Author Archives: Josh Hart

We Discuss “Explosive Issue” of ‘Smart’ Meters on KSCO

Last Saturday, Stop Smart Meters! was invited onto the 2-hour Saturday Special on local  independent radio station KSCO to discuss our opposition to ‘smart’ meters.  You can stream the broadcast or download it here.  PG&E was invited to take part … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Health studies, PG&E | 7 Comments

Health Questions Loom Over Release of ‘Smart’ Meter Report

City and County Ordinances Challenge PG&E’s Undemocratic Assault on Ratepayers This morning, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) released the report of an investigation into widespread accusations that PG&E’s so-called ‘smart’ meters are inaccurate and routinely overcharge customers, finding that … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, Health studies, PG&E | 2 Comments

Video Coverage of Santa Cruz County Protests

Hot off the presses, our video engineers have been working overtime to bring you the latest coverage of the citizen uprising against smart meters that has been going on in Santa Cruz County.  Keep an eye out for those Wellington … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, PG&E | 8 Comments

Understanding Radio Frequency (Translated from the PG&ESE)

PG&E is facing increasing alarm and outrage from concerned citizens around the state who don’t understand how the company could inflict health damaging spikes of microwave radiation on the nice people of California without at least taking reasonable steps to … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Health studies, PG&E | 10 Comments

We Shut Down PG&E Smart Meter Installation in Santa Cruz County Today!

Come and join us tomorrow (Friday) morning and every morning until the County protects the citizens and passes an emergency ordinance banning ‘smart’ meters in Santa Cruz County.  Call your supervisor at (831) 454-2200 and demand that they act ASAP! … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, PG&E | 24 Comments