Our Ethics and Principles

With increasing awareness of wireless-related health problems, there are a flood of new peoples and organizations promising solutions to the problem- a lot of them sincere and helpful.  However, you need to be aware of an increase in misleading, distracting information out there, and become savvy in recognizing it when you see it.

Anyone who says you can “make wireless safe” is not telling the truth and likely has something useless to sell you. There is no patch, pendant, plug-in device, amulet, ring, necklace, rock, “offset” or crystal that can reduce your exposure to wireless microwave radiation. The science does not support these imaginary fixes in any way, shape or form.

Even half-measures like using a cell phone with an air-tube device, or switching off the wi-fi router at night, may only reduce the risk of cancer and other deadly and debilitating diseases now linked with RF. This is not “safe” or “safer.”  This is (marginally) less dangerous. And there is a world of difference in how we communicate, perceive, and respond to this growing threat.

Here are the principles that guide our everyday work here at StopSmartMeters.org:

– Wireless technology can not be made “safe” no matter how it is used. Any indication to the contrary is simply false and serves the interests of industry. Any wireless device that is able to function, is also able to do you harm, strictly according to the science.

Wired connectivity should be standard in all homes, schools and other buildings. Everyone has the right to be safe and free from unnecessary harm.

– We encourage politically and directly active community responses to involuntary exposure or limited options for wired connectivity. Every individual and every community has the capacity, voice, power, and right to effect change within their family, neighborhood and community.

– Individual solutions that only mitigate wireless harm to the user will never address the systemic nature of, toxic, carcinogenic wireless pollution in our environment, the worst being borne by low income, marginalized communities.

– Wireless technology (and the “wild west” nature with which it is being deployed) is a symptom of a deeper rot in our society, related to capitalism, greed, and corruption. We cannot address the wireless crisis without addressing its roots.

– Various strategies and approaches are healthy and necessary in order to challenge wireless corporate hegemony, and create new social norms and policies that allow and encourage an overall healthier relationship with technology. Solidarity is key.

We should not be afraid of speaking the truth (as well as the implications of that truth) on this issue. After all, if those living in the U.S. in the 1860’s had been concerned with appearing too “extreme” or “radical” and instead pushed for better treatment of slaves rather than total abolition, slavery may still be with us today with all its horrors and human tragedies.

Be outspoken and get in the way- take responsibility for making your home and your community the way you want it to be. Be proud of the resistance movement against smart meters and the network we’ve created together-SSM!

This entry was posted in Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Class Issues and Social Equality, Democracy, neighborhood organizing, Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Our Ethics and Principles

  1. Pingback: Our Ethics and Principles | Stop "Smart" Meters, Florida!

  2. Paul Harding says:

    Good for you Josh, for standing up for the truth! So many say you’ve got to keep an open mind because everyone is different. This leads to confusion and the wrong path is taken. People end up broke and hurt after not taking care of the problem.

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