Tired of being bullied by utility corporations that are supposed to provide critical services for the public good but instead have metastasized into arrogant, bullying behemoths? Apparently no one told these guys that threatening old ladies with freezing cold houses in mid-winter for refusing forced radiation on their homes (or for that matter forcing people to pay simply to protect their safety) simply is not a nice thing to do.
Well, the time has come to stand up to the bully. DC-based Center for Safer Wireless has organized a “Bullying Stops Here Rally” for Feb. 29th and the idea is spreading across the Country, with dozens of events already planned.
Why not plan your own event for Wednesday (or any day soon)? Call your friends, neighbors and family, make some signs and invite the media. How are people going to know there is something terribly wrong with the ‘smart grid’ unless we all work hard to get the word out.
The utility/telecom industry has whole marketing firms and multi-million dollar budgets dedicated to shielding the truth from the public. We have grassroots people power, and believe it or not individuals like you pounding the pavement knocking on doors with informative flyers strikes fear into the hearts of the bullies because they can’t control or prevent it. And as we know, control is the name of the smart meter game.
So why not plan your own event? No one is going to do it for you- we must do it ourselves!! Make your own flyer using the graphics on this post or down load the Bullying Stops Here Day flyer and modify it.
Whatever you want to call your utility- the bully, the grinch, the greedy sons of bitches. It’s time to stand up to them. Working together, we can band together and defeat the bully- it was true back in the schoolyard at recess and it’s true now.
PG$E Corporate Management have already killed people in Hinkley, California and San Bruno California and other places less well known.
Why are these people complaining about smart meters? Do they think they deserve better than those adults and children that have already been killed by PG$E?
I just don’t understand these people. PG$E has a record of killing and sickening people throughout the state and that’s not going to change. Why don’t these people just do nothing and accept it, like the rest of us?
“Bully” is exactly the right word! These people are really tough with the purported weight of the “public service” commissions and politicians behind them. But when the people stand up to these Goofuses, they seem quite flummoxed. The truth confuses them, as does the tendency to do the right and the good thing.
Our numbers are growing, day by day. As citizens learn how little the power companies regard their health and welfare, how much they’re willing to put us at risk to gain a few pennies, they grow outraged. That outrage will not decrease until someone on their side decides to grow a conscience and do what should have been done at the beginning: Reject the idea of radiation-spewing, exploding “s’meters,” take them all down, and work on meters that actually do what the electric companies say “smart” meters do – save the environment and save us money. With all the billions they’ve stolen from us, would that really be so hard??
One sure fire way to fight the bullies is to buy a solar system, even a small 100 watt system.
California has long been a pioneer in renewable technologies, in particular, solar power.
According to a recent report published by the Los Angeles-based nonprofit Environment California Research and Policy Center, the “Million Solar Roofs Initiative” has been a huge success and will continue on this path for some time to come.
The original legislation established a ten year, statewide inter-agency effort. It includes funding for solar projects on all types of structures, including houses, businesses and government buildings.
According to the Environment California report, California is on track to meet its ten year goal. Halfway through the timeline, it is close to installing more than 1 gigawatts of rooftop capacity across the state.
This type of development is very important to the economy and also helping to add power to the grid to be used for everything, including business development.
So one one hand, you have government and private entities investing in renewable energy to be shared (sold to the power companies) to benefit everyone. And on the other hand, you have the utility giants like PG&E that really want to discourage any other electricity generation by private individuals, they only want their power to be distributed, and hate what they call “mom and pop” generation systems.
That is the sole reason that PG&E cooked up the smart meter/smart grid scam.
PG&E bribed the CPUC to allow a $2.2 billion charge to the ratepayers to pay for an automated meter reading system that is not compatable with any renewable energy system that wants to share (sell) excess power generated back to the power grid for local use only. The smart meters and the telemetry of the smart grid does not allow for monitoring or recording of any power from any renewable system being back fed to the power grid.
Its as if PG&E seriously wants to discourage any advancements , they want strict control of everything related to power generation and sales in northern California.
With the expansion of developing more “mom and pop” generating systems to feed the collective power grid, the best way to eliminate having a smart meter is to go solar. One does not have to go off grid to eliminate a smart meter, just start out with a small PV array, and it can always be expanded. It is forbidden for the power companies to install smart meters on any customers buildings who choose to participate in the alternate, renewable energy programs.
I know it makes no sense, one hand fighting the other, but if the going gets tough, the tough get going, fight the power (PG&E), and squelch the big bad bully !
The residential smart meters being installed are not compatable with solar systems, but GE does make the kV2c advanced bi-directional meter for commercial and industrial applications. These are full function smart meters and are very expensive to each customer. The power companies will never provide kV2c meters to regular residential customers unless the customer wants to pay an additional $5000+ for the meter, and the installation of additional electrical equipment.
I looked into this option too, but I learned that there are residential ‘Smart’ Meters that do work with a PV array. My boss has a leased PV array and has a ‘Smart’ Meter. Am I missing something?
If you ignore the b.s. about the radiation, you will see that the article says they are compatible…
If your boss leased a PV array, then most likely the company that owns the array paid for an expensive bi-directional meter for their system, and if this system is in PG&E territory, also the solar leasing company would have to pay for either an internet connection , mobile phone carrier connection or a telephone modem and dedicated landline. Power line carriers don’t work here because of the ferrite core step down transformers on the power grid will not pass the signals, they need to be upgraded to electronic transformers in order to pass power line carrier signals.
What I was saying is that here in PG&E territory, the residential smart meters that are being deployed, for one are not bi-directional meters, and two, the Silver Springs Networks “smart grid” is not capable of bi-directional electricity distribution. I don’t know where you live, but here in PG&E the Landis-Gyr and GE residential meters are not compatable with solar systems, and the radio smart grid can’t handle it either. If your boss has a leased solar system in PG&E, he has to have a commercial/industrial bi-directional meter .
I’ll find out about my boss’s meter… We’re in SCE territory. In a very odd turn of events, just yesterday SCE agreed to restore my analog meter at the 11th hour just before cutting my power because I had a 3rd party analog meter installed. Whoa.
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Call their Switchboard (604-528-1600) or Toll-free (1-888-964-9376)
Monday to Friday: 7:00 am-8:00 PM & Saturday: 9:00 am-5:00 PM
Events – Current | stopsmartmetersbc
– http://www.stopsmartmetersbc.ca/html/?page_id=1497
The anti-bullying rally on Feb. 29 is gathering momentum in several places throughout British Columbia, Canada and there are people organizing the event in: Nanaimo; Victoria; Port Hardy; Prince George; Vancouver.
Yay! Finally got http://www.stopsmartmetersgeorgia.org updated, and added this bullying article – thanks, guys! I want everyone to know that we’re made as HELL, and we’re not going to take it any more!
Also, I have a new column up concerning Georgia Senate Bill 459. Please read this, and help out, if you can. I really appreciate it. (:
Tell Senators Shafer, Carter, and Goggans to Save Us from “Smart” Meters THIS Session!
Georgia Senate Bill 459 (for an opt out bill with a possible penalty) did not pass through the Regulated Industries and Utilities Committee yesterday (Monday, February 27). I have called the three sponsors’ offices, and am waiting for answers as to why they could not amend the bill to make the opt out free, and what their next move is.
They only have until next Wednesday (March 7) to get it voted on by the whole Georgia Senate, and passed to the House. Of course, there’s always next session, but in the meantime, more stupid meters are put on people’s houses.
Below is my email to the three sponsors, Senators Shafer, Carter, and Goggans. Please call or email them and let them know the whole state is watching to see what they’ll do, and expecting them to do the right thing immediately. (Shafer: 404.656.0048; Carter: 404.656.5109; Goggans: 404.463.5263.) Thank you!
Btw, we should also do their constituents a favor, since this is a re-election year, and keep them apprised of the senators’ votes on the “smart” meter issue, via Facebook, letters to the editor, or whatever means you find most efficient.
Dear Senator Shafer,
I found out this morning that Senate Bill 459 did not pass. I applaud you again for sponsoring a bill that would allow Georgians to opt out of what is probably an illegal electric meter to begin with. With no UL listing, no human-safety testing, and a reputation from knowledgeable people of being extremely dangerous, it was the very least that could be done.
Because I run a website that keeps Georgians informed about the latest on “smart” meters, I need to find out several things from you. If people don’t have this information, they will guess at the truth, and it’s better that they have the truth “from the horse’s mouth,” as they say. So I have a few questions that I would appreciate your answering:
1. Why did Senate Bill 459 not pass? It did offer an option for the Georgia Public Service Commission to charge a fee, and I understand that people in droves were calling the Regulated Industries and Utilities Committee to register their displeasure at what they perceived as a form of blackmail or extortion: “Pay up or you will have an extremely questionable device attached to the side of your homes!” But why not just tweak the bill to not include a fee? In fact, why not just follow the law (Federal Energy Policy Act of 2005) and make it be “opt-in only”?
If it did not pass because you would like to hear from the citizens of Georgia first, that might be good. On the other hand, it might feed into Georgia Power’s tactic of “Stall Until the Install.” In other words, while the good people of Georgia try to save themselves from possibly being sickened and dying, Georgia Power blithely continues to put up meters no one asked for, that Federal law states should be put up by customer request only. So was it stalled to allow state-wide public hearings?
2. What is the next step? As I said above, it is laudable to try and save Georgians from this radiation-spewing meter. But no one is being saved now.
This may be the most important vote in your career. Everyone is watching, because everyone has an electric meter. They know you are informed on the issue. Someone with guts needs to make “smart” meters opt-in only. Make Georgia Power follow the law. Then work your hardest to take these meters down from every home and business in Georgia, have them replaced with safe, analog meters.
You said that you agree with the writers of the Constitution of the State of Georgia, that the safety of this great State’s citizens should be you and your fellow legislators’ utmost concern. Please make that apparent by acting immediately to save Georgians from most likely harmful, hazardous “smart” meters.
Below is all the information you need to make your decision [To StopSmartMeters readers: I included the “Smart Meter Survival Kit” info, which I’m about to go put on our website – just give me a second!]. Time is of the essence! I will be posting this letter to our website, http://www.stopsmartmetersgeorgia.org, ASAP. I look forward to hearing from you.
The day they installed a smart meter, that night couldn’t sleep palms of my hands were tingling also. I sensed something was wrong. I called Edison, CPU, got no where. I bought an analog meter and gave them notice I was going to change the SM out. I didn’t hear from Edison so I changed the meter to the analog Sleeping well now. I locked the analog meter with a chain and put on a tag saying no smart meters. Edison left a notice on my door saying they could shut my power off if I don’t put a SM back on. I told them no way I’d rather go without electricity. All the trouble these idiots have caused, most of the power Co employees have no clue, like most jobs all they want is there pay checks and get the flock out of there. You try to stay healthy and fit and these idiots jeopardize your health. Did you ever see the people on the board of CPU? These meters at the very least cause head aches, like stuffed cotton in the brain and restless sleep. So they take the meter readers job away, no more human contact soon poeple will be afraid to go out side there houses Nazi Germany? Turning into a Police state?
The day they installed a smart meter, that night couldn’t sleep palms of my hands were tingling also. I sensed something was wrong. I called Edison, CPU, got no where. I bought an analog meter and gave them notice I was going to change the SM out. I didn’t hear from Edison so I changed the meter to the analog Sleeping well now. I locked the analog meter with a chain and put on a tag saying no smart meters. Edison left a notice on my door saying they could shut my power off if I don’t put a SM back on. I told them no way I’d rather go without electricity. All the trouble these idiots have caused, most of the power Co employees have no clue, like most jobs all they want is there pay checks and get the flock out of there. You try to stay healthy and fit and these idiots jeopardize your health. Did you ever see the people on the board of CPU? These meters at the very least cause head aches, like stuffed cotton in the brain and restless sleep. So they take the meter readers job away, no more human contact soon poeple will be afraid to go out side there houses Nazi Germany? Turning into a Police state?