Many of us have wondered which branch of the US government should be concerned with the radio-frequency radiation we are being exposed to. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has set the (very high) limits, but they have no biologists, doctors, or environmentalists on staff. Why are they given authority to say what is safe for humans, animals, and the environment?
What about the electro-smog that permeates our environment? Could perhaps the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) be called to account for, and regulate, the levels of ambient radio-frequency microwaves we are exposed to? The last time they made any assessment was 1979! This possibility was recently put forth at a conference in Vermont (video below), where Gina McCarthy of the EPA invited US citizens to write her agency to ask for assessment of current RF exposures.
“I do the radiation part of EPA. Feel free to aggravate me as much as you want,” she says. We think everyone concerned about RF should take Gina up on her offer. Please take a moment to write her at the EPA (address follows).
Other regulatory possibilities have been suggested as well. At the recent Wireless Safety Summit in Washington DC, participants called for the Surgeon General to issue warnings about cell phone use. That seems a good idea, modeled on cigarette smoking warnings of decades past, though that wouldn’t cover the way in which people are being exposed to RF in the environment.
However, it would seem that few of us trust government anymore. A recent NYT poll put the number at a mere 10%. Little wonder, when we watch our PUC officials bow down to almost every utility request or desire, and whatever regulatory hurdles they do put up take months to enact, while the utilities move on, heedless.
Write a request to the EPA to do its job and protect us from wireless radiation being emitted by ‘smart’ meters and other sources:
Ms Gina McCarthy
Assistant Administrator for the Office of Air and Radiation
Environmental Protection Agency
Ariel Rios Building
1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington DC 20460