installed in the United States by the end of 2012, smart meters have largely disappeared from news media at all levels, even though their usefulness and safety are no more assured now than when they were first proposed years ago.

    Even Backers Offer No Guarantees for Smart Meters

    The projected usefulness of wireless smart meters won’t be measurable until they have been more widely installed and in use for some time. The most likely use will be a utility’s ability to raise electric rates by charging more when usage is highest.

    Utilities might justify this by the cost of installing and operating wireless meter networks, although the installation has been heavily subsidized and utilities made the choice to use wireless meters even though a wired meter network is more stable and less expensive to operate.

    The human health effects of wireless smart meters have yet to be demonstrated, since their impact is cumulative over time. Basically the utilities are running a massive health experiment and most of the population will be the guinea pigs.

    The security of wireless smart meters from hackers, government surveillance, marketing data collectors, or anyone else has yet to be demonstrated. There is generally no protection, for example, preventing utilities from monitoring behavior and selling the data.

    Despite these uncertainties, the relentless coercion exercised by governments and government-regulated utilities across the country has successfully overwhelmed resistance in all but a few places.

    City Arrests Single Moms for Opposing Smart Meters

    In Naperville, the city not only proceeded with its smart meter installation before holding public proceedings required by law, the city also went forward in the face of a [4]pending federal lawsuit[4] that sought an injunction against their doing exactly what they did.

    In other words, the events of January 24 did not come out of nowhere, but could be seen as a deliberate attempt by the city to install smart meters on people before the court could stop them. Of the numerous [5]videos documenting Naperville[5] activities, including outspoken criticism of the city’s actions. One video, that has [6]over 72,000 views,[6] shows utility workers stepping over a locked private gate onto private property, without permission but with police protection.

    Besides its pending federal lawsuit and belated public proceeding, Naperville also has local elections coming up in April. Although [7]the Chicago Tribune[7] has provided consistent coverage of Naperville’s determination to impose smart meters on every electricity customer without exception, the story has had little coverage elsewhere.

    More typically, the first line of coercion by government and utilities is a fundamental blackmail tactic: governments allow utilities to charge electricity consumers an extra fee for NOT having a wireless smart meter installed at their residence. In exchange, the governments and utilities produce no warranty of safety, efficacy, or security.

    Vermont May Be Alone in Protecting Citizens

    Vermont is apparently the only state to have legislated this blackmail tactic out of legal existence. Vermont customers not only have the right to opt our of smart meter installation at no cost, Vermont customers can also change their minds and have utilities remove smart meters at no cost to customers.

    In contrast, [8]Texas is currently considering[8] allowing customers to opt out, but only for a fee. This is similar to laws that already exist in Arizona, Nevada, California, Oregon, and Wisconsin. As elsewhere, smart meter opposition in Texas has been spotty. A group calling itself [9]“Texans United Against Smart Meters”[9] is holding a public hearing and demonstration in Austin on March 4, which they characterize as “a do or die point in our fight against Smart Meters.”

    In [10]Sebastapol, California,[10] responding to the concerns of residents, the city adopted an [11]ordinance,[11] effective February 21, that prohibits the installation of smart meters within the city limits, based on the city’s recognition of “potential risks to the health, safety and welfare of Sebastopol residents.” The ordinance provides for a fine of $500 for violators.

    The electric company promptly promised to break the law at will. PG&E, the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, [12]allows customers to opt out[12] of having a smart meter, but charges a monthly fee of $10 for doing so.

    “We cannot agree to a moratorium,” said PG&E spokesman Paul Moreno, without addressing the relevance of “agreeing” to a duly-enacted statute. Nor did he address what liability the company might be taking on in the event that its safety assurances proved unreliable.

    Santa Cruz, on the central California coast, has had a moratorium on smart meters since 2012.

    In the Palm Beach area of Florida, smart meters have become a non-issue, according to [13]a local columnist[13] writing about FPL, Florida Power & Light Company:

    “Smart-meter resistance peaked about a year ago, when FPL was in the early stages of installing 51,000 smart meters in the county. Around the state, only one-half of 1 percent of FPL’s customers have refused to allow a smart meter to be installed. Their main concerns have to do with data privacy and radio frequencies.”

    Only later does he mention that FPL, like PG&E, is charging customers for not having a smart meter.

    [1] http://www.naperville.il.us/emplibrary/PURPARules.pdf

    [2] http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2013/01/28/18730924.php

    [3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_meter

    [4] http://napervillesmartmeterawareness.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Complaint-for-Injunctive-Relief-11-cv-9299.pdf

    [5] http://www.youtube.com/user/NapervilleSmartMeter/videos?view=0

    [6] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MkzIdKmeWo

    [7] http://www.chicagotribune.com/search_results/?q=naperville+smart+meters

    [8] http://www.fierceenergy.com/story/texas-explore-smart-meter-opt-out/2012-12-17

    [9] http://texansagainstsmartmeters.com/?page_id=6

    [10] http://sebastopol.towns.pressdemocrat.com/2010/02/news/sebastopol-residents-lash-out-against-pge-plan-for-smart-meters/

    [11] http://sebastopol.towns.pressdemocrat.com/2013/02/news/pge-rejects-sebastopol-ban-on-smartmeters/

    [12] http://www.pge.com/en/myhome/customerservice/smartmeter/optout/index.page?

    [13] http://www.tcpalm.com/news/2013/feb/24/russ-lemmon-overwhelming-acceptance-by-fpls-a/

  35. Pingback: Smart meter dangers – theevolutionofosiris

  36. Please add ONTARIO, Canada to your database and thank you!!!! Ontario Citizens Against Smart Meters http://stopthesmartmeter.com/

    Lawsuit Against Meter Sickness – Are You In? http://youtu.be/1Vln-uuu_aI

  37. Luvapottamus says:

    Just one DNA and ATP damaging facet of the Big Data Tulip Bubble Wall Street Investment Banksters and the entire IT industry want to plunge us into, confiscate your hard drive and replace it with a useless Cylon walkee talkee. See link in header^^^

    The data collection functions and other snooping capabilities have nothing to do with
    saving energy and everything to do with SIM YOU:

    (your safeway club card, toll booth pass, and all the rest is spawn of this Paperclip NAZI idea: An artificial intelligence crystal ball that can be used to test how populations and some individuals will react to various stressors they want to manipulate our behavior with, and for it to work they need as much data as they can stream to it in REAL time; when your actions match that of your SIM in real time, they will know they have a working simulation of humanity.

    There are multiple projects with different names, so it’s important to them:


    Not just DNA, but Adenosine Triphospate breaks too(microwaves):
    (It’s almost as complex as DNA too)

    So tell your friends “put down the iCarcinogen, and by the way I ought to inform you it’s emitting a subliminal MkUltra message:” I’m not a phone, I’m a typewriter…

    Silly texters.
    I don’t know anyone who makes phone calls with them, do you?

    I don’t want your house penetrating WIDAR,
    I demand the house to house Fiber Optic Internet we were promised, please demand it too. I’ll string y’all some USB tethers when you come to visit;)

    Smart Meters and windoze 8 at thesame time: not a coincidence, they want to stick a fork in the human mind.

  38. Luvapottamus says:

    I posted this under Website, but it didn’t display, smart meters could potentially back-haul your core 2:


  39. Pingback: Smart Meters vs Steam Engines | Pitts Report

  40. Cindy says:

    Please add this website for Pennsylvania.
    Thank you,

  41. I just wanted to inform stopsmartmeters.org that I have established a new website dedicated to stopping smart meters in Tombstone, Arizona. The site is located at: https://www.ebidpal.com/smart/ —– and is titled “The Tombstone Smart Meter Network.” The website is an encrypted and secured SSL site, this is for the protection of all website visitors and website administrators, preventing unauthorized eavesdropping of communications between the users and the site, it also serves to prevent hackers from stealing personal identity information.

    Please visit the site and pass along the website address. Be sure to type https://www.ebidpal.com/smart/ NOT http://www.ebidpal.com/smart, the “s” in https is important as it designates it as a secured site.

    Thank you,
    Robert W. Krueger

  42. Pingback: WI smart meter complaints: 'There's way too much government control' « Watchdog.org

  43. Angelia says:

    Hi. I found out about you because we have the same natural dentist. I went to Santa Cruz for healing because I too, was affected. Romex wiring is another hazard which I had a reaction to (waking up often and finally unable to sleep at all) along with the fact I was in an apartment over a room of 25 smart meters about 30 feet away for the whole building. The electric field coming out of my wall 6-8 feet and a voltage of over 2200 surrounding me is why. I had a building biologist measure it.
    It caused me to be dizzy and nauseated, also has disrupted my sleep even now that I am elsewhere. It has caused me to be ultra sensitive to cell phones, computers, etc. and when in areas where there is a lot of cell towers it makes me feel worse also. I’m still trying to balance out and need help on who to turn to for energy healing. Any input would be appreciated. Thank you.

  44. MISS-U-NJ says:

    Received the dreaded postcard a few weeks ago: A contract co. for the huge energy monopoly, in the state of NC, will be installing ‘stupid’ meters within the next few weeks. As one poster, who lives in Indiana mentioned, there is no opt out; you either accept it, and if not, your power gets disconnected. This power monopoly dominates such states as Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, NC, SC, and FL. They have no shame whatsoever! Several articles and videos document their ‘smart’ ex-customers who refused their meters and sure enough – they’re now without power!

    Sadly, from what I’ve researched, not much of a whisper of resistance in this state; such dutiful people, lol. Unfortunately, we do not own the home, (we rent), so we’re not going to spend a fortune to insulate/shield this device – fortunately, we can pick up and leave…happily…out-of-state!

    After having our last home taken by this state, via imminent domain, where we were happy, to having to move, & given no choice with this meter, it’s so long, cya!
    Going back to where I find out smart meters are not a priority, because of too much resistance. How about that! The grass is not always greener somewhere else:)
    See ya soon Northeast! There are other reasons for the move, but this is a plus!

    Out of all the articles I’ve read on how to resist these things, I have not seen any examples, or advice, for people in this ‘no opt-out’ (or we’ll turn off your power) situation. Everyone I’ve seen who did resist has no power now. They are running generators, or coping some other way, but it is really an inconvenience to them. The only answer is to go off-grid (if you can afford it), or if you own the home, shield the device. I wish I had some more advice. I know some people complain about a fee and monthly charges to opt out, but at least you’re given the choice. Good luck to everyone.

    • GREAT QUESTION!! Keep in mind that in most states that currently have an ‘opt out’ provision- such as CA- residents had to fight tooth and nail to win simply this measly half-measure. In CA, it took a group of angry mothers and others having their smart meters removed and returning them in a group to the utility in Dec. 2012 to force action. Yes they got their electricity cut off for a week but they also got media attention and this made the utility look bad, especially being the week before Christmas. Hello Grinch!! A month or two later, under legislative pressure as well, the CPUC granted (albeit an extortionate) opt out policy.

      Bottom line is that we need to push for a full safety recall not just an opt out. They can only succeed with this hazardous program if we let them put the meters on our property. Sometimes people need to disobey- en masse to achieve change. You (and your neighbors) literally need to stop treating the utility like an authority- they are simply another company with whom you do business and they should learn to treat you as a customer (Ha!). It’s time to remove the meters.

      Watch the video of the Great Smart Meter Return in CA here:


      If you are in a state who chooses to force smart meters, you may need to disobey as a group and stand up and face the threat square on. Work on getting media attention- you may have to work hard at it and we can advise! It’s also not impossible to live without power, especially temporarily- see http://www.electricalpollution.com/OffgridSafely.html I did it for a year and a half and despite a few challenges it was great and liberating!!

      • MISS-U-NJ says:

        Thanks for the great advice. I don’t mean to sound like a defeatist, but we do not own this home (we rent it). All of the appliances are electric, with city water. We have no alternative appliances to go off-grid (like a propane fridge, etc.) because I’m not going to invest in all of this stuff (practically every appliance is worthless without power, including the heat pump and A/C) if the house isn’t mine. There is not even a fireplace/woodstove for winter – it totally sucks.

        Also, there are not many people who live on my street, and they
        are all uninformed/uneducated..and unfriendly! We took this place temporarily, but will face this dilemma, even if we move anywhere else in the same county. They’re installing these by counties. Perhaps the easiest thing to do would be to shield the meter after it’s installed, and move the hell out as soon as possible.

        The power co. says it’s no longer going to have meter readers (they’re firing all of them), and there is no place for the old system any more. I appreciate all of your help. I will send the power co. a certified letter though. This way it will be on record.

    • REMC has fraudulently started charging me $25.00 w/o itemizing it on my bill…

      They walked inside my invisible fencing with my dog out today and this is how I found out… Called to complain and ask about my bill and what was going on with the fee. If they had forgone it… Oh no I had been charged since August 2013.

      Wanting to start a class action lawsuit in NC.

  45. Tom says:


    I thought you may appreciate a alternative perspective; no reply required.

    Smart Meters is a excuse without benefit to transfer of public/consumer wealth to offshore corporations. It’s a financial rip-off. Let’s call it what it is and “fire”/”jail” the perpetrators.

    This is an example of the income inequality issue – the mother of all social justice and environmental issues – and needs to be attacked for the rip-off it is.

    See email below for further explanation.

    Regards, (no reply required, a suggestion FYI)

    email to BC Coalition, Dec. 16th, 2013

    Thanks for all that you do.

    I think you are missing two key concerns: financial incompetence of public asset + breach of fiduciary trust.

    Both of these are grounds for: 1) the firing of the BCHydro Board and Executive Team for cause, and 2) a forensic public audit of BC Hydro.

    There needs to be a priority given to the financial incompetence by the BCHydro’s board and Executuves. These smart meters only last 10 to 15 years, and the labour (meter reading savings) ($1B cost vs $18M saving, 378 Hydro employee reduction x $50k/yr = $18.9M ) offers unsubstantiated payback. Hence, grounds for: financial incompetence + breach of fiduciary trust.

    (the artificial creation of tiered rates is not grounds for the energy savings claimed by Hydro; besides energy savings, and some of peak usage issue can be achieved by public consultation just like the garbage recycling has achieved, other costs such as retraining/welfare/UI, administering Smart Meters must be added in too)

    Suggest you engage an accounting/consulting firm for a payback analysis and then call for the Board’s and Executive Team’s firing; backed-up with a legal pursuit.

    Suggest you coordinate with other jurisdictions for a cost-burden & PR enhanced effects.

    Smart Meters is a excuse without benefit to transfer of public/consumer wealth to offshore corporations. It’s a financial rip-off. Let’s call it what it is and “fire”/”jail” the perpetrators.



  46. Miljenko Akik, Croatia says:

    Hi everyone. I am from Croatia (Europe). We have same problems with bees, but not so much caused by Smart Meters (we do not have them), more caused by GSM operators and their base stations (that is what beekeepers say). If you are interested we are using BEE PROTECTIVE BLOCKER to protect bees (there is modification ofr humans as well)

    I do not want to break a rules on this site (about marketing) therefore I will not leave in this comment any contact data (not even name of company).

    However, my contact data (e-mail) is registered (during submission) so editor has it. If editor think that information below might be of public interest feel free to contact me on my e-mail address.

    Results we achieved with BEE PROTECTIVE BLOCKERS are

    – almost complete absence of VARROA MITE.
    producing ECO honey, Hives have not been treated
    throughout the year with any chemicals OR poisons to
    kill varroa mite,

    – the yield of the honey is 30-40 % higher

    – each hive filled its full capacity in numbers of bees

    – quiet exchange of the queen
    swarming of the bees is drastically lower

    – near apiaries with we’ve noticed significantly lower activity
    of wasps and hornets

    – the beekeeper hardly needed to use smoke
    above average calmness in bees

    Protective blokers have very positive impact on bees (like on humans) autonomic nervous system makes their immunity stronger. Bees are more tranquil, healthier and happier.
    We think that such a PROJECT could make a major contribution to
    the preservation of bee species in the world

    Kindest Regards

  47. ks says:

    Are these devices continuously transmitting? It seems to me that they should make them to only transmit data when they are being read – like the meter reader who comes once a month. This doesn’t make sense to me.

  48. Connie says:

    Anyone had any experience fighting Marco Cell Towers and have any tips or potential organizations that can help.

  49. Pat Fields says:

    Philadelphia City Common Law Club is working to stop unwanted Smart Meter installations and charges for opting out.

    Philadelphia inhabitants … Join Up!

    at … https://www.facebook.com/groups/1501028523468650/

  50. Arian says:

    I live in Cleveland Ohio and my gas was shut off due to my refusal of a smart meter! What can I do? My children and I are freezing and the gas company will not work with me. They said they dont know anything about a smart meter and they just wanted to come in an inspect their equipment for flaws. They turn me off even after accepting my payment for the current month, in Ohio they are not to shut off the gas from October to April…who do I talk to now?

  51. Lenny Brewster says:

    You can’t do Jack, that’s what!

    The other year Rockland Electric sneaked this thing onto my house, secretly swapping out the old analog meter. A month later (it was dated!) my mother’s Alzheimer’s went through the roof, she had a seizure, and ended up in a hospital. Ever since I’ve also had mild dizzy spells and suspected a gas leak (and never found one). The meter’s located just 2′ from the kitchen window where she always sits hours on end.

    I called up Rockland Electric politely explaining the situation and requesting they re-install the old meter. They gave me a hard time to say the least. First they claimed it wasn’t a smart meter then they proceeded to humor me like I was a crazed loon afraid of invisible rays! Hopeless. They kept saying they still send a meter reader there every month… Funny, I hadn’t seen one in a Long time and I’m unemployed and around my home nearly 24/7…

    For a while I thought maybe they were right. It was a new digital solid-state meter for sure but was it a Smart meter or was this all coincidence? Searching online I downloaded the specs to this thing to differentiate it from other meters and sure enough all I had to do was read this huge FCC serial number plastered across the face to confirm it for me. Only a meter that Transmits needs an FCC code!

    I don’t think anything can be done to remove this monster short of “vandalism” and forced to pay a fee…and then they’ll just replace it with a spanking new smart meter, right?

  52. Glen Fetzner says:

    Is there anyone against Smart Meters in USA or world ?and Please Stop Smart Meters! Have you ever felt more awake after using Wi-Fi or even struggled to sleep through the night? It’s a Dangerous to Health .


  53. Ron Becker says:

    Please add our new website for Hawaii to your listing :
    Ron Becker

  54. Hello Stop Smart Meters, Thank you for all you do! Could you please add our website to your data resource list? http://www.AustinSmartMeters.com. We have a lot of information, resources, and we do testing in Central Texas. Thank, Dr. Laura Pressley, Ph.D.

  55. Johnny Bob says:

    I’m in process of engaging Ameren Corp (a Texas corporation) / Ameren Illinois Corp in a formal complaint before the Illinois Commerce Commission. I’ve already been through the informal phase where my primary arguments were related to health, finances, and the laws related to their AMI (smart) meters. It’s at the stage where I must file paperwork for the formal complaint to proceed. I’m not an attorney and need legal assistance and advice. I’ve read and researched widely, including related Illinois law, but lack the ability to research case law and find precedents. Also an attorney should be present at whatever hearings result because I alone couldn’t pull it off. Ideally free legal aid or a pro bono attorney, because my income is below the poverty line. I am also disabled. Please contact me ASAP if you can help. Thanks!

  56. Toxi Com says:



  57. Toxi Com says:

    18 minutes into the docu RESONANCE BEINGS OF FREQUENCY shows university study denoting causation between wireless base-stations placed atop beehives and 100% bee die-off (so called ‘colony collapse disorder’).

  58. Norma says:

    How do I get this smart meter.off our home

  59. Pingback: Our Ethics and Principles | Stop Smart Meters!

  60. Pingback: Most Utility “Smart” Meters (Electric, Gas, and Water) Emit Very Strong Pulses of Harmful Radiation 24/7; How to “Opt Out” - United Push Back

  61. Pingback: Most Utility “Smart” Meters (Electric, Gas, and Water) Emit Very Strong Pulses of Harmful Radiation 24/7; How to “Opt Out”

  62. Pingback: Most Utility “Smart” Meters (Electric, Gas, and Water) Emit Very Strong Pulses of Harmful Ra diation 24/7; How to “Opt Out” | Truth11.com

  63. Pingback: Most Utility “Smart” Meters (Electric, Gas, and Water) Emit Very Strong Pulses of Harmful Radiation 24/7; How to “Opt-Out” – Nwo Report

  64. Pingback: Smart Meter Citizen Science, Information, and Referrals (DRAFT) - Safe Tech International

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