Search Results for: defend your

Direct Action Stops ‘Smart’ Meter Installation in Larkspur, Marin County

While on the way to the Larkspur ferry about a month ago, I came across a Wellington Energy installer in Larkspur placing ‘smart’ meters on people’s homes.   I followed him to a number of houses, speaking with residents about the … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion | 1 Comment

The Future is Wired: How Wireless Tech May Be a Historical Dead End

Even as sales of wireless personal devices skyrocket, there is a noticeable grassroots backlash against the wireless world.  From “no cell phone” signs posted at cash registers to families rebelling against Dad’s unavailability since he bought his iPhone to cafes … Continue reading

Posted in Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Health studies | Leave a comment

Interview with EFF: How Smart Meters Violate our Right to Privacy

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) was founded in 1990.  The San Francisco based organization defends free speech, privacy, innovation, and consumer rights in a digital age.  Joshua Hart of Stop Smart Meters! sat down with Lee Tien, Senior Staff Attorney … Continue reading

Posted in CPUC, Democracy, PG&E, Privacy | 12 Comments

Sample Ltr to Local Govt

Here is a letter that we sent to the City of Watsonville.   Feel free to adapt this letter for your own city or county.  It’s ‘copyleft’ August 9th, 2010 Watsonville City Council 275 Main St., Suite 400 (4th Floor) Watsonville, … Continue reading