Search Results for: defend your

Meters that Smart: The Name is All Too Accurate

The new wireless utility meters going in around the country have been called many things: spy meters, dumb meters, even murder meters.  But we think the industry chose well when they named their new meters “smart,” a word in English … Continue reading

Posted in Changing a Meter, Citizen rebellion, neighborhood organizing, PG&E, Privacy, Safety | 5 Comments

PG&E Green Lights Unwanted “Smart” Meter Removal

Okay so they didn’t exactly give a green light to having your “smart” meter removed.  But it wasn’t a red light either.   More like a flashing yellow caution sign. First of all, as is clear to anyone who reads the … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, PG&E | 10 Comments

FAQ: “Smart” Meter Basics

What is a “smart” meter? How do I know if I have a “smart” meter or not? Can a “smart” meter be harmful to my health or unsafe? How could the government allow “smart” meters if they are harmful or … Continue reading


FAQ: Utility Company Issues

My utility tells me that the federal government mandates these new “smart” meters. Is this true? I still have my analog meter, but my utility company is sending threatening letters and calling me, saying I must have a “smart” meter. … Continue reading


FAQ: Organizing and Community issues

How can I connect with other people in my area who are fighting “smart” meters? How can I organize in my neighborhood? How can I publicize the issue in my community? What about local government? I have heard that in … Continue reading

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