Sample Letters to Utility

These sample letters are provided as informational resources only. Note that whether or not your utility has a formal opt out policy you still have the legal right to have a smart meter removed from your residence.

If you have an analog meter on your home and want to defend it:

Your name>
<Your address>
<Your acct. #>


<Utility CEO/ General Mgr.>
<Utility Name>


Dear <Name of CEO/ General Mgr.>,

Notice of non consent to installation of any electronic or wireless metering device

<your name(s)>____________ hereby prohibit(s) any electronic or wireless metering device (hereafter referred to as a “smart meter”) from being installed in or around our residence at <street address>. This letter acts as formal notice, and any liability for damage or harm resulting from these conditions being violated, rests with the recipient of this letter, the meter manufacturers and any subcontractors involved in meter production, installation, or operation.

Homeowners have the ultimate authority to decide what technology is installed in their homes – not utilities whose government-protected monopoly prevents residents from choosing a competing utility provider.

• Smart meters are surveillance devices and violate our 4th Amendment right to privacy in our home guaranteed under the United States Constitution. All portions of the political spectrum agree it’s about individual freedom of choice and residents’ basic property rights.

• Smart meters are a fire hazard, and such devices have been responsible for thousands of fires, explosions, and other serious safety problems.

• Smart meters have caused documented health problems. The bursts of RF radiation emitted by their antennas is considered by the World Health Organization to be a Class 2B carcinogen.

• Smart meters typically overcharge and inaccurately represent usage, when compared with reliable, accurate analog meters.

• ”Smart meters” and the “smart grid” risk national security and reliability of the electricity supply by opening a new portal to hackers and others who wish to disrupt these services. This is a major cyber-security problem created by “smart meters”.

For these reasons (but not necessarily limited to these reasons) we require only analog, electromechanical meters without electronic components be used in connection with this account. We will happily self-read the analog meter and accurately track the usage billing for energy consumption on our property, making available the meters for reading confirmation with reasonable notice.


<your signature>

If you have a “smart meter” on your home and decide to have it removed:

Your name>
<Your address>
<Your acct. #>


<Utility CEO/ General Mgr.>
<Utility Name>


Dear <Name of CEO/ General Mgr.>,

Notice of demand to remove electronic or wireless metering device

<your name(s)>____________ hereby demands that any electronic or wireless metering device (hereafter referred to as a “smart meter”) be removed from in or around our residence at <street address>. This letter acts as formal notice, and any liability for damage or harm resulting from these conditions being refused, rests with the recipient of this letter, the meter manufacturers and any subcontractors involved in meter production, installation, or operation.

Homeowners have the ultimate authority to decide what technology is installed in their homes – not utilities whose government-protected monopoly prevents residents from choosing a competing utility provider.

• Smart meters are surveillance devices and violate our 4th Amendment right to privacy in our home guaranteed under the United States Constitution. All portions of the political spectrum agree it’s about individual freedom of choice and residents’ basic property rights.

• Smart meters are a fire hazard, and such devices have been responsible for thousands of fires, explosions, and other serious safety problems.

• Smart meters have caused documented health problems. The bursts of RF radiation emitted by their antennas is considered by the World Health Organization to be a Class 2B carcinogen.

• Smart meters typically overcharge and inaccurately represent usage, when compared with reliable, accurate analog meters.

• ”Smart meters” and the “smart grid” risk national security and reliability of the electricity supply by opening a new portal to hackers and others who wish to disrupt these services. This is a major cyber-security problem created by “smart meters”.

For these reasons (but not necessarily limited to these reasons) we require only analog, electromechanical meters without electronic components be used in connection with this account. We will happily self-read the analog meter and accurately track the usage billing for energy consumption on our property, making available the meters for reading confirmation with reasonable notice.


<your signature>

38 Responses to Sample Letters to Utility

  1. Bobbie Mueller says:

    Thanks you for providing the tools for combating installation of smart meters. I think it’s a travesty that utility companies, namely City Public Service in San Antonio, is stomping on our rights as free Americans.

    • Gabriel says:

      I’m also in San Antonio. Just recently they came by and installed a smart gas meter. My analog meter is still there and locked up. Has CPS attempted to install one to your home. If so, how did it work out?

      • Eric says:

        Going round and round with CPS. No broadcast devices installed on property. NO CPS “opt Out” “Smart Meter Xchange Program”, they are pushing for getting us to sign contract. How did your fight turn out?

    • I says:

      Americans? Where do you see those?? I only see slaves, known as U.S, citizens, that have FREELY given away all rights- in exchange for commercial privileges…

    • Cj Reeves says:

      Have you any luck with this letter? I too live in San Antonio and am facing $5k of plumbing bills since this evil meter was installed.

  2. Joan of Arc says:

    PECO in PA is trying to bully everyone into changing to a smart meter, all the the public Ultility Commision madate it no until 2023. Virtually nothing they say about it when you call cutomer service is in writing , except when they threaten to terminate service because no not allowing access to their equipment! WTH!

  3. Joan of Arc says:

    PECO in PA is trying to bully everyone into changing to a smart meter by the end of 2014. All the the Public Utility Commision mandates is that all PA residences need to have one but not until 2023. For me that is ok because it’s enough time to get a new law to reverse the 2008 mandate installation for every residence in PA and time for more research detailing the health consequences of RF radiation. Virtually nothing PECO says about the meter when you call cutomer service is in writing. They only thing you get in writing is a threat to terminate service because of not allowing access to their equipment! I need to get off this GRID, stat!

  4. Mike Wagenblast says:

    I have a Landis & GYR / Itron Meter on my residence.
    I was informed (by a PUD engineer) that this is a T.W.A.C.S. model by Aclara.
    Please help me in finding out weather or not this meter is safe by any means.
    I recently watched the video Take Back Your Power and I am looking for information on the meter on my home.
    Thank you.
    Best Regards,

  5. JohnnyBob says:

    This is just starting to happen in our rural community Mt Vernon IL 62864. The power company (Ameren) gave us no prior warning except a vanilla postcard which mentioned no details nor hints. They were trying to sneak it past us. Dumb farmers are easy, I guess they thought. They’re in for a surprise… 🙂

  6. James R. Carter, Sr. says:

    Wood County Electric Cooperative is forcing SmartMeters on us here in Far East Texas. I’m electromagnetic sensitive. I complained. Got a Nasty letter telling me that I had to pay them $250.00 before 29 September 2017 to pay for 2 Analog meters for my rural home. 1 for my residence and 1 for the water well. Plus they are going to charge me $25.00 per month to read the meter.
    I don’t even have WiFi, Cable TV or satellite internet because of my sensitivity to all things electromagnetic!
    My wife and I are living on “fixed income” and they’ve blindsided us by Demanding this $250 before the 29th! I’m disabled, 67. Wife’s 77. We are furious.
    Neither of us trust the corporation that calls itself a “Cooperative.”!

    • Randy Walters says:

      how areyou making out with the meter situation? They put one on my home and I want it off now, This is so sickening, please let me know if you have any advice, im calling the electric company to have them remove this, if i cant get analog thrn i dont want any, i had locked my box but received threats of them shutting off my power, we left 3 hours one day, i unlocked it n put a sign stating if it comes to losing my power put the meter on , i wish i would not have done that, i think they knew i wasn’t home, maybe im jumping the gun there though, just seemed a little suspicious, i feel awful lately , having skin problems ringing in my ears, my wifes and step son also and our dog seems to be acting very strange since then, i too am on a fixed income and have enough health issues, i feel i not protecting my family, have you ever heard of “agenda 21” ? if so i suggest You look into it because it is happening now, I apologize for making this so long,, just stressed out and very concerned,, Take care and good luck with these evil people,,

  7. Starla Sampson says:

    Hello! We bought our home 3 years ago and didn’t realize that it had a smart reader on the home. I want to send them this letter but have no idea if they had consent from the previous owners. Is there a way to write this a little differently and get the same results?

  8. Doree Anglemyer says:

    I’ve been blessed avoiding this so far, but I just received a notice to expect a letter shortly about installation on my home. The problem is, I’m in Pennsylvania, and I am bankrupt due to mystery illnesses that doctors are ‘intentionally’ clueless about and according to Pennsylvania law, there is ‘no’ opt out option. Does anyone have any idea as to what to do besides filing a complaint with the PUC?? Clearly our government is now so powerful the utility companies don’t have to listen to the people!!

  9. Stephanie Bridge says:

    I have emailed the president, vice president and many other big names within Florida Duke Energy about the digital meter on our home. I told them that I would like to legally opt out and I do not give consent for them to have this on my home.

    I let them know that I do not have any problem paying the opt out fee and even paying for them to replace the digital meter with an analog meter. I even offered to buy the analog meter and pay them to install it.

    Before I took to emailing the president and others, we called customer service. They told us that we could opt out for around $15 per month and we would need to pay for the analog meter. They said they would contact us back when it would take place.

    A month passed and we were never contacted back. I decided to reach out to customer service again. I got a very strange response, basically saying that they don’t know when they will be able to change out our meter with an analog one.

    That is when I decided to email the president, vice president, etc.

    Ultimately, I was ignored by all 10+ people I contacted, and was contacted back by a customer service employee saying that they will not be allowing us to opt out and we were basically stuck with the digital meter that is on our home.

    I have read horror stories about power companies refusing families service because they would not allow the smart meters on their homes.

    I am afraid if I send Duke Energy any type of letter, like the one mentioned above, our service will be terminated.

    If there is anyone here that has had luck with opting out of digital meters with Duke Energy in Florida in 2018, please contact me and let me know how you did it. I am desperate to get this thing off of my home.

  10. na says:

    What I dont understand is why the people are not banding together in outrage over this. They are PUBLIC UTILITY. They use our resources to not only create the power but deliver it to us.

    We pay them a fee for processing that which belongs to us anyway.

    We have recently been sent a letter from Entergy saying they will be putting on on our home.

    We are self read already and not going to go along with it. If they want to turn the service off they can but not before they file a complaint in the courts and ask the courts to allow them on our property to do so .We will however continue to read our meter in and record the conversations with their customer service reps.

  11. Nathan Joshua says:

    Go to to get a copy of letters you can send to the people in your state to prevent this/get them removed from your homes.

  12. All I know is Join Facebook Group.. Link is .. see below

    They will help guide to right page… When you are ready apply put MM9927FM on How do you know of DTSS..

    This man Mark Muso have experience and help lots of people and do not go other than DTSS because he or they know how to get out of court FAST !!! for complete freedom.. (cheap is both programs) only one time you know.. ha

    Lets restore back your own body.. be Complete Freedom, Now !

  13. Jonathan says:

    The notice of liability appears to be a very specific wording and process to follow. Does anyone have experience dealing with Inpower and Cal Washington’s process?

  14. Susan Wadas says:

    Hi Jonathan,
    We live in Hawaii and they are trying to force us to have a digital meter. We still have our analog one.
    My son has cerebral palsy and is very sensitive to EMF.
    Is there anyone who could help me stop this? I am planning on putting a cage over the meter, to stop an installation.
    Thank you for any help.

  15. Faraday cage cover 99% emf , please also have him wear shungite stones from Russia and cell phone blocker etc.. delivery charge is very expensive , they are alot of them are fake n becarful.

    this website is great‎ ,
    since he is sensitive I suggst to put shunggite stons on top of wifi transmitters
    and next to his bed under his pillow , have salt lamp , amethyst .

    I hope this helps

  16. Zosh says:


    Firstly thanks so much to the author for taking the time to provide the information you have on this page. While I think the above letter template is great, I do think I’ll be moving forward with Jerry Day’s version from his site as although it is much more wordy, it covers ALL our bases here, which I believe is important when you’re dealing with abusive & corrupt corporations, such as these electric utility companies. They’ll find any angle or hole in your position to exploit. Being as thorough as possible I think is the best policy to approach these companies with, so that there’s no opportunity for them to NOT do exactly what you’re requesting, which is to remove these toxic meters for the standard electromechanical ones at no-cost to us.

    I wanted to however reach out on here to see if anyone has had experience with writing down and expanding on our claims & evidence for the harm, personal or financial damages, or potential for hazard that these toxic meters pose to us? Putting down our evidence & claims gives us an opportunity to request financial reparations which are due to us if the electric company doesn’t respond to our Notice of Liability. Just wondering if anyone has any examples they’ve had success with or a rough skeleton for how I can start my own? Thanks!!

  17. Trying to get the digital analog meter remove, and me and husband is getting really sick. I have tried to opt out, got a call from enegy company, and they said they do not have any analog meters. I told them, I have bought my own analog meter, and they will not let me or husband, install it, or they will find us, if we break the seal. Give Edgar and Phyllis a cal, at 216-421-5614. I think it is time for court, and need to go to court fast, Me and husband is tire of playing the utilities games with our health Thanks, very much

  18. Linda says:

    In 2018 I sent 2 certified mail return receipt requested letters to Rockland Electric refusing smart meters and opt-out digital meters. I also hung a refusal sign and a do not touch my analog meter sign above my analog meter. They started charging me a $15 monthly opt-out fee which I have been paying since 2018.

    Today I was horrified to find that my analog meter was missing and replaced by an iTron digital opt-out smart meter. My refusal sign is still hanging on the wall above it. They had no right to come on my property and remove my analog meter without my permission and without even telling me that they were going to do it. I complained to my local police department. They said that the electric company may claim that the analog meter belonged to them. It has been on the wall outside my house for the 35 years that we live here. Can they claim it is theirs? What should I do now? Any lawyers in New Jersey working on class action suits against Rockland Electric? Any electricians in Bergen County available to help me replace the analog meter?

  19. Jerri says:

    Is this site up and running with current stuff? I’m looking to try to get people together for a protest here in Texas. I do not know where to begin, any suggestions? Has anyone done this with any luck?

    • Josh Hart says:

      Hi Jerri- yes this site is running and as current as we can make it. Many people have successfully mounted protests. Check our FAQ for more info, or feel free to call our hotline for further assistance: 888 965 6435. best, Josh

      • jen says:

        Tried calling that number for assistance with my matter, however, after the announcement the beep comes and it hangs up. I reached out to someone in Florida list and am waiting to hear back. I need help

    • Pissed off texas says:

      I am about to file a federal law suit against my electric utility company, the city mayor, city council and the railroad commission. They have violated my rights and the utility mafia that has been shoving these smart meters on to people is wrong and as I read all these comments for years, it seems the same thing has happened. I changed my meter with fair warning, and they removed it, and charged me almost a grand for it. My goal is to also be independent of these corrupt systems like the grid. I am curious if anyone has experience in texas about this subject,.

  20. Jerri Fulin says:

    Is this site up and running with current stuff? I’m looking to try to get people together for a protest here in Texas. I do not know where to begin, any suggestions? Has anyone done this with any luck?

    • Josh Hart says:

      Hi Jerri- yes this site is running and as current as we can make it. Many people have successfully mounted protests. Check our FAQ for more info, or feel free to call our hotline for further assistance: 888 965 6435. best, Josh

  21. Susie says:

    Where are the writers of this web site STOP SMART METERS to tell us where the provisions are, WHAT SECTION, that support smart meters may be offered but not mandated? The Federal Energy Act of 2005 is 550 pages and I don’t see where it offers any such option. Be careful taking advice from this web site as I sent in the letter to the CEO asking to opt out of a smart meter and they are suing me for $250,000
    00. Don’t see how my refusing their smart meter caused them a quarter million in monetary damages, but that is what they are asking of the court

  22. cc says:

    Anyone have any info on our specific rights on refusing the install of a “non communicating” meter in the state of CO? Please share.

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