Author Archives: Josh Hart

San Bruno

Our hearts go out to the victims of the San Bruno tragedy, and their friends and families.

Posted in PG&E | 5 Comments

Typical Reaction to the Revelation That I Do Not Own a Cell Phone, By Year

I gave up my cell phone 3 months ago after finding out that virtually every study looking at long term heavy users that has not been funded by the industry shows a correlation between brain tumors and cell phone use.   … Continue reading

Posted in Cell phones | 2 Comments

Local Governments Take Back the Power: Watsonville Bares Teeth with Law Banning Smart Meters

Now normally, we try to keep things a little light, and not delve into lengthy legal documents here at Stop Smart Meters!  But after reviewing the ordinance that Watsonville passed unanimously on August 24th, we believe it is worth it … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, Health studies, PG&E | 3 Comments

“A Major Pain”: PG&E Tries to Suppress Electrical Interference Reports

Add to the growing list of ‘smart’ meter problems- electrical interference.  The San Jose Mercury reported yesterday that they have received dozens of complaints about interference with electronic equipment (such as baby monitors) from people’s new ‘smart’ meters.  What is … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, interference, PG&E | 10 Comments

Public Exposure: What You Don’t See CAN Hurt You

Still believe PG&E when they say that the Federal Communications Commission limits on EMF exposure will protect your health?  Watch this exposé produced by Marin County based Ecological Options Network.   Public Exposure: DNA, Democracy, and the Wireless Revolution- produced in … Continue reading

Posted in Democracy, Environmental Concerns, Health studies | 1 Comment