Opposition to California Bills SB 556 and AB 537- URGENT ACTION NEEDED TO STOP TELECOM POWER GRAB

Sometimes when you are up against overwhelming odds against a corrupt system intent on depriving you of your rights of due process and health & safety, you need to get creative to get your message across. That’s what two guys did the other day in the California state senate, in order to draw attention to two bills quickly moving through the state legislature that would destroy local governments’ right to regulate 5G and other wireless infrastructure on the public right-of-way. Particularly alarming is how COVID is being used as a pretext to get these bills through with minimal public involvement. Watch the last 20 minutes of the video above, to get an idea of what we are facing, and how bold activists are raising the alarm. Now it’s your turn.

If you live in California, your urgent action is required to preserve local control over wireless cell siting decisions. Your options are now limited to the following if you want to avoid a 5G cell site going in 6 feet from your kids bedroom:

  1. Speak out now against these bills by going to Wire California


2. Prepare to take direct action and get arrested, with uncertain effect

If you don’t fancy being stuffed in the back of a patrol car with handcuffs, or having your health destroyed by Crown Castle or Verizon, I recommend you contact your state Senator and Assemblymember right away. Even better is to go to Sacramento and tell them in person. Thank you- we appreciate you making some noise on this one. Also, make sure to post this video on social media. Let’s make this go viral and put some grassroots pressure where it belongs- on the ruthless telecom industry and their lackeys. -Stop Smart Meters!

This entry was posted in 5G, California, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, health effects, legal issues, neighborhood organizing, radio-frequency radiation. Bookmark the permalink.

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